What is GANs?
GANs(Generative Adversarial Networks) are the models that used in unsupervised machine learning, implemented by a system of two neural networks competing against each other in a zero-sum game framework. It was introduced by Ian Goodfellow et al. in 2014.
(Credit: O’Reilly)
"The most important one, in my opinion, is adversarial training (also called GAN for Generative Adversarial Networks). This is an idea that was originally proposed by Ian Goodfellow when he was a student with Yoshua Bengio at the University of Montreal (he since moved to Google Brain and recently to OpenAI).
This, and the variations that are now being proposed is the most interesting idea in the last 10 years in ML, in my opinion."
(Facebook’s AI research director Yann LeCun)
What is this list?
The purpose of this repository is providing the curated list of the state-of-the-art works on the field of Generative Adversarial Networks since their introduction in 2014.
(Word cloud of Title)
(Word cloud of Category)
(Word cloud of Abbr. name)
This list provides a curated list that merged information from various GAN lists and repositories as below:
Reference repositories
- [GAN zoo] - A list of all named GANs! by hindupuravinash
- Delving deep into Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) [Delving] by GKalliatakis
- Awesome GAN for Medical Imaging [Medical] by xinario
- [Adversarial Nets Papers] The classic about Generative Adversarial Networks
- [Really Awesome GAN] by nightrome
- [GANs Paper Collection] by shawnyuen
- [GAN awesome applications] by nashory
- [GAN timeline] by dongb5
- [GAN comparison without cherry-picking] by khanrc
- Collection of generative models in [Keras], [Pytorch version], [Tensorflow version], [Chainer version]
- [Tensor layer]
- [Tensor pack]
You can also check out the same data in a tabular format with functionality to filter by year or do a quick search by title here.
Contributions for this repository are always welcome!!
Please contact me at hollobit@etri.re.kr or send a pull request. You can have to add links through pull requests or create an issue which something I missed or need to start a discussion.
All GANs
What's new
- Adversarial Spatio-Temporal Learning for Video Deblurring (No: 1530)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2019/1` `New, pubMed`
- 3D Fetal Skull Reconstruction from 2DUS via Deep Conditional Generative Networks (No: 1603)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Reconstruction` `New, MICCAI2018`
- A Cascaded Refinement GAN for Phase Contrast Microscopy Image Super Resolution (No: 1579)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Enhancement` `New, MICCAI2018`
- A Deeper Look at 3D Shape Classifiers (No: 1476)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, 3D`
- A Generative-Discriminative Basis Learning Framework to Predict Clinical Severity from Resting State Functional MRI Data (No: 1616)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Diagnosis` `New, MICCAI2018`
- A study on the use of Boundary Equilibrium GAN for Approximate Frontalization of Unconstrained Faces to aid in Surveillance (No: 1498)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- A3Net: Adversarial-and-Attention Network for Machine Reading Comprehension (No: 1455)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Training`
- Addressing Sample Inefficiency and Reward Bias in Inverse Reinforcement Learning (No: 1483)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, GAIL`
- Adversarial and Perceptual Refinement for Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction (No: 1556)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Reconstruction` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Adversarial Attack Type I: Generating False Positives (No: 1454)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Attack`
- Adversarial Attacks on Node Embeddings (No: 1459)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Attack`
- Adversarial Deformation Regularization for Training Image Registration Neural Networks (No: 1602)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Deformation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Adversarial Domain Adaptation for?Classification of Prostate Histopathology Whole-Slide Images (No: 1592)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Adaptation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Adversarial Domain Adaptation for?Classification of Prostate Histopathology Whole-Slide Images (No: 1601)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Adaptation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Adversarial Examples: Opportunities and Challenges (No: 1493)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Examples`
- Adversarial Feature Sampling Learning for Efficient Visual Tracking (No: 1490)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Adversarial Imitation via Variational Inverse Reinforcement Learning (No: 1507)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Adversarial Learning for Image Forensics Deep Matching with Atrous Convolution (No: 1482)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Adversarial Over-Sensitivity and Over-Stability Strategies for Dialogue Models (No: 1472)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, CoNLL2018`
- Adversarial Similarity Network for Evaluating Image Alignment in Deep Learning Based Registration (No: 1593)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Registration` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Adversarial Sparse-View CBCT Artifact Reduction (No: 1591)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Reduction` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Adversarial Text Generation via Feature-Mover's Distance (No: 1506)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Adversarial?Recommendation: Attack of the Learned Fake Users (No: 1620)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Adversarial?Training in Affective Computing and Sentiment Analysis: Recent Advances and Perspectives (No: 1623)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Anomaly Detection with Generative Adversarial Networks for Multivariate Time Series (No: 1491)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Anomaly`
- Are adversarial examples inevitable? (No: 1473)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- ASDNet: Attention Based Semi-supervised Deep Networks for Medical Image Segmentation (No: 1596)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Attacking Object Detectors via Imperceptible Patches on Background (No: 1502)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Attack`
- Attribute Enhanced Face Aging with Wavelet-based Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1509)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Attribute-Guided Face Generation Using Conditional CycleGAN (No: 1574)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018`
- AugGAN: Cross Domain Adaptation with GAN-based Data Augmentation (No: 1572)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018` `AugGAN`
- Autonomously and Simultaneously Refining Deep Neural Network Parameters by a Bi-Generative?Adversarial?Network Aided Genetic Algorithm (No: 1631)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Breast Mass Segmentation and Shape Classification in Mammograms Using Deep Neural Networks (No: 1466)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New`
- Btrfly Net: Vertebrae Labelling with Energy-Based Adversarial Learning of Local Spine Prior (No: 1595)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Learning` `New, MICCAI2018`
- BubGAN: Bubble Generative Adversarial Networks for Synthesizing Realistic Bubbly Flow Images (No: 1475)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Can machine learning assess trunk alignment directly from raw video? (No: 1522)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Survey` `New`
- Cardiac MR Motion Artefact Correction from K-space Using Deep Learning-Based Reconstruction (No: 1557)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Reconstruction` `New, MLMIR 2018`
- Chest X-ray Inpainting with Deep Generative Models (No: 1464)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Inpainting` `New, X-Ray`
- ClusterGAN : Latent Space Clustering in Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1485)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Metal Artifact Reduction in CT Images of the Ear (No: 1598)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Synthersize` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Coupled IGMM-GANs for deep multimodal anomaly detection in human mobility data (No: 1480)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, AAAI2018`
- Craniomaxillofacial Bony Structures Segmentation from MRI with Deep-Supervision Adversarial Learning (No: 1580)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- DADA: Deep Adversarial Data Augmentation for Extremely Low Data Regime Classification (No: 1458)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New` `DADA`
- Deep Adversarial Context-Aware Landmark Detection for Ultrasound Imaging (No: 1597)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Detection` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Deep Generative Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis (No: 1581)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Diagnosis` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Deep Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition (No: 1627)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Deep Recursive HDRI: Inverse Tone Mapping using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1577)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018`
- Defensive Dropout for Hardening Deep Neural Networks under Adversarial Attacks (No: 1497)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Attack, ICCAD2018`
- Dense Pose Transfer (No: 1468)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Distribution Matching Losses Can Hallucinate Features in Medical Image Translation (No: 1587)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Translation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Dose evaluation of fast synthetic-CT generation using a generative adversarial network for general pelvis MR-only radiotherapy (No: 1540)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2018/9` `Medical: Synthersize` `New, pubMed`
- Empty Cities: Image Inpainting for a Dynamic-Object-Invariant Space (No: 1630)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New,. ICRA`
- Entangled Conditional Adversarial Autoencoder for de Novo Drug Discovery (No: 1528)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/9` `Medical: Drug Discovery` `New, pubMed`
- ESRGAN: Enhanced Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1451)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018, PIRM2018-SR` `ESRGAN`
- ExplainGAN: Model Explanation via Decision Boundary Crossing Transformations (No: 1576)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018` `ExplainGAN`
- Factorised Spatial Representation Learning: Application in Semi-supervised Myocardial Segmentation (No: 1588)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Fast Geometrically-Perturbed?Adversarial?Faces (No: 1625)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Full-body High-resolution Anime Generation with Progressive Structure-conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1467)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018`
- GAN Lab: Understanding Complex Deep Generative Models using Interactive Visual Experimentation (No: 1465)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, IEEE VAST2018`
- GANs beyond divergence minimization (No: 1474)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2018/9` `New`
- GANs for generating EFT models (No: 1478)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- GANs for Medical Image Analysis (No: 1504)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Survey` `New`
- GANVO: Unsupervised Deep Monocular Visual Odometry and Depth Estimation with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1500)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Gated-GAN: Adversarial Gated Networks for Multi-Collection Style Transfer (No: 1526)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/9` `New, pubMed` `Gated-GAN`
- Generalizing Deep Models for Ultrasound Image Segmentation (No: 1590)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Generating 3D Adversarial Point Clouds (No: 1512)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, 3D`
- Generating Highly Realistic Images of Skin Lesions with GANs (No: 1463)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Generating` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Generating Informative and Diverse Conversational Responses via Adversarial Information Maximization (No: 1503)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Generative Adversarial Network in Medical Imaging: A Review (No: 1513)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Survey` `New, Review`
- Generative Adversarial Network with Spatial Attention for Face Attribute Editing (No: 1578)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018`
- Generative adversarial network-based image super-resolution using perceptual content losses (No: 1492)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018`
- Generative Discriminative Models for Multivariate Inference and Statistical Mapping in Medical Imaging (No: 1618)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Synthersize` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Generative Modeling and Inverse Imaging of Cardiac Transmembrane Potential (No: 1614)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Synthersize` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Generative Semantic Manipulation with Mask-Contrasting GAN (No: 1570)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018`
- Generative?Adversarial?Active Learning for Unsupervised Outlier Detection (No: 1636)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, IEEE`
- Geometry-Consistent Adversarial Networks for One-Sided Unsupervised Domain Mapping (No: 1501)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Global and Local Consistent Wavelet-domain Age Synthesis (No: 1619)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- High-Dimensional Bayesian Optimization of Personalized Cardiac Model Parameters via an Embedded Generative Model (No: 1613)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Modeling` `New, MICCAI2018`
- IDSGAN: Generative Adversarial Networks for Attack Generation against Intrusion Detection (No: 1471)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New` `IDSGAN`
- Image Manipulation with Perceptual Discriminators (No: 1462)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018`
- Image Reconstruction by Splitting Deep Learning Regularization from Iterative Inversion (No: 1586)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Reconstruction` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Image Super-Resolution via Deterministic-Stochastic Synthesis and Local Statistical Rectification (No: 1508)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, SIGGRAPH Asia 2018`
- Improving Adversarial Discriminative Domain Adaptation (No: 1484)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Incorporating?GAN?for Negative Sampling in Knowledge Representation Learning (No: 1637)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, AAAI2018`
- Incremental?Adversarial?Learning for Optimal Path Planning (No: 1626)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Keep and Learn: Continual Learning by Constraining the Latent Space for Knowledge Preservation in Neural Networks (No: 1609)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Learning` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Large Scale?GAN?Training for High Fidelity Natural Image Synthesis (No: 1638)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Learning Interpretable Anatomical Features Through Deep Generative Models: Application to Cardiac Remodeling (No: 1612)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Learning` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Learning Invariances for Policy Generalization (No: 1477)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Learning Shape Priors for Single-View 3D Completion and Reconstruction (No: 1496)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018`
- Learning to Detect Fake Face Images in the Wild (No: 1622)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, IEEE IS3CC 2018`
- Locality Adaptive Multi-modality GANs for High-Quality PET Image Synthesis (No: 1608)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Synthesize` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Memory Replay GANs: learning to generate images from new categories without forgetting (No: 1469)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, NIPS2018`
- Morpho-MNIST: Quantitative Assessment and Diagnostics for Representation Learning (No: 1635)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New` `Morpho-MNIST`
- MULDEF: Multi-model-based Defense Against Adversarial Examples for Neural Networks (No: 1448)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Attack`
- Multi-channel Generative Adversarial Network for Parallel Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction in K-space (No: 1583)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Reconstruction` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Multi-task SonoEyeNet: Detection of Fetal Standardized Planes Assisted by Generated Sonographer Attention Maps (No: 1585)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Detection` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Multi-View Frame Reconstruction with Conditional?GAN (No: 1634)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, IEEE`
- MuTGAN: Simultaneous Segmentation and Quantification of Myocardial Infarction Without Contrast Agents via Joint Adversarial Learning (No: 1600)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, MICCAI2018` `MuTGAN`
- Neural Animation and Reenactment of Human Actor Videos (No: 1486)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/9` `New`
- OffsetNet: Deep Learning for Localization in the Lung using Rendered Images (No: 1499)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- On the Learning Dynamics of Deep Neural Networks (No: 1510)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Learning`
- On The Utility of Conditional?Generation?Based Mutual Information for Characterizing?Adversarial?Subspaces (No: 1624)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, IEEE GlobalSIP 2018`
- Open Set Adversarial Examples (No: 1479)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Examples`
- Parametric Synthesis of Text on Stylized Backgrounds using PGGANs (No: 1621)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- PathGAN: Visual Scanpath Prediction with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1453)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018, EPIC, ICME2018` `PathGAN`
- Query-Efficient Black-Box Attack by Active Learning (No: 1494)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Attack`
- Random Occlusion-recovery for Person Re-identification (No: 1628)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- ReenactGAN: Learning to Reenact Faces via Boundary Transfer (No: 1571)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018` `ReenactGAN`
- RefocusGAN: Scene Refocusing using a Single Image (No: 1575)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018` `RefocusGAN`
- Representation Learning by Rotating Your Faces (No: 1527)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/9` `Medical: Representation` `New, pubMed`
- Respiratory Motion Modelling Using cGANs (No: 1607)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Modeling` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Retinal Vessel Segmentation under Extreme Low Annotation: A Generative Adversarial Network Approach (No: 1460)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New`
- Retrieval-Enhanced Adversarial Training for Neural Response Generation (No: 1488)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Retrospective correction of Rigid and Non-Rigid MR motion artifacts using GANs (No: 1505)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Correction` `New, MR`
- Robust Iris Segmentation Based on Fully Convolutional Networks and Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1456)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, SIBGRAPI2018`
- SALSA-TEXT : self attentive latent space based?adversarial?text?generation (No: 1639)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ICLR2019` `SALSA-TEXT`
- Sample-Efficient Imitation Learning via Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 1470)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Security and Protocol Exploit Analysis of the 5G Specifications (No: 1511)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Attack`
- Semi-supervised Learning on Graphs with Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 1449)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, CIKM2018`
- SiftingGAN: Generating and Sifting Labeled Samples to Improve the Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification Baseline in vitro (No: 1495)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- SOD-MTGAN: Small Object Detection via Multi-Task Generative Adversarial Network (No: 1569)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018` `SOD-MTGAN`
- Sparse-View CT Reconstruction Using Wasserstein GANs (No: 1555)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Reconstruction` `New, MLMIR 2018`
- Stochastic Deep Compressive Sensing for the Reconstruction of Diffusion Tensor Cardiac MRI (No: 1611)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Reconstruction` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Structure-Preserving Transformation: Generating Diverse and Transferable Adversarial Examples (No: 1481)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Structured Deep Generative Model of fMRI Signals for Mental Disorder Diagnosis (No: 1617)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Inference` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Sub-GAN: An Unsupervised Generative Model via Subspaces (No: 1573)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018` `Sub-GAN`
- Subject2Vec: Generative-Discriminative Approach from a Set of Image Patches to a Vector (No: 1615)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Prediction` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Symbolic Music Genre Transfer with CycleGAN (No: 1514)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Synthesizing Missing PET from MRI with Cycle-consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for Alzheimer��s Disease Diagnosis (No: 1599)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Synthersize` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Temporal Correlation Structure Learning for MCI Conversion Prediction (No: 1605)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Prediction` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Temporally Coherent Video Harmonization Using Adversarial Networks (No: 1461)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Learning`
- The Inductive Bias of Restricted f-GANs (No: 1489)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Towards Automatic Report Generation in Spine Radiology Using Weakly Supervised Framework (No: 1604)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Generation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Towards Generating Personalized Volumetric Phantom from Patient��s Surface Geometry (No: 1589)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Generation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Transforming acoustic characteristics to deceive playback spoofing countermeasures of speaker verification systems (No: 1487)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, WIFS2018`
- Tumor-Aware, Adversarial Domain Adaptation from CT to MRI for Lung Cancer Segmentation (No: 1582)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Twin-GAN -- Unpaired Cross-Domain Image Translation with Weight-Sharing GANs (No: 1457)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New` `Twin-GAN`
- Uncertainty in Multitask Learning: Joint Representations for Probabilistic MR-only Radiotherapy Planning (No: 1610)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Representation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Unpaired Brain MR-to-CT Synthesis using a Structure-Constrained CycleGAN (No: 1558)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: LD-CT` `New`
- Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Automatic Estimation of Cardiothoracic Ratio (No: 1594)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Adaptation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Unsupervised Image Super-Resolution using Cycle-in-Cycle Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1452)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Super Resolution`
- Unsupervised Person Image Synthesis in Arbitrary Poses (No: 1632)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, CVPR2018`
- Unsupervised?Adversarial?Invariance (No: 1629)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, NIPS2018`
- Vector Learning for Cross Domain Representations (No: 1633)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, IEEE AIPR 2017`
- VoxelAtlasGAN: 3D Left Ventricle Segmentation on Echocardiography with Atlas Guided Generation and Voxel-to-Voxel Discrimination (No: 1606)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, MICCAI2018` `VoxelAtlasGAN`
- Which Way Round? A Study on the Performance of Stain-Translation for Segmenting Arbitrarily Dyed Histological Images (No: 1584)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Why is unsupervised alignment of English embeddings from different algorithms so hard? (No: 1450)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, EMNLP2018`
- A Sensor Image Dehazing Algorithm Based on Feature Learning (No: 1541)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/8` `New, pubMed`
- Adversarial Coordination on Social Networks (No: 1392)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Adversarial Geometry and Lighting using a Differentiable Renderer (No: 1400)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Adversarial Personalized Ranking for Recommendation (No: 1407)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2018/8` `New, SIGIR2018`
- Adversarial Sampling for Active Learning (No: 1426)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, Attack`
- Adversarial training for multi-context joint entity and relation extraction (No: 1428)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, EMNLP 2018`
- Adversarial Vision Challenge (No: 1397)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/8` `New, Attack`
- Adversarially Regularising Neural NLI Models to Integrate Logical Background Knowledge (No: 1440)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, CoNLL2018`
- Agnostic Domain Generalization (No: 1389)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, Attack`
- AnatomyNet: Deep 3D Squeeze-and-excitation U-Nets for fast and fully automated whole-volume anatomical segmentation (No: 1524)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `Medical: Segmentation` `New` `AnatomyNet`
- Android HIV: A Study of Repackaging Malware for Evading Machine-Learning Detection (No: 1410)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, Attack` `AndroidHIV`
- Anomaly Detection via Minimum Likelihood Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1386)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Are You Tampering With My Data? (No: 1427)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, Attack`
- Ask, Acquire, and Attack: Data-free UAP Generation using Class Impressions (No: 1391)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, ECCV2018`
- Automatic Detection of Vague Words and Sentences in Privacy Policies (No: 1423)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, Attack`
- Backdoor Embedding in Convolutional Neural Network Models via Invisible Perturbation (No: 1445)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, Attack`
- Comparing Attention-based Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks: Success and Limitations in Machine Reading Comprehension (No: 1442)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, CoNLL2018`
- Controllable Image-to-Video Translation: A Case Study on Facial Expression Generation (No: 1401)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, Translation`
- Controlling Over-generalization and its Effect on Adversarial Examples Generation and Detection (No: 1437)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Cross-view image synthesis using geometry-guided conditional GANs (No: 1420)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- CT Super-resolution GAN Constrained by the Identical, Residual, and Cycle Learning Ensemble(GAN-CIRCLE) (No: 1553)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `Medical: Detection` `New`
- Data Poisoning Attacks against Online Learning (No: 1444)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, Attack`
- Deep learning: Using machine learning to study biological vision (No: 1521)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `Medical: Synthersize` `New`
- Deep Portrait Image Completion and Extrapolation (No: 1434)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- DeepWrinkles: Accurate and Realistic Clothing Modeling (No: 1406)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, ECCV2018`
- Denoising Adversarial Autoencoders (No: 1535)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/8` `Medical: Synthersize` `New, pubMed`
- Denoising of 3-D Magnetic Resonance Images Using a Residual Encoder-Decoder Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network (No: 1554)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `Medical: Detection` `New, 3D`
- Detection of Deep Network Generated Images Using Disparities in Color Components (No: 1430)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Distributional Multivariate Policy Evaluation and Exploration with the Bellman GAN (No: 1396)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Distributionally Adversarial Attack (No: 1421)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, Attack`
- Diverse Conditional Image Generation by Stochastic Regression with Latent Drop-Out Codes (No: 1390)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- DOPING: Generative Data Augmentation for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with GAN (No: 1433)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `Medical: Detection` `New, Anomaly` `DOPING`
- Escaping from Collapsing Modes in a Constrained Space (No: 1429)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, ECC2018`
- Facial Information Recovery from Heavily Damaged Images using Generative Adversarial Network- PART 1 (No: 1443)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- GAN Lab: Understanding Complex Deep Generative Models using Interactive Visual Experimentation (No: 1536)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/8` `Medical: Survey` `New, pubMed`
- Gaussian Mixture Generative Adversarial Networks for Diverse Datasets, and the Unsupervised Clustering of Images (No: 1446)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, Attack`
- Generating Text through Adversarial Training using Skip-Thought Vectors (No: 1441)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Generative Adversarial Estimation of Channel Covariance in Vehicular Millimeter Wave Systems (No: 1399)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, ACSSC2018`
- Generative Adversarial Frontal View to Bird View Synthesis (No: 1387)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, 3DV2018, 3D`
- Generative Invertible Networks (GIN): Pathophysiology-Interpretable Feature Mapping and Virtual Patient Generation (No: 1413)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `Medical: Generation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Generative Zero-Shot Learning via Low-Rank Embedded Semantic Dictionary (No: 1532)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/8` `New, pubMed`
- GestureGAN for Hand Gesture-to-Gesture Translation in the Wild (No: 1417)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, MM2018` `GestureGAN`
- Global Convergence to the Equilibrium of GANs using Variational Inequalities (No: 1393)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Gray-box Adversarial Training (No: 1395)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, ECCV2018`
- High Quality Facial Surface and Texture Synthesis via Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1436)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, ECCV GMDL workshop 2018`
- How many labeled license plates are needed? (No: 1438)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- ID Preserving Generative Adversarial Network for Partial Latent Fingerprint Reconstruction (No: 1384)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, BTAS2018`
- Improved ArtGAN for Conditional Synthesis of Natural Image and Artwork (No: 1534)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/8` `New, pubMed`
- Improving Conditional Sequence Generative Adversarial Networks by Stepwise Evaluation (No: 1422)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Inner Space Preserving Generative Pose Machine (No: 1398)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, ECCV2018`
- Is Machine Learning in Power Systems Vulnerable? (No: 1435)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, Attack, IEEE SmartGridComm2018`
- Multi-modal Cycle-consistent Generalized Zero-Shot Learning (No: 1385)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, ECCV2018`
- On the Decision Boundary of Deep Neural Networks (No: 1419)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2018/8` `New, Attack`
- On-line Adaptative Curriculum Learning for GANs (No: 1383)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Overcoming Missing and Incomplete Modalities with Generative Adversarial Networks for Building Footprint Segmentation (No: 1404)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Painting Outside the Box: Image Outpainting with GANs (No: 1439)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Paired 3D Model Generation with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1402)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, 3D`
- Physics-Based Generative Adversarial Models for Image Restoration and Beyond (No: 1388)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Real-time Deep Pose Estimation with Geodesic Loss for Image-to-Template Rigid Registration (No: 1533)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/8` `New, pubMed`
- Realistic in silico generation and augmentation of single cell RNA-seq data using Generative Adversarial Neural Networks (No: 1516)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `Medical: Augmentation` `New`
- Recycle-GAN: Unsupervised Video Retargeting (No: 1418)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/8` `New, ECCV2018` `Recycle-GAN`
- Rethinking Monocular Depth Estimation with Adversarial Training (No: 1431)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Rhythm-Flexible Voice Conversion without Parallel Data Using Cycle-GAN over Phoneme Posteriorgram Sequences (No: 1403)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, STL2018`
- Risk-Sensitive Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (No: 1412)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- ScarGAN: Chained Generative Adversarial Networks to Simulate Pathological Tissue on Cardiovascular MR Scans (No: 1414)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, MICCAI DLMIA 2018` `ScarGAN`
- SciSports: Learning football kinematics through two-dimensional tracking data (No: 1416)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Semi-Supervised Generative Adversarial Nets with Multiple Generators for SAR Image Recognition (No: 1537)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/8` `Medical: Recognition` `New, pubMed`
- Spine-GAN: Semantic segmentation of multiple spinal structures (No: 1531)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/8` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, pubMed`
- Stochastic Combinatorial Ensembles for Defending Against Adversarial Examples (No: 1425)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, Attack`
- Structured Adversarial Attack: Towards General Implementation and Better Interpretability (No: 1394)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Text-to-Image-to-Text Translation using Cycle Consistent Adversarial Networks (No: 1415)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Towards Audio to Scene Image Synthesis using Generative Adversarial Network (No: 1409)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- TreeGAN: Syntax-Aware Sequence Generation with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1432)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New` `TreeGAN`
- Unsupervised learning for cross-domain medical image synthesis using deformation invariant cycle consistency networks (No: 1408)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- User-Guided Deep Anime Line Art Colorization with Conditional Adversarial Networks (No: 1405)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, MM2018`
- Video-to-Video Synthesis (No: 1424)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2018/8` `New`
- Whispered-to-voiced Alaryngeal Speech Conversion with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1447)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- X-GANs: Image Reconstruction Made Easy for Extreme Cases (No: 1411)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New` `X-GANs`
- 3D-Aided Dual-Agent GANs for Unconstrained Face Recognition (No: 1545)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/7` `New, pubMed`
- A general metric for identifying adversarial images (No: 1372)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Adaptive Adversarial Attack on Scene Text Recognition (No: 1318)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Attack`
- Adversarial Open-World Person Re-Identification (No: 1374)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, ECCV2018`
- Airline Passenger Name Record Generation using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1337)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, ICML2018`
- AlphaGAN: Generative adversarial networks for natural image matting (No: 1370)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, BMVC2018` `AlphaGAN`
- Auto-Context R-CNN (No: 1315)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, ECCV2018, Attack`
- Automated Treatment Planning in Radiation Therapy using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1335)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Batch Effect Removal via Batch-Free Encoding (No: 1518)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Synthesize` `New`
- Benchmarking Neural Network Robustness to Common Corruptions and Surface Variations (No: 1310)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2018/7` `New, Robustness`
- Channel Agnostic End-to-End Learning based Communication Systems with Conditional GAN (No: 1308)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Compositional GAN: Learning Conditional Image Composition (No: 1345)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Conditional Infilling GANs for Data Augmentation in Mammogram Classification (No: 1351)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Classification` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Content-Aware Image Restoration: Pushing the Limits of Fluorescence Microscopy (No: 1525)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Restoration\` `New`
- CT Image Enhancement Using Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks and Transfer Learning for Lesion Segmentation Improvement (No: 1341)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Enhancement` `New, MLMI2018`
- CT-GAN: Conditional Transformation Generative Adversarial Network for Image Attribute Modification (No: 1328)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New` `CT-GAN`
- Deep Generative Adversarial Neural Networks for Compressive Sensing (GANCS) MRI (No: 1544)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/7` `Medical: MRI` `New, pubMed` `GANCS`
- Deep Learning for Imbalance Data Classification using Class Expert Generative Adversarial Network (No: 1325)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Deep Learning for Launching and Mitigating Wireless Jamming Attacks (No: 1313)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Attack`
- Deep Structured Generative Models (No: 1320)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Differentially-Private "Draw and Discard" Machine Learning (No: 1324)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Doubly Stochastic Adversarial Autoencoder (No: 1346)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Dropout-GAN: Learning from a Dynamic Ensemble of Discriminators (No: 1379)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, KDD2018`
- Editable Generative Adversarial Networks: Generating and Editing Faces Simultaneously (No: 1347)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Explainable Learning: Implicit Generative Modelling during Training for Adversarial Robustness (No: 1311)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Explainable`
- Exploring Robust Property Preservation for Secure Compilation (No: 1326)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, POPL2019`
- Fooling the classifier: Ligand antagonism and adversarial examples (No: 1517)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Classification` `New`
- From Adversarial Training to Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1373)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, NIPS2018`
- GANimation: Anatomically-aware Facial Animation from a Single Image (No: 1362)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, ECCV2018` `GANimation`
- GEESE: Metabolically driven latent space learning for gene expression data (No: 1523)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Gene` `New` `GEESE`
- Gender Privacy: An Ensemble of Semi Adversarial Networks for Confounding Arbitrary Gender Classifiers (No: 1382)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, BTAS2018`
- Generalization Bounds for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Mapping with WGANs (No: 1358)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Generating objects going well with the surroundings (No: 1316)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Generating Realistic Morphologies of Neurons in Rodent Hippocampus with DCGAN (No: 1519)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Synthesize` `New`
- Generative Adversarial Imitation from Observation (No: 1334)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Generative adversarial interpolative autoencoding: adversarial training on latent space interpolations encourage convex latent distributions (No: 1336)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Generative Adversarial Networks for MR-CT Deformable Image Registration (No: 1343)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Synthersize` `New, CT, MR`
- Generative adversarial networks simulate gene expression and predict perturbations in single cells (No: 1515)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Representation` `New`
- Generative Adversarial Networks with Decoder-Encoder Output Noise (No: 1321)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Generative Adversarial Privacy (No: 1330)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Privacy`
- Generative Probabilistic Novelty Detection with Adversarial Autoencoders (No: 1314)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Detection`
- Gradient Band-based Adversarial Training for Generalized Attack Immunity of A3C Path Finding (No: 1340)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Attack`
- Harmonic Adversarial Attack Method (No: 1375)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Attack`
- How good is my GAN? (No: 1366)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, ECCV2018`
- Human Sensitivity to Perturbations Constrained by a Model of the Natural Image Manifold (No: 1520)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Synthesize` `New`
- Improved Training with Curriculum GANs (No: 1363)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Training`
- Improving Automatic Skin Lesion Segmentation using Adversarial Learning based Data Augmentation (No: 1357)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Segmentation` `New`
- Improving resolution of MR images with an adversarial network incorporating images with different contrast (No: 1551)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/7` `Medical: Enhancement` `New, pubMed`
- Invisible Steganography via Generative Adversarial Network (No: 1360)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- LAPRAN: A Scalable Laplacian Pyramid Reconstructive Adversarial Network for Flexible Compressive Sensing Reconstruction (No: 1365)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New` `LAPRAN`
- Lead Sheet Generation and Arrangement by Conditional Generative Adversarial Network (No: 1378)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Learning Discriminative Video Representations Using Adversarial Perturbations (No: 1364)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, ECCV2018`
- Learning Implicit Generative Models by Teaching Explicit Ones (No: 1319)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Learning`
- Macro-Micro Adversarial Network for Human Parsing (No: 1354)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, ECCV2018`
- Manifold Adversarial Learning (No: 1332)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, NIPS2018`
- Manifold regularization with GANs for semi-supervised learning (No: 1323)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Medical Image Synthesis for Data Augmentation and Anonymization using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1371)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Synthesize` `New, SASHIMI2018`
- Motivating the Rules of the Game for Adversarial Example Research (No: 1339)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Attack`
- Multi-Agent Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (No: 1368)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Multi-temporal Sentinel-1 and -2 Data Fusion for Optical Image Simulation (No: 1369)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Noise Adaptive Speech Enhancement using Domain Adversarial Training (No: 1344)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- On catastrophic forgetting and mode collapse in Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1322)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Online Robust Policy Learning in the Presence of Unknown Adversaries (No: 1333)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Attack`
- Peeking Behind Objects: Layered Depth Prediction from a Single Image (No: 1361)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Persuasive Faces: Generating Faces in Advertisements (No: 1367)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, BMVC2018`
- Photorealistic Video Super Resolution (No: 1350)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Super Resolution`
- Physical Adversarial Examples for Object Detectors (No: 1348)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, WOOT2018`
- Pioneer Networks: Progressively Growing Generative Autoencoder (No: 1317)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Pose Guided Human Video Generation (No: 1377)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, ECCV2018`
- Quantum Generative Adversarial Learning (No: 1542)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/7` `New, pubMed`
- Query-Conditioned Three-Player Adversarial Network for Video Summarization (No: 1338)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, BMVC2018`
- Sequence to Logic with Copy and Cache (No: 1342)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Attack`
- SiGAN: Siamese Generative Adversarial Network for Identity-Preserving Face Hallucination (No: 1355)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New` `SiGAN`
- Simultaneous Adversarial Training - Learn from Others Mistakes (No: 1352)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Singing Style Transfer Using Cycle-Consistent Boundary Equilibrium Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1312)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, ICML workshop 2018`
- Specular-to-Diffuse Translation for Multi-View Reconstruction (No: 1331)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, ECC2018`
- State-of-the-art and gaps for deep learning on limited training data in remote sensing (No: 1381)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, IGARSS2018`
- Stochastic Layer-Wise Precision in Deep Neural Networks (No: 1309)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Attack, UAI2018`
- Synthesizing retinal and neuronal images with generative adversarial nets (No: 1547)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/7` `Medical: Cell` `New, pubMed`
- Talking Face Generation by Adversarially Disentangled Audio-Visual Representation (No: 1349)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/7` `New`
- TequilaGAN: How to easily identify GAN samples (No: 1329)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New` `TequilaGAN`
- The GAN Landscape: Losses, Architectures, Regularization, and Normalization (No: 1327)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New` `GANLandscape`
- To learn image super-resolution, use a GAN to learn how to do image degradation first (No: 1380)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, ECCV2018`
- Towards Distributed Coevolutionary GANs (No: 1353)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, AAAI2018`
- Towards Privacy-Preserving Visual Recognition via Adversarial Training: A Pilot Study (No: 1356)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Unsupervised Adversarial Depth Estimation using Cycled Generative Networks (No: 1376)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, 3DV2018, 3D`
- Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Facial Expression Recognition Using GenerativeAdversarial Networks (No: 1539)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/7` `New, pubMed`
- Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation with Stacked Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks (No: 1359)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, ECCV2018`
- Unsupervised Learning For Cell-level Visual Representation with Generative AdversarialNetworks (No: 1548)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/7` `Medical: Representation` `New, pubMed`
- Video Captioning by Adversarial LSTM (No: 1546)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/7` `Medical: Synthersize` `New, pubMed`
- An Effective Image Denoising Method for UAV Images via Improved Generative AdversarialNetworks (No: 1549)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/6` `Medical: Denoising` `New, pubMed`
- Cycle Consistent Adversarial Denoising Network for Multiphase Coronary CT Angiography (No: 1567)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Reconstruction` `New`
- Deep learning enhancement of infrared face images using generative adversarial networks (No: 1538)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2018/6` `New, pubMed`
- Fully Convolutional Networks and Generative Adversarial Networks Applied to Sclera Segmentation (No: 1307)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, BTAS2018`
- GANViz: A Visual Analytics Approach to Understand the Adversarial Game (No: 1552)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/6` `Medical: Analyze` `New, pubMed` `GANViz`
- Generative Adversarial Networks for Image-to-Image Translation on Multi-Contrast MR Images-A Comparison of CycleGAN and UNIT (No: 1562)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2018/6` `Medical: Translation` `New, MR`
- Generative Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Object Co-localization (No: 1300)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `New`
- Image Translation by Domain-Adversarial Training (No: 1543)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/6` `Medical: Translation` `New, pubMed`
- KinshipGAN: Synthesizing of Kinship Faces From Family Photos by Regularizing a Deep Face Network (No: 1306)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `New` `KinshipGAN`
- Laplacian Smoothing Gradient Descent (No: 1305)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `New, Training`
- Monge beats Bayes: Hardness Results for Adversarial Training (No: 1304)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `New, Training`
- NAM: Non-Adversarial Unsupervised Domain Mapping (No: 1301)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `New, ECCV2018` `NAM`
- Reinforced Adversarial Neural Computer for de Novo Molecular Design (No: 1550)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/6` `New, pubMed`
- Retinal Image Synthesis for CAD Development (No: 1568)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Synthersize` `New`
- Semantic-Aware Generative Adversarial Nets for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Chest X-ray Segmentation (No: 1561)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, Chest X-ray`
- SoPhie: An Attentive GAN for Predicting Paths Compliant to Social and Physical Constraints (No: 1302)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `New`
- Training Generative Reversible Networks (No: 1303)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2018/6` `New`
- Unsupervised Detection of Lesions in Brain MRI using constrained adversarial auto-encoders (No: 1564)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Detection` `New`
- 3-D Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network for Low-Dose CT via Transfer Learning From a 2-D Trained Network (No: 1064)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2018/5` `Medical: Synthersize` `New, 3D, LD-CT`
- Altered Fingerprints: Detection and Localization (No: 1291)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `New`
- Approximating the Void: Learning Stochastic Channel Models from Observation with Variational Generative AdversarialNetworks (No: 1293)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `New`
- AutoZOOM: Autoencoder-based Zeroth Order Optimization Method for Attacking Black-box Neural Networks (No: 1298)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `New, Attack` `AutoZOOM`
- AVID: Adversarial Visual Irregularity Detection (No: 1296)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `New` `AVID`
- Constructing Unrestricted Adversarial Examples with Generative Models (No: 1295)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `New, NIPS2018`
- Deep learning approach to Fourier ptychographic microscopy (No: 1288)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Medical: Improve` `New, Bio`
- GANomaly: Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection via Adversarial Training (No: 1294)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Medical: Detection` `New, Anomaly`
- MC-GAN: Multi-conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Image Synthesis (No: 1292)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `New, BMVC2018` `MC-GAN`
- Multi-turn Dialogue Response Generation in an Adversarial Learning Framework (No: 1297)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `New, Learning`
- Reconstruction of Simulation-Based Physical Field by Reconstruction Neural Network Method (No: 1289)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `New`
- Sequential Attacks on Agents for Long-Term Adversarial Goals (No: 1299)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `New`
- Structure-sensitive Multi-scale Deep Neural Network for Low-Dose CT Denoising (No: 1290)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Medical: LD-CT` `New`
- Adversarial Spatio-Temporal Learning for Video Deblurring (No: 1275)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `New, TIP`
- Adversarial Training Versus Weight Decay (No: 1277)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `New, Training`
- Beyond Narrative Description: Generating Poetry from Images by Multi-Adversarial Training (No: 1283)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `New, Training`
- Coloring with Words: Guiding Image Colorization Through Text-based Palette Generation (No: 1279)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `New, ECCV2018`
- CRAFT: Complementary Recommendations Using Adversarial Feature Transformer (No: 1287)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `New` `CRAFT`
- Learning Disentangled Representations of Texts with Application to Biomedical Abstracts (No: 1282)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Representation` `New, EMNLP2018`
- Low Resource Black-Box End-to-End Attack Against State of the Art API Call Based Malware Classifiers (No: 1284)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `New, Attack, ACSAC2018`
- No Metrics Are Perfect: Adversarial Reward Learning for Visual Storytelling (No: 1285)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `New, Learning`
- Open Set Domain Adaptation by Backpropagation (No: 1286)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `New, Training`
- Ranking CGANs: Subjective Control over Semantic Image Attributes (No: 1278)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `New`
- ShapeShifter: Robust Physical Adversarial Attack on Faster R-CNN Object Detector (No: 1280)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `New, Attack`
- Simulation-based Adversarial Test Generation for Autonomous Vehicles with Machine Learning Components (No: 1281)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `New, IV2018`
- Stain normalization of histopathology images using generative adversarial networks (No: 1565)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Normalization` `New, ISBI2018`
- Understanding Humans in Crowded Scenes: Deep Nested Adversarial Learning and A New Benchmark for Multi-Human Parsing (No: 1276)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `New`
- Unsupervised Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation of ConvNets for Biomedical Image Segmentations with Adversarial Loss (No: 1560)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Segmentation` `New`
- A Dual Approach to Scalable Verification of Deep Networks (No: 1267)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `New`
- Adaptive Affinity Fields for Semantic Segmentation (No: 1273)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `New, ECCV2018`
- DeepGauge: Multi-Granularity Testing Criteria for Deep Learning Systems (No: 1270)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `New, Attack`
- Dist-GAN: An Improved GAN using Distance Constraints (No: 1272)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `New, Training, ECCV2018` `Dist-GAN`
- DYAN: A Dynamical Atoms-Based Network for Video Prediction (No: 1269)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `New` `DYAN`
- Improving DNN Robustness to Adversarial Attacks using Jacobian Regularization (No: 1271)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `New, Attack`
- Learning Generative Models of Tissue Organization with Supervised GANs (No: 1529)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/3` `Medical: Generating` `New, pubMed`
- Maintaining Natural Image Statistics with the Contextual Loss (No: 1265)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `New, Training`
- Real-time Deep Pose Estimation with Geodesic Loss for Image-to-Template Rigid Registration (No: 1266)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `New`
- The History Began from AlexNet: A Comprehensive Survey on Deep Learning Approaches (No: 1264)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `New`
- Towards Open-Set Identity Preserving Face Synthesis (No: 1274)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `New, CVPR2018`
- VGAN-Based Image Representation Learning for Privacy-Preserving Facial Expression Recognition (No: 1268)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `New`
- CC-GAN A Robust Transfer-Learning Framework for HEp-2 Specimen Image Segmentation (No: 1559)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/2` `Medical: Segmentation` `New`
- Dense 3D Object Reconstruction from a Single Depth View (No: 1260)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2018/2` `New, 3DP, TPAMI2018`
- DP-GAN: Diversity-Promoting Generative Adversarial Network for Generating Informative and Diversified Text (No: 1261)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2` `New, EMNLP2018` `DP-GAN`
- L2-Nonexpansive Neural Networks (No: 1263)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2` `New, Attack`
- Online Detection of Action Start in Untrimmed, Streaming Videos (No: 1262)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2` `New`
- Deep Structured Energy-Based Image Inpainting (No: 1258)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1` `New, ICPR2018`
- Generalizable Data-free Objective for Crafting Universal Adversarial Perturbations (No: 1259)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2018/1` `New`
- MRI Cross-Modality NeuroImage-to-NeuroImage Translation (No: 1257)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1` `Medical: Translation` `New`
- Non-Adversarial Unsupervised Word Translation (No: 1256)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1` `New, EMNLP2018`
- A+D Net: Training a Shadow Detector with Adversarial Shadow Attenuation (No: 1252)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `New`
- Adversarial Examples: Attacks and Defenses for Deep Learning (No: 1254)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2017/12` `New, ECCV2018`
- Composition-Aided Face Photo-Sketch Synthesis (No: 1249)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `New`
- CycleGAN Face-off (No: 1253)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2017/12` `New`
- Layer-wise Learning of Stochastic Neural Networks with Information Bottleneck (No: 1251)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `New`
- Using LIP to Gloss Over Faces in Single-Stage Face Detection Networks (No: 1255)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `New, ECCV2018`
- Wasserstein Divergence for GANs (No: 1250)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `New, ECCV2018`
- Adversarial Attacks Beyond the Image Space (No: 1243)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `New`
- AttGAN: Facial Attribute Editing by Only Changing What You Want (No: 1246)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2017/11` `New` `AttGAN`
- Easy High-Dimensional Likelihood-Free Inference (No: 1248)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `New`
- How Generative Adversarial Networks and Their Variants Work: An Overview of GAN (No: 1242)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `New`
- Image Generation from Sketch Constraint Using Contextual GAN (No: 1244)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `New`
- On the Robustness of Semantic Segmentation Models to Adversarial Attacks (No: 1245)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `New, CVPR2018`
- Unpaired Photo-to-Caricature Translation on Faces in the Wild (No: 1247)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `New`
- Polyphonic Music Generation with Sequence Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1241)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `New`
- Joint Optic Disc and Cup Segmentation using Fully Convolutional and Adversarial Networks (No: 1566)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2017/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, OMIA2017`
- Learning with Opponent-Learning Awareness (No: 1239)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `New`
- Microscopy Cell Segmentation via Adversarial Neural Networks (No: 1240)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `New, ISBI2018`
- Improved ArtGAN for Conditional Synthesis of Natural Image and Artwork (No: 1238)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `New, T-IP` `ImprovedArtGAN`
- Generative adversarial learning for reducing manual annotation in semantic segmentation on large scale miscroscopy images: Automated vessel segmentation in retinal fundus image as test case (No: 1563)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, CVPRW2017`
- AM-GAN: Improved Usage of Class-Labels in Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 1237)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/3` `New, ICLR2018` `AM-GAN`
- SalGAN: Visual Saliency Prediction with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1236)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/1` `New, CVIU` `SalGAN`
- Coupled generative adversarial stacked Auto-encoder: CoGASA (No: 695)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2018/` `CoGASA`
- Fine-Tuning Neural Patient Question Retrieval Model with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 969)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/` `Medical: Enhancement` `Medical`
- 3D Fetal Skull Reconstruction from 2DUS via Deep Conditional Generative Networks (No: 1603)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Reconstruction` `New, MICCAI2018`
- A Cascaded Refinement GAN for Phase Contrast Microscopy Image Super Resolution (No: 1579)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Enhancement` `New, MICCAI2018`
- A Deeper Look at 3D Shape Classifiers (No: 1476)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, 3D`
- A Generative-Discriminative Basis Learning Framework to Predict Clinical Severity from Resting State Functional MRI Data (No: 1616)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Diagnosis` `New, MICCAI2018`
- A study on the use of Boundary Equilibrium GAN for Approximate Frontalization of Unconstrained Faces to aid in Surveillance (No: 1498)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- A3Net: Adversarial-and-Attention Network for Machine Reading Comprehension (No: 1455)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Training`
- Addressing Sample Inefficiency and Reward Bias in Inverse Reinforcement Learning (No: 1483)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, GAIL`
- Adversarial and Perceptual Refinement for Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction (No: 1556)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Reconstruction` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Adversarial Attack Type I: Generating False Positives (No: 1454)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Attack`
- Adversarial Attacks on Node Embeddings (No: 1459)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Attack`
- Adversarial Deformation Regularization for Training Image Registration Neural Networks (No: 1602)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Deformation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Adversarial Domain Adaptation for?Classification of Prostate Histopathology Whole-Slide Images (No: 1592)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Adaptation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Adversarial Domain Adaptation for?Classification of Prostate Histopathology Whole-Slide Images (No: 1601)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Adaptation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Adversarial Examples: Opportunities and Challenges (No: 1493)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Examples`
- Adversarial Feature Sampling Learning for Efficient Visual Tracking (No: 1490)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Adversarial Imitation via Variational Inverse Reinforcement Learning (No: 1507)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Adversarial Learning for Image Forensics Deep Matching with Atrous Convolution (No: 1482)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Adversarial Over-Sensitivity and Over-Stability Strategies for Dialogue Models (No: 1472)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, CoNLL2018`
- Adversarial Similarity Network for Evaluating Image Alignment in Deep Learning Based Registration (No: 1593)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Registration` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Adversarial Sparse-View CBCT Artifact Reduction (No: 1591)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Reduction` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Adversarial Text Generation via Feature-Mover's Distance (No: 1506)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Adversarial?Recommendation: Attack of the Learned Fake Users (No: 1620)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Adversarial?Training in Affective Computing and Sentiment Analysis: Recent Advances and Perspectives (No: 1623)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Anomaly Detection with Generative Adversarial Networks for Multivariate Time Series (No: 1491)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Anomaly`
- Are adversarial examples inevitable? (No: 1473)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- ASDNet: Attention Based Semi-supervised Deep Networks for Medical Image Segmentation (No: 1596)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Attacking Object Detectors via Imperceptible Patches on Background (No: 1502)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Attack`
- Attribute Enhanced Face Aging with Wavelet-based Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1509)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Attribute-Guided Face Generation Using Conditional CycleGAN (No: 1574)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018`
- AugGAN: Cross Domain Adaptation with GAN-based Data Augmentation (No: 1572)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018` `AugGAN`
- Autonomously and Simultaneously Refining Deep Neural Network Parameters by a Bi-Generative?Adversarial?Network Aided Genetic Algorithm (No: 1631)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Breast Mass Segmentation and Shape Classification in Mammograms Using Deep Neural Networks (No: 1466)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New`
- Btrfly Net: Vertebrae Labelling with Energy-Based Adversarial Learning of Local Spine Prior (No: 1595)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Learning` `New, MICCAI2018`
- BubGAN: Bubble Generative Adversarial Networks for Synthesizing Realistic Bubbly Flow Images (No: 1475)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Can machine learning assess trunk alignment directly from raw video? (No: 1522)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Survey` `New`
- Cardiac MR Motion Artefact Correction from K-space Using Deep Learning-Based Reconstruction (No: 1557)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Reconstruction` `New, MLMIR 2018`
- Chest X-ray Inpainting with Deep Generative Models (No: 1464)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Inpainting` `New, X-Ray`
- ClusterGAN : Latent Space Clustering in Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1485)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Metal Artifact Reduction in CT Images of the Ear (No: 1598)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Synthersize` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Coupled IGMM-GANs for deep multimodal anomaly detection in human mobility data (No: 1480)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, AAAI2018`
- Craniomaxillofacial Bony Structures Segmentation from MRI with Deep-Supervision Adversarial Learning (No: 1580)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- DADA: Deep Adversarial Data Augmentation for Extremely Low Data Regime Classification (No: 1458)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New` `DADA`
- Deep Adversarial Context-Aware Landmark Detection for Ultrasound Imaging (No: 1597)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Detection` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Deep Generative Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis (No: 1581)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Diagnosis` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Deep Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition (No: 1627)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Deep Recursive HDRI: Inverse Tone Mapping using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1577)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018`
- Defensive Dropout for Hardening Deep Neural Networks under Adversarial Attacks (No: 1497)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Attack, ICCAD2018`
- Dense Pose Transfer (No: 1468)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Distribution Matching Losses Can Hallucinate Features in Medical Image Translation (No: 1587)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Translation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Dose evaluation of fast synthetic-CT generation using a generative adversarial network for general pelvis MR-only radiotherapy (No: 1540)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2018/9` `Medical: Synthersize` `New, pubMed`
- Empty Cities: Image Inpainting for a Dynamic-Object-Invariant Space (No: 1630)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New,. ICRA`
- Entangled Conditional Adversarial Autoencoder for de Novo Drug Discovery (No: 1528)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/9` `Medical: Drug Discovery` `New, pubMed`
- ESRGAN: Enhanced Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1451)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018, PIRM2018-SR` `ESRGAN`
- ExplainGAN: Model Explanation via Decision Boundary Crossing Transformations (No: 1576)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018` `ExplainGAN`
- Factorised Spatial Representation Learning: Application in Semi-supervised Myocardial Segmentation (No: 1588)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Fast Geometrically-Perturbed?Adversarial?Faces (No: 1625)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Full-body High-resolution Anime Generation with Progressive Structure-conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1467)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018`
- GAN Lab: Understanding Complex Deep Generative Models using Interactive Visual Experimentation (No: 1465)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, IEEE VAST2018`
- GANs beyond divergence minimization (No: 1474)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2018/9` `New`
- GANs for generating EFT models (No: 1478)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- GANs for Medical Image Analysis (No: 1504)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Survey` `New`
- GANVO: Unsupervised Deep Monocular Visual Odometry and Depth Estimation with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1500)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Gated-GAN: Adversarial Gated Networks for Multi-Collection Style Transfer (No: 1526)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/9` `New, pubMed` `Gated-GAN`
- Generalizing Deep Models for Ultrasound Image Segmentation (No: 1590)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Generating 3D Adversarial Point Clouds (No: 1512)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, 3D`
- Generating Highly Realistic Images of Skin Lesions with GANs (No: 1463)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Generating` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Generating Informative and Diverse Conversational Responses via Adversarial Information Maximization (No: 1503)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Generative Adversarial Network in Medical Imaging: A Review (No: 1513)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Survey` `New, Review`
- Generative Adversarial Network with Spatial Attention for Face Attribute Editing (No: 1578)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018`
- Generative adversarial network-based image super-resolution using perceptual content losses (No: 1492)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018`
- Generative Discriminative Models for Multivariate Inference and Statistical Mapping in Medical Imaging (No: 1618)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Synthersize` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Generative Modeling and Inverse Imaging of Cardiac Transmembrane Potential (No: 1614)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Synthersize` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Generative Semantic Manipulation with Mask-Contrasting GAN (No: 1570)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018`
- Generative?Adversarial?Active Learning for Unsupervised Outlier Detection (No: 1636)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, IEEE`
- Geometry-Consistent Adversarial Networks for One-Sided Unsupervised Domain Mapping (No: 1501)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Global and Local Consistent Wavelet-domain Age Synthesis (No: 1619)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- High-Dimensional Bayesian Optimization of Personalized Cardiac Model Parameters via an Embedded Generative Model (No: 1613)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Modeling` `New, MICCAI2018`
- IDSGAN: Generative Adversarial Networks for Attack Generation against Intrusion Detection (No: 1471)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New` `IDSGAN`
- Image Manipulation with Perceptual Discriminators (No: 1462)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018`
- Image Reconstruction by Splitting Deep Learning Regularization from Iterative Inversion (No: 1586)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Reconstruction` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Image Super-Resolution via Deterministic-Stochastic Synthesis and Local Statistical Rectification (No: 1508)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, SIGGRAPH Asia 2018`
- Improving Adversarial Discriminative Domain Adaptation (No: 1484)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Incorporating?GAN?for Negative Sampling in Knowledge Representation Learning (No: 1637)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, AAAI2018`
- Incremental?Adversarial?Learning for Optimal Path Planning (No: 1626)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Keep and Learn: Continual Learning by Constraining the Latent Space for Knowledge Preservation in Neural Networks (No: 1609)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Learning` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Large Scale?GAN?Training for High Fidelity Natural Image Synthesis (No: 1638)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Learning Interpretable Anatomical Features Through Deep Generative Models: Application to Cardiac Remodeling (No: 1612)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Learning` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Learning Invariances for Policy Generalization (No: 1477)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Learning Shape Priors for Single-View 3D Completion and Reconstruction (No: 1496)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018`
- Learning to Detect Fake Face Images in the Wild (No: 1622)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, IEEE IS3CC 2018`
- Locality Adaptive Multi-modality GANs for High-Quality PET Image Synthesis (No: 1608)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Synthesize` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Memory Replay GANs: learning to generate images from new categories without forgetting (No: 1469)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, NIPS2018`
- Morpho-MNIST: Quantitative Assessment and Diagnostics for Representation Learning (No: 1635)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New` `Morpho-MNIST`
- MULDEF: Multi-model-based Defense Against Adversarial Examples for Neural Networks (No: 1448)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Attack`
- Multi-channel Generative Adversarial Network for Parallel Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction in K-space (No: 1583)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Reconstruction` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Multi-task SonoEyeNet: Detection of Fetal Standardized Planes Assisted by Generated Sonographer Attention Maps (No: 1585)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Detection` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Multi-View Frame Reconstruction with Conditional?GAN (No: 1634)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, IEEE`
- MuTGAN: Simultaneous Segmentation and Quantification of Myocardial Infarction Without Contrast Agents via Joint Adversarial Learning (No: 1600)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, MICCAI2018` `MuTGAN`
- Neural Animation and Reenactment of Human Actor Videos (No: 1486)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/9` `New`
- OffsetNet: Deep Learning for Localization in the Lung using Rendered Images (No: 1499)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- On the Learning Dynamics of Deep Neural Networks (No: 1510)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Learning`
- On The Utility of Conditional?Generation?Based Mutual Information for Characterizing?Adversarial?Subspaces (No: 1624)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, IEEE GlobalSIP 2018`
- Open Set Adversarial Examples (No: 1479)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Examples`
- Parametric Synthesis of Text on Stylized Backgrounds using PGGANs (No: 1621)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- PathGAN: Visual Scanpath Prediction with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1453)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018, EPIC, ICME2018` `PathGAN`
- Query-Efficient Black-Box Attack by Active Learning (No: 1494)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Attack`
- Random Occlusion-recovery for Person Re-identification (No: 1628)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- ReenactGAN: Learning to Reenact Faces via Boundary Transfer (No: 1571)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018` `ReenactGAN`
- RefocusGAN: Scene Refocusing using a Single Image (No: 1575)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018` `RefocusGAN`
- Representation Learning by Rotating Your Faces (No: 1527)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/9` `Medical: Representation` `New, pubMed`
- Respiratory Motion Modelling Using cGANs (No: 1607)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Modeling` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Retinal Vessel Segmentation under Extreme Low Annotation: A Generative Adversarial Network Approach (No: 1460)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New`
- Retrieval-Enhanced Adversarial Training for Neural Response Generation (No: 1488)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Retrospective correction of Rigid and Non-Rigid MR motion artifacts using GANs (No: 1505)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Correction` `New, MR`
- Robust Iris Segmentation Based on Fully Convolutional Networks and Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1456)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, SIBGRAPI2018`
- SALSA-TEXT : self attentive latent space based?adversarial?text?generation (No: 1639)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ICLR2019` `SALSA-TEXT`
- Sample-Efficient Imitation Learning via Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 1470)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Security and Protocol Exploit Analysis of the 5G Specifications (No: 1511)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Attack`
- Semi-supervised Learning on Graphs with Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 1449)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, CIKM2018`
- SiftingGAN: Generating and Sifting Labeled Samples to Improve the Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification Baseline in vitro (No: 1495)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- SOD-MTGAN: Small Object Detection via Multi-Task Generative Adversarial Network (No: 1569)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018` `SOD-MTGAN`
- Sparse-View CT Reconstruction Using Wasserstein GANs (No: 1555)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Reconstruction` `New, MLMIR 2018`
- Stochastic Deep Compressive Sensing for the Reconstruction of Diffusion Tensor Cardiac MRI (No: 1611)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Reconstruction` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Structure-Preserving Transformation: Generating Diverse and Transferable Adversarial Examples (No: 1481)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Structured Deep Generative Model of fMRI Signals for Mental Disorder Diagnosis (No: 1617)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Inference` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Sub-GAN: An Unsupervised Generative Model via Subspaces (No: 1573)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, ECCV2018` `Sub-GAN`
- Subject2Vec: Generative-Discriminative Approach from a Set of Image Patches to a Vector (No: 1615)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Prediction` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Symbolic Music Genre Transfer with CycleGAN (No: 1514)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Synthesizing Missing PET from MRI with Cycle-consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for Alzheimer��s Disease Diagnosis (No: 1599)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Synthersize` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Temporal Correlation Structure Learning for MCI Conversion Prediction (No: 1605)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Prediction` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Temporally Coherent Video Harmonization Using Adversarial Networks (No: 1461)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Learning`
- The Inductive Bias of Restricted f-GANs (No: 1489)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New`
- Towards Automatic Report Generation in Spine Radiology Using Weakly Supervised Framework (No: 1604)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Generation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Towards Generating Personalized Volumetric Phantom from Patient��s Surface Geometry (No: 1589)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Generation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Transforming acoustic characteristics to deceive playback spoofing countermeasures of speaker verification systems (No: 1487)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, WIFS2018`
- Tumor-Aware, Adversarial Domain Adaptation from CT to MRI for Lung Cancer Segmentation (No: 1582)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Twin-GAN -- Unpaired Cross-Domain Image Translation with Weight-Sharing GANs (No: 1457)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New` `Twin-GAN`
- Uncertainty in Multitask Learning: Joint Representations for Probabilistic MR-only Radiotherapy Planning (No: 1610)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Representation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Unpaired Brain MR-to-CT Synthesis using a Structure-Constrained CycleGAN (No: 1558)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: LD-CT` `New`
- Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Automatic Estimation of Cardiothoracic Ratio (No: 1594)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Adaptation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Unsupervised Image Super-Resolution using Cycle-in-Cycle Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1452)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, Super Resolution`
- Unsupervised Person Image Synthesis in Arbitrary Poses (No: 1632)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, CVPR2018`
- Unsupervised?Adversarial?Invariance (No: 1629)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, NIPS2018`
- Vector Learning for Cross Domain Representations (No: 1633)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, IEEE AIPR 2017`
- VoxelAtlasGAN: 3D Left Ventricle Segmentation on Echocardiography with Atlas Guided Generation and Voxel-to-Voxel Discrimination (No: 1606)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, MICCAI2018` `VoxelAtlasGAN`
- Which Way Round? A Study on the Performance of Stain-Translation for Segmenting Arbitrarily Dyed Histological Images (No: 1584)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Why is unsupervised alignment of English embeddings from different algorithms so hard? (No: 1450)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `New, EMNLP2018`
- A Sensor Image Dehazing Algorithm Based on Feature Learning (No: 1541)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/8` `New, pubMed`
- Adversarial Coordination on Social Networks (No: 1392)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Adversarial Geometry and Lighting using a Differentiable Renderer (No: 1400)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Adversarial Personalized Ranking for Recommendation (No: 1407)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2018/8` `New, SIGIR2018`
- Adversarial Sampling for Active Learning (No: 1426)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, Attack`
- Adversarial training for multi-context joint entity and relation extraction (No: 1428)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, EMNLP 2018`
- Adversarial Vision Challenge (No: 1397)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/8` `New, Attack`
- Adversarially Regularising Neural NLI Models to Integrate Logical Background Knowledge (No: 1440)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, CoNLL2018`
- Agnostic Domain Generalization (No: 1389)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, Attack`
- AnatomyNet: Deep 3D Squeeze-and-excitation U-Nets for fast and fully automated whole-volume anatomical segmentation (No: 1524)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `Medical: Segmentation` `New` `AnatomyNet`
- Android HIV: A Study of Repackaging Malware for Evading Machine-Learning Detection (No: 1410)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, Attack` `AndroidHIV`
- Anomaly Detection via Minimum Likelihood Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1386)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Are You Tampering With My Data? (No: 1427)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, Attack`
- Ask, Acquire, and Attack: Data-free UAP Generation using Class Impressions (No: 1391)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, ECCV2018`
- Automatic Detection of Vague Words and Sentences in Privacy Policies (No: 1423)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, Attack`
- Backdoor Embedding in Convolutional Neural Network Models via Invisible Perturbation (No: 1445)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, Attack`
- Comparing Attention-based Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks: Success and Limitations in Machine Reading Comprehension (No: 1442)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, CoNLL2018`
- Controllable Image-to-Video Translation: A Case Study on Facial Expression Generation (No: 1401)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, Translation`
- Controlling Over-generalization and its Effect on Adversarial Examples Generation and Detection (No: 1437)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Cross-view image synthesis using geometry-guided conditional GANs (No: 1420)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- CT Super-resolution GAN Constrained by the Identical, Residual, and Cycle Learning Ensemble(GAN-CIRCLE) (No: 1553)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `Medical: Detection` `New`
- Data Poisoning Attacks against Online Learning (No: 1444)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, Attack`
- Deep learning: Using machine learning to study biological vision (No: 1521)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `Medical: Synthersize` `New`
- Deep Portrait Image Completion and Extrapolation (No: 1434)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- DeepWrinkles: Accurate and Realistic Clothing Modeling (No: 1406)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, ECCV2018`
- Denoising Adversarial Autoencoders (No: 1535)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/8` `Medical: Synthersize` `New, pubMed`
- Denoising of 3-D Magnetic Resonance Images Using a Residual Encoder-Decoder Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network (No: 1554)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `Medical: Detection` `New, 3D`
- Detection of Deep Network Generated Images Using Disparities in Color Components (No: 1430)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Distributional Multivariate Policy Evaluation and Exploration with the Bellman GAN (No: 1396)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Distributionally Adversarial Attack (No: 1421)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, Attack`
- Diverse Conditional Image Generation by Stochastic Regression with Latent Drop-Out Codes (No: 1390)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- DOPING: Generative Data Augmentation for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with GAN (No: 1433)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `Medical: Detection` `New, Anomaly` `DOPING`
- Escaping from Collapsing Modes in a Constrained Space (No: 1429)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, ECC2018`
- Facial Information Recovery from Heavily Damaged Images using Generative Adversarial Network- PART 1 (No: 1443)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- GAN Lab: Understanding Complex Deep Generative Models using Interactive Visual Experimentation (No: 1536)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/8` `Medical: Survey` `New, pubMed`
- Gaussian Mixture Generative Adversarial Networks for Diverse Datasets, and the Unsupervised Clustering of Images (No: 1446)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, Attack`
- Generating Text through Adversarial Training using Skip-Thought Vectors (No: 1441)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Generative Adversarial Estimation of Channel Covariance in Vehicular Millimeter Wave Systems (No: 1399)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, ACSSC2018`
- Generative Adversarial Frontal View to Bird View Synthesis (No: 1387)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, 3DV2018, 3D`
- Generative Invertible Networks (GIN): Pathophysiology-Interpretable Feature Mapping and Virtual Patient Generation (No: 1413)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `Medical: Generation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Generative Zero-Shot Learning via Low-Rank Embedded Semantic Dictionary (No: 1532)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/8` `New, pubMed`
- GestureGAN for Hand Gesture-to-Gesture Translation in the Wild (No: 1417)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, MM2018` `GestureGAN`
- Global Convergence to the Equilibrium of GANs using Variational Inequalities (No: 1393)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Gray-box Adversarial Training (No: 1395)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, ECCV2018`
- High Quality Facial Surface and Texture Synthesis via Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1436)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, ECCV GMDL workshop 2018`
- How many labeled license plates are needed? (No: 1438)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- ID Preserving Generative Adversarial Network for Partial Latent Fingerprint Reconstruction (No: 1384)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, BTAS2018`
- Improved ArtGAN for Conditional Synthesis of Natural Image and Artwork (No: 1534)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/8` `New, pubMed`
- Improving Conditional Sequence Generative Adversarial Networks by Stepwise Evaluation (No: 1422)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Inner Space Preserving Generative Pose Machine (No: 1398)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, ECCV2018`
- Is Machine Learning in Power Systems Vulnerable? (No: 1435)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, Attack, IEEE SmartGridComm2018`
- Multi-modal Cycle-consistent Generalized Zero-Shot Learning (No: 1385)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, ECCV2018`
- On the Decision Boundary of Deep Neural Networks (No: 1419)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2018/8` `New, Attack`
- On-line Adaptative Curriculum Learning for GANs (No: 1383)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Overcoming Missing and Incomplete Modalities with Generative Adversarial Networks for Building Footprint Segmentation (No: 1404)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Painting Outside the Box: Image Outpainting with GANs (No: 1439)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Paired 3D Model Generation with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1402)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, 3D`
- Physics-Based Generative Adversarial Models for Image Restoration and Beyond (No: 1388)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Real-time Deep Pose Estimation with Geodesic Loss for Image-to-Template Rigid Registration (No: 1533)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/8` `New, pubMed`
- Realistic in silico generation and augmentation of single cell RNA-seq data using Generative Adversarial Neural Networks (No: 1516)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `Medical: Augmentation` `New`
- Recycle-GAN: Unsupervised Video Retargeting (No: 1418)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/8` `New, ECCV2018` `Recycle-GAN`
- Rethinking Monocular Depth Estimation with Adversarial Training (No: 1431)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Rhythm-Flexible Voice Conversion without Parallel Data Using Cycle-GAN over Phoneme Posteriorgram Sequences (No: 1403)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, STL2018`
- Risk-Sensitive Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (No: 1412)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- ScarGAN: Chained Generative Adversarial Networks to Simulate Pathological Tissue on Cardiovascular MR Scans (No: 1414)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, MICCAI DLMIA 2018` `ScarGAN`
- SciSports: Learning football kinematics through two-dimensional tracking data (No: 1416)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Semi-Supervised Generative Adversarial Nets with Multiple Generators for SAR Image Recognition (No: 1537)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/8` `Medical: Recognition` `New, pubMed`
- Spine-GAN: Semantic segmentation of multiple spinal structures (No: 1531)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/8` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, pubMed`
- Stochastic Combinatorial Ensembles for Defending Against Adversarial Examples (No: 1425)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, Attack`
- Structured Adversarial Attack: Towards General Implementation and Better Interpretability (No: 1394)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Text-to-Image-to-Text Translation using Cycle Consistent Adversarial Networks (No: 1415)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- Towards Audio to Scene Image Synthesis using Generative Adversarial Network (No: 1409)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- TreeGAN: Syntax-Aware Sequence Generation with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1432)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New` `TreeGAN`
- Unsupervised learning for cross-domain medical image synthesis using deformation invariant cycle consistency networks (No: 1408)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- User-Guided Deep Anime Line Art Colorization with Conditional Adversarial Networks (No: 1405)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New, MM2018`
- Video-to-Video Synthesis (No: 1424)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2018/8` `New`
- Whispered-to-voiced Alaryngeal Speech Conversion with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1447)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New`
- X-GANs: Image Reconstruction Made Easy for Extreme Cases (No: 1411)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `New` `X-GANs`
- 3D conditional generative adversarial networks for high-quality PET image estimation at low dose (No: 950)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2018/7` `Medical: Reconstruction` `3D, CT`
- 3D-Aided Dual-Agent GANs for Unconstrained Face Recognition (No: 1545)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/7` `New, pubMed`
- A Classification-Based Study of Covariate Shift in GAN Distributions (No: 1142)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `ICML2018`
- A general metric for identifying adversarial images (No: 1372)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- A Two-Step Computation of the Exact GAN Wasserstein Distance (No: 1148)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `ICML2018`
- Adaptive Adversarial Attack on Scene Text Recognition (No: 1318)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Attack`
- Adversarial Learning for Fine-grained Image Search (No: 1170)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7`
- Adversarial Open-World Person Re-Identification (No: 1374)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, ECCV2018`
- Adversarial Perturbations Against Real-Time Video Classification Systems (No: 1183)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Attack`
- Adversarial training of quantum Born machine (No: 1175)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7`
- Airline Passenger Name Record Generation using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1337)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, ICML2018`
- AlphaGAN: Generative adversarial networks for natural image matting (No: 1370)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, BMVC2018` `AlphaGAN`
- Ambient Hidden Space of Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1180)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `UAI2018`
- Augmented Cyclic Adversarial Learning for Domain Adaptation (No: 1185)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Augmentation`
- Auto-Context R-CNN (No: 1315)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, ECCV2018, Attack`
- Automated Treatment Planning in Radiation Therapy using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1335)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Batch Effect Removal via Batch-Free Encoding (No: 1518)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Synthesize` `New`
- Benchmarking Neural Network Robustness to Common Corruptions and Surface Variations (No: 1310)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2018/7` `New, Robustness`
- CAGAN: Consistent Adversarial Training Enhanced GANs (No: 1227)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `IJCAI2018` `CAGAN`
- Cascaded SR-GAN for Scale-Adaptive Low Resolution Person Re-identification (No: 1229)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `IJCAI2018`
- Channel Agnostic End-to-End Learning based Communication Systems with Conditional GAN (No: 1184)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7`
- Channel Agnostic End-to-End Learning based Communication Systems with Conditional GAN (No: 1308)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Chi-square Generative Adversarial Network (No: 1141)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `ICML2018`
- Composite Functional Gradient Learning of Generative Adversarial Models (No: 1147)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `ICML2018`
- Compositional GAN: Learning Conditional Image Composition (No: 1345)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Conditional Infilling GANs for Data Augmentation in Mammogram Classification (No: 1351)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Classification` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Content-Aware Image Restoration: Pushing the Limits of Fluorescence Microscopy (No: 1525)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Restoration\` `New`
- Continuous-Time Flows for Efficient Inference and Density Estimation (No: 1144)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `ICML2018`
- Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification with Generative Adversarial Training (No: 1223)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `IJCAI2018`
- CT Image Enhancement Using Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks and Transfer Learning for Lesion Segmentation Improvement (No: 1341)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Enhancement` `New, MLMI2018`
- CT-GAN: Conditional Transformation Generative Adversarial Network for Image Attribute Modification (No: 1328)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New` `CT-GAN`
- CyCADA: Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Domain Adaptation (No: 1154)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `ICML2018` `CyCADA`
- Deep Generative Adversarial Neural Networks for Compressive Sensing (GANCS) MRI (No: 1544)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/7` `Medical: MRI` `New, pubMed` `GANCS`
- Deep Learning for Imbalance Data Classification using Class Expert Generative Adversarial Network (No: 1325)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Deep Learning for Imbalance Data Classification using Class Expert?Generative?Adversarial?Network (No: 1209)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `ICCSCI 2018`
- Deep Learning for Launching and Mitigating Wireless Jamming Attacks (No: 1313)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Attack`
- Deep Structured Generative Models (No: 1320)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Deep Structured?Generative?Models (No: 1205)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Super Resolution`
- DehazeGAN: When Image Dehazing Meets Differential Programming (No: 1226)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `IJCAI2018`
- Differentially-Private "Draw and Discard" Machine Learning (No: 1324)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Discovering Interesting Plots in Production Yield Data Analytics (No: 1203)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7`
- Distillation Techniques for Pseudo-rehearsal Based Incremental Learning (No: 1166)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Training`
- Distilling the Posterior in Bayesian Neural Networks (No: 1153)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `ICML2018`
- Doubly Stochastic Adversarial Autoencoder (No: 1346)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Dropout-GAN: Learning from a Dynamic Ensemble of Discriminators (No: 1379)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, KDD2018`
- Dual Conditional GANs for Face Aging and Rejuvenation (No: 1225)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `IJCAI2018` `DualCGAN`
- Editable Generative Adversarial Networks: Generating and Editing Faces Simultaneously (No: 1347)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Event Factuality Identification via Generative Adversarial Networks with Auxiliary Classification (No: 1222)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `IJCAI2018`
- Explainable Learning: Implicit Generative Modelling during Training for Adversarial Robustness (No: 1311)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Explainable`
- Exploring Robust Property Preservation for Secure Compilation (No: 1326)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, POPL2019`
- Fooling the classifier: Ligand antagonism and adversarial examples (No: 1517)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Classification` `New`
- From Adversarial Training to Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1373)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, NIPS2018`
- From Rank Estimation to Rank Approximation: Rank Residual Constraint for Image Denoising (No: 1168)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7`
- GAIN: Missing Data Imputation using Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 1149)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `ICML2018` `GAIN`
- GANimation: Anatomically-aware Facial Animation from a Single Image (No: 1362)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, ECCV2018` `GANimation`
- GEESE: Metabolically driven latent space learning for gene expression data (No: 1215)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `bioarXiv` `GEESE`
- GEESE: Metabolically driven latent space learning for gene expression data (No: 1523)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Gene` `New` `GEESE`
- Gender Privacy: An Ensemble of Semi Adversarial Networks for Confounding Arbitrary Gender Classifiers (No: 1382)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, BTAS2018`
- Generalization Bounds for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Mapping with WGANs (No: 1358)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Generating Multi-Categorical Samples with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1176)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `ICML2018`
- Generating objects going well with the surroundings (No: 1316)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Generating Realistic Morphologies of Neurons in Rodent Hippocampus with DCGAN (No: 1213)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Synthersize` `bioarXiv` `RH-DCGAN`
- Generating Realistic Morphologies of Neurons in Rodent Hippocampus with DCGAN (No: 1519)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Synthesize` `New`
- Generating Synthetic but Plausible Healthcare Record Datasets (No: 1173)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: EHRR` `MLMH 2018`
- Generative Adversarial Imitation from Observation (No: 1334)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Generative adversarial interpolative autoencoding: adversarial training on latent space interpolations encourage convex latent distributions (No: 1336)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Generative Adversarial Networks for MR-CT Deformable Image Registration (No: 1343)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Synthersize` `New, CT, MR`
- Generative adversarial networks simulate gene expression and predict perturbations in single cells (No: 1515)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Representation` `New`
- Generative Adversarial Networks with Decoder-Encoder Output Noise (No: 1321)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Generative Adversarial Positive-Unlabelled Learning (No: 1221)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `IJCAI2018`
- Generative Adversarial Privacy (No: 1330)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Privacy`
- Generative Probabilistic Novelty Detection with Adversarial Autoencoders (No: 1314)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Detection`
- Generative Warfare Nets: Ensemble via Adversaries and Collaborators (No: 1232)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `IJCAI2018`
- Generative?Adversarial?Networks?with Decoder-Encoder Output Noise (No: 1202)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7`
- Glow: Better Reversible Generative Models (No: 1195)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] [Web] - `2018/7`
- Gradient Band-based Adversarial Training for Generalized Attack Immunity of A3C Path Finding (No: 1340)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Attack`
- Harmonic Adversarial Attack Method (No: 1375)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Attack`
- Harnessing Synthesized Abstraction Images to Improve Facial Attribute Recognition (No: 1224)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `IJCAI2018`
- High-Resolution Mammogram Synthesis using Progressive Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1164)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Synthersize` `Mammogram`
- How good is my GAN? (No: 1366)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, ECCV2018`
- Human Sensitivity to Perturbations Constrained by a Model of the Natural Image Manifold (No: 1214)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Synthersize` `bioarXiv`
- Human Sensitivity to Perturbations Constrained by a Model of the Natural Image Manifold (No: 1520)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Synthesize` `New`
- Improved Training with Curriculum GANs (No: 1363)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Training`
- Improving Automatic Skin Lesion Segmentation using Adversarial Learning based Data Augmentation (No: 1357)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Segmentation` `New`
- Improving resolution of MR images with an adversarial network incorporating images with different contrast (No: 1551)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/7` `Medical: Enhancement` `New, pubMed`
- Invisible Steganography via Generative Adversarial Network (No: 1360)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- K-Beam Minimax: Efficient Optimization for Deep Adversarial Learning (No: 1151)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `ICML2018`
- LAPRAN: A Scalable Laplacian Pyramid Reconstructive Adversarial Network for Flexible Compressive Sensing Reconstruction (No: 1365)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New` `LAPRAN`
- Last-Iterate Convergence: Zero-Sum Games and Constrained Min-Max Optimization (No: 1200)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `GAN Theory`
- Lead Sheet Generation and Arrangement by Conditional Generative Adversarial Network (No: 1378)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Learning Discriminative Video Representations Using Adversarial Perturbations (No: 1364)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, ECCV2018`
- Learning Implicit Generative Models by Teaching Explicit Ones (No: 1319)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Learning`
- Learning Implicit Generative Models with the Method of Learned Moments (No: 1145)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `ICML2018`
- Learning Implicit?Generative?Models by Teaching Explicit Ones (No: 1206)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7`
- Macro-Micro Adversarial Network for Human Parsing (No: 1354)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, ECCV2018`
- Manifold Adversarial Learning (No: 1332)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, NIPS2018`
- Manifold regularization with GANs for semi-supervised learning (No: 1323)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Manifold regularization with?GANs?for semi-supervised learning (No: 1211)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7`
- Medical Image Synthesis for Data Augmentation and Anonymization using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1371)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Synthesize` `New, SASHIMI2018`
- Mirror descent in saddle-point problems: Going the extra (gradient) mile (No: 1167)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Training`
- Mixed batches and symmetric discriminators for GAN training (No: 1156)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `ICML2018`
- MIXGAN: Learning Concepts from Different Domains for Mixture Generation (No: 1172)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `IJCAI-ECAI 2018`
- Mixture of GANs for Clustering (No: 1228)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `IJCAI2018`
- Modular Vehicle Control for Transferring Semantic Information to Unseen Weather Conditions using GANs (No: 1178)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Vehicle`
- Motivating the Rules of the Game for Adversarial Example Research (No: 1339)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Attack`
- Multi-Agent Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (No: 1368)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Multi-Task Generative Adversarial Nets with Shared Memory for Cross-Domain Coordination Control (No: 1186)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7`
- Multi-temporal Sentinel-1 and -2 Data Fusion for Optical Image Simulation (No: 1369)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Negative Momentum for Improved Game Dynamics (No: 1207)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Game`
- New Losses for Generative Adversarial Learning (No: 1174)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `NIPS 2018`
- Noise Adaptive Speech Enhancement using Domain Adversarial Training (No: 1344)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- On catastrophic forgetting and mode collapse in Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1322)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- On catastrophic forgetting and mode collapse in?Generative?AdversarialNetworks (No: 1201)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `ICML Workshop 2018`
- On the Limitations of First-Order Approximation in GAN Dynamics (No: 1155)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `ICML2018`
- Online Robust Policy Learning in the Presence of Unknown Adversaries (No: 1333)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Attack`
- Peeking Behind Objects: Layered Depth Prediction from a Single Image (No: 1361)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Performance Comparison of Convolutional AutoEncoders, Generative Adversarial Networks and Super-Resolution for Image Compression (No: 1187)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Super Resolution`
- Persuasive Faces: Generating Faces in Advertisements (No: 1367)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, BMVC2018`
- Photorealistic Video Super Resolution (No: 1350)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Super Resolution`
- Physical Adversarial Examples for Object Detectors (No: 1348)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, WOOT2018`
- Pioneer Networks: Progressively Growing Generative Autoencoder (No: 1165)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7`
- Pioneer Networks: Progressively Growing Generative Autoencoder (No: 1317)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Pose Guided Human Video Generation (No: 1377)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, ECCV2018`
- Precise simulation of electromagnetic calorimeter showers using a Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network (No: 1171)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7`
- Progressive Generative Hashing for Image Retrieval (No: 1231)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `IJCAI2018`
- Quantum Generative Adversarial Learning (No: 1542)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/7` `New, pubMed`
- Query-Conditioned Three-Player Adversarial Network for Video Summarization (No: 1338)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, BMVC2018`
- Remote sensing image scene classification based on generative adversarial networks (No: 992)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Classification` `Medical`
- Resembled Generative Adversarial Networks: Two Domains with Similar Attributes (No: 1179)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `BMVC2018`
- Robust Face Sketch Synthesis via Generative Adversarial Fusion of Priors and Parametric Sigmoid (No: 1220)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `IJCAI2018`
- Sem-GAN: Semantically-Consistent Image-to-Image Translation (No: 1210)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Sem-GAN`
- Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection Using GANs for Visual Inspection in Noisy Training Data (No: 1177)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Detection` `Anomaly Detection`
- SentiGAN: Generating Sentimental Texts via Mixture Adversarial Networks (No: 1230)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `IJCAI2018` `SentiGAN`
- Sequence to Logic with Copy and Cache (No: 1342)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Attack`
- SiGAN: Siamese Generative Adversarial Network for Identity-Preserving Face Hallucination (No: 1355)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New` `SiGAN`
- Simultaneous Adversarial Training - Learn from Others Mistakes (No: 1352)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Singing Style Transfer Using Cycle-Consistent Boundary Equilibrium Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1312)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, ICML workshop 2018`
- Singing Style Transfer Using Cycle-Consistent Boundary Equilibrium GenerativeAdversarial Networks (No: 1169)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `ICML Workshop 2018`
- Specular-to-Diffuse Translation for Multi-View Reconstruction (No: 1331)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, ECC2018`
- State-of-the-art and gaps for deep learning on limited training data in remote sensing (No: 1381)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, IGARSS2018`
- Stochastic Layer-Wise Precision in Deep Neural Networks (No: 1309)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, Attack, UAI2018`
- Synthesizing Programs for Images using Reinforced Adversarial Learning (No: 1152)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `ICML2018`
- Synthesizing retinal and neuronal images with generative adversarial nets (No: 1547)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/7` `Medical: Cell` `New, pubMed`
- Synthesizing retinal and neuronal images with?generative?adversarial?nets (No: 1216)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Synthersize` `pubMed`
- Synthesizing Robust Adversarial Examples (No: 1143)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `ICML2018`
- Talking Face Generation by Adversarially Disentangled Audio-Visual Representation (No: 1349)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/7` `New`
- TequilaGAN: How to easily identify GAN samples (No: 1329)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New` `TequilaGAN`
- The GAN Landscape: Losses, Architectures, Regularization, and Normalization (No: 1327)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New` `GANLandscape`
- The Limit Points of (Optimistic) Gradient Descent in Min-Max Optimization (No: 1204)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7`
- The Mechanics of n-Player Differentiable Games (No: 1150)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `ICML2018`
- The relativistic discriminator: a key element missing from standard GAN (No: 1182)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] [TensorFlow] - `2018/7`
- The?GAN?Landscape: Losses, Architectures, Regularization, and Normalization (No: 1208)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `ICML Workshop 2018`
- Theoretical Analysis of Image-to-Image Translation with Adversarial Learning (No: 1146)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `ICML2018`
- To learn image super-resolution, use a GAN to learn how to do image degradation first (No: 1380)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, ECCV2018`
- Towards Distributed Coevolutionary GANs (No: 1353)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, AAAI2018`
- Towards Privacy-Preserving Visual Recognition via Adversarial Training: A Pilot Study (No: 1356)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New`
- Understanding the Effectiveness of Lipschitz Constraint in Training of GANs via Gradient Analysis (No: 1181)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `NIPS 2018`
- Unsupervised Adversarial Depth Estimation using Cycled Generative Networks (No: 1376)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, 3DV2018, 3D`
- Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Facial Expression Recognition Using GenerativeAdversarial Networks (No: 1539)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/7` `New, pubMed`
- Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation with Stacked Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks (No: 1359)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `New, ECCV2018`
- Unsupervised Learning For Cell-level Visual Representation with Generative AdversarialNetworks (No: 1548)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/7` `Medical: Representation` `New, pubMed`
- Unsupervised Learning For Cell-level Visual Representation with?Generative?AdversarialNetworks (No: 1217)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Representation` `pubMed`
- Video Captioning by Adversarial LSTM (No: 1546)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/7` `Medical: Synthersize` `New, pubMed`
- Which Training Methods for GANs do actually Converge? (No: 1140)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `ICML2018`
- - (No: 1112)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `CVPR 2018`
- A Generative Adversarial Approach for Zero-Shot Learning From Noisy Texts (No: 1107)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `CVPR 2018`
- A Memristor based Unsupervised Neuromorphic System Towards Fast and Energy-Efficient GAN (No: 1004)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6`
- A Multimodal Classifier Generative Adversarial Network for Carry and Place Tasks from Ambiguous Language Instructions (No: 1041)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6`
- Adversarial Auto-encoders for Speech Based Emotion Recognition (No: 1052)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Speech Recognition`
- Adversarial Distillation of Bayesian Neural Network Posteriors (No: 1092)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6`
- Adversarial Learning with Local Coordinate Coding (No: 1033)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `ICML2018`
- An Effective Image Denoising Method for UAV Images via Improved Generative AdversarialNetworks (No: 1117)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Denoising`
- An Effective Image Denoising Method for UAV Images via Improved Generative AdversarialNetworks (No: 1549)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/6` `Medical: Denoising` `New, pubMed`
- An empirical study on evaluation metrics of generative adversarial networks (No: 1017)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6`
- Approximability of Discriminators Implies Diversity in GANs (No: 1090)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6`
- Banach Wasserstein GAN (No: 1026)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6`
- Beyond Local Nash Equilibria for Adversarial Networks (No: 1019)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6`
- BFGAN: Backward and Forward Generative Adversarial Networks for Lexically Constrained Sentence Generation (No: 1014)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `BFGAN`
- BinGAN: Learning Compact Binary Descriptors with a Regularized GAN (No: 1024)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `NIPS2018` `BinGAN`
- CapsGAN: Using Dynamic Routing for Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1039)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `CapsGAN`
- CartoonGAN: Generative Adversarial Networks for Photo Cartoonization (No: 1116)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `CVPR 2018` `CatoonGAN`
- Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Structured Domain Adaptation (No: 1108)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `CVPR 2018`
- Convergence Problems with Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) (No: 1159)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6`
- CR-GAN: Learning Complete Representations for Multi-view Generation (No: 1162)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `CR-GAN`
- Cross-dataset Person Re-Identification Using Similarity Preserved Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1035)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6`
- CT-Realistic Lung Nodule Simulation from 3D Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Robust Lung Segmentation (No: 1037)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Segmentation` `3D, MICCAI2018`
- Customizing an Adversarial Example Generator with Class-Conditional GANs (No: 1091)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6`
- Cycle Consistent Adversarial Denoising Network for Multiphase Coronary CT Angiography (No: 1567)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Reconstruction` `New`
- Data Synthesis based on Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1046)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Data Synthesis`
- Deep learning enhancement of infrared face images using generative adversarial networks (No: 1538)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2018/6` `New, pubMed`
- Digital radiography image denoising using a generative adversarial network (No: 1119)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Denoising`
- Disentangling Multiple Conditional Inputs in GANs (No: 1015)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `KDD2018`
- Duplex Generative Adversarial Network for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (No: 1109)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `CVPR 2018`
- EEG-GAN: Generative adversarial networks for electroencephalograhic (EEG) brain signals (No: 1054)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: EEG` `EEG-GAN`
- Efficient Active Learning for Image Classification and Segmentation using a Sample Selection and Conditional Generative Adversarial Network (No: 1030)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Segmentation` `MICCAI2018`
- EL-GAN: Embedding Loss Driven Generative Adversarial Networks for Lane Detection (No: 1029)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Lane Detection` `EL-GAN`
- Excavate Condition-invariant Space by Intrinsic Encoder (No: 1160)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6`
- ExoGAN: Retrieving Exoplanetary Atmospheres Using Deep Convolutional Generative AdversarialNetworks (No: 1049)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `ExoGAN`
- Exploiting the potential of unlabeled endoscopic video data with self-supervised learning (No: 978)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/6` `Medical: Synthersize` `IJCARS`
- Face Aging With Identity-Preserved Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1114)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `CVPR 2018`
- Finding Tiny Faces in the Wild With Generative Adversarial Network (No: 1106)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] - `2018/6` `CVPR 2018`
- FrankenGAN: Guided Detail Synthesis for Building Mass-Models Using Style-Synchonized GANs (No: 1022)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `FrankenGAN`
- Free-Form Image Inpainting with Gated Convolution (No: 1190)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/6`
- Fully Connected Networks and Generative Neural Networks Applied to Sclera Segmentation (No: 1012)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Segmentation, BAT2018`
- Fully Convolutional Networks and Generative Adversarial Networks Applied to Sclera Segmentation (No: 1307)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, BTAS2018`
- GANAX: A Unified MIMD-SIMD Acceleration for Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1005)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `GANAX`
- GANViz: A Visual Analytics Approach to Understand the Adversarial Game (No: 1552)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/6` `Medical: Analyze` `New, pubMed` `GANViz`
- GANViz: A Visual Analytics Approach to Understand the?Adversarial?Game. (No: 1219)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Synthersize` `pubMed` `GANViz`
- Generate the corresponding Image from Text Description using Modified GAN-CLS Algorithm (No: 1161)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `GAN-CLS`
- Generating Image Sequence from Description with LSTM Conditional GAN (No: 1047)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6`
- Generating Synthetic CTs from Magnetic Resonance Images using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1118)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Synthersize`
- Generative Adversarial Learning Towards Fast Weakly Supervised Detection (No: 1113)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `CVPR 2018`
- Generative Adversarial Nets for Information Retrieval: Fundamentals and Advances (No: 1045)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `SIGIR2018`
- Generative Adversarial Network Architectures For Image Synthesis Using Capsule Networks (No: 1042)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `NIPS2018`
- Generative adversarial network based telecom fraud detection at the receiving bank (No: 980)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2018/6` `Medical: Classification`
- Generative Adversarial Networks and Perceptual Losses for Video Super-Resolution (No: 1028)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Super Resolution`
- Generative Adversarial Networks for Image-to-Image Translation on Multi-Contrast MR Images - A Comparison of CycleGAN and UNIT (No: 1016)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Translation`
- Generative Adversarial Networks for Image-to-Image Translation on Multi-Contrast MR Images-A Comparison of CycleGAN and UNIT (No: 1562)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2018/6` `Medical: Translation` `New, MR`
- Generative Adversarial Networks for Realistic Synthesis of Hyperspectral Samples (No: 1050)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `IGARSS 2018`
- Generative adversarial networks for reconstructing natural images from brain activity (No: 1212)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Reconstruction` `bioarXiv`
- Generative Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Object Co-localization (No: 1300)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `New`
- Hierarchy of GANs for learning embodied self-awareness model (No: 1038)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6`
- High Diversity Attribute Guided Face Generation with GANs (No: 1088)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6`
- Image Blind Denoising With Generative Adversarial Network Based Noise Modeling (No: 1110)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `CVPR 2018`
- Image Translation by Domain-Adversarial Training (No: 1543)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/6` `Medical: Translation` `New, pubMed`
- Improving brain computer interface performance by data augmentation with conditional Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1023)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `BCI, Augmentation`
- Improving Surgical Training Phantoms by Hyperrealism: Deep Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation from Real Surgeries (No: 1044)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Translation` `Surgical Phantom, MICCAI2018`
- Instance Map based Image Synthesis with a Denoising GenerativeAdversarial Network (No: 1095)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/6`
- Integral Privacy for Density Estimation with Approximation Guarantees (No: 1034)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6`
- IR2VI: Enhanced Night Environmental Perception by Unsupervised Thermal Image Translation (No: 1009)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `IR2VI`
- JointGAN: Multi-Domain Joint Distribution Learning with Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 1048)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `ICML2018` `JointGAN`
- JR-GAN: Jacobian Regularization for Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1010)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `JR-GAN`
- KinshipGAN: Synthesizing of Kinship Faces From Family Photos by Regularizing a Deep Face Network (No: 1306)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `New` `KinshipGAN`
- Laplacian Smoothing Gradient Descent (No: 1305)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `New, Training`
- Luigi: Large-scale histopathological image retrieval system using deep texture representations (No: 1055)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Representation` `Luigi`
- MedGAN: Medical Image Translation using GANs (No: 1027)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Translation` `MedGAN`
- Mixed batches and symmetric discriminators for GAN training (No: 1021)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `ICML2018`
- Monge beats Bayes: Hardness Results for Adversarial Training (No: 1304)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `New, Training`
- Multi-chart Generative Surface Modeling (No: 1053)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6`
- NAM: Non-Adversarial Unsupervised Domain Mapping (No: 1301)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `New, ECCV2018` `NAM`
- On Accurate Evaluation of GANs for Language Generation (No: 1032)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6`
- On Enhancing Speech Emotion Recognition using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1025)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Speech Emotion Recognition`
- Privacy-Protective-GAN for Face De-identification (No: 1011)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6`
- Reinforced Adversarial Neural Computer for de Novo Molecular Design (No: 1550)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/6` `New, pubMed`
- Reinforced?Adversarial?Neural Computer for de Novo Molecular Design. (No: 1218)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Synthersize` `pubMed`
- Retinal Image Synthesis for CAD Development (No: 1568)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Synthersize` `New`
- Retinal Optic Disc Segmentation using Conditional Generative Adversarial Network (No: 1040)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Optic Disc Segmentation`
- Semantic-Aware Generative Adversarial Nets for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Chest X-ray Segmentation (No: 1561)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, Chest X-ray`
- Semi-supervised Seizure Prediction with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1013)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6`
- Single Image Dehazing via Conditional Generative Adversarial Network (No: 1115)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `CVPR 2018`
- SoPhie: An Attentive GAN for Predicting Paths Compliant to Social and Physical Constraints (No: 1302)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `New`
- Sounderfeit: Cloning a Physical Model using a Conditional Adversarial Autoencoder (No: 1093)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6`
- Speech-Driven Expressive Talking Lips with Conditional Sequential GenerativeAdversarial Networks (No: 1006)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Speech`
- StarGAN-VC: Non-parallel many-to-many voice conversion with star generative adversarial networks (No: 1051)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `StarGAN-VC`
- Stochastic seismic waveform inversion using generative adversarial networks as a geological prior (No: 1043)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6`
- Task Driven Generative Modeling for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation: Application to X-ray Image Segmentation (No: 1020)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Segmentation` `MICCAI2018`
- The Unusual Effectiveness of Averaging in GAN Training (No: 1036)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6`
- Thermal to Visible Facial Image Translation Using Generative AdversarialNetworks (No: 1094)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/6`
- Training Discriminative Models to Evaluate Generative Ones (No: 1089)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6`
- Training Generative Reversible Networks (No: 1303)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2018/6` `New`
- Unsupervised Deep Generative Adversarial Hashing Network (No: 1111)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `CVPR 2018`
- Unsupervised Detection of Lesions in Brain MRI using constrained adversarial auto-encoders (No: 1564)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Detection` `New`
- Using General Adversarial Networks for Marketing: A Case Study of Airbnb (No: 1158)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6`
- Versatile Auxiliary Classifier with Generative Adversarial Network (VAC+GAN), Multi Class Scenarios (No: 1018)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6`
- What Is It Like Down There? Generating Dense Ground-Level Views and Image Features From Overhead Imagery Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1031)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6`
- 3-D Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network for Low-Dose CT via Transfer Learning From a 2-D Trained Network (No: 1064)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2018/5` `Medical: Synthersize` `New, 3D, LD-CT`
- A Generalized Active Learning Approach for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection (No: 932)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- A Solvable High-Dimensional Model of GAN (No: 925)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Adaptive template generation for amyloid PET using a deep learning approach (No: 983)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/5` `Medical: Synthersize` `Medical`
- Altered Fingerprints: Detection and Localization (No: 1291)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `New`
- An Unsupervised Approach to Solving Inverse Problems using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 912)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Anime Style Space Exploration Using Metric Learning and Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 923)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Approximating the Void: Learning Stochastic Channel Models from Observation with Variational Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 906)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Approximating the Void: Learning Stochastic Channel Models from Observation with Variational Generative AdversarialNetworks (No: 1293)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `New`
- Artificial Intelligence Paradigm for Customer Experience Management in Next-Generation Networks: Challenges and Perspectives (No: 905)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Autonomously and Simultaneously Refining Deep Neural Network Parameters by Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 934)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- AutoZOOM: Autoencoder-based Zeroth Order Optimization Method for Attacking Black-box Neural Networks (No: 1298)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `New, Attack` `AutoZOOM`
- AVID: Adversarial Visual Irregularity Detection (No: 1296)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `New` `AVID`
- Batch Normalization in the final layer of generative networks (No: 914)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- BourGAN: Generative Networks with Metric Embeddings (No: 919)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `BourGAN`
- Capturing Variabilities from Computed Tomography Images with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 955)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Medical: Detection` `ESANN`
- Clustering With Pairwise Relationships: A Generative Approach (No: 888)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Conditional Generative Adversarial and Convolutional Networks for X-ray Breast Mass Segmentation and Shape Classification (No: 941)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Medical: Segmentation` `MICCAI2018`
- Conditional molecular design with deep generative models (No: 877)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Constructing Unrestricted Adversarial Examples with Generative Models (No: 1295)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `New, NIPS2018`
- Cross Domain Image Generation through Latent Space Exploration with Adversarial Loss (No: 940)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Deep CT to MR Synthesis using Paired and Unpaired Data (No: 962)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Medical: Synthersize` `Medical`
- Deep Generative Markov State Models (No: 917)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Deep learning approach to Fourier ptychographic microscopy (No: 1288)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Medical: Improve` `New, Bio`
- DeepEM: Deep 3D ConvNets With EM For Weakly Supervised Pulmonary Nodule Detection (No: 943)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Bio, 3D` `DeepEM`
- Defense-GAN: Protecting Classifiers Against Adversarial Attacks Using Generative Models (No: 907)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Defense-GAN`
- Detecting Deceptive Reviews using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 958)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Diverse and Controllable Image Captioning with Part-of-Speech Guidance (No: 1007)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- DSGAN: Generative Adversarial Training for Distant Supervision Relation Extraction (No: 937)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `DSGAN`
- Dyna Planning using a Feature Based Generative Model (No: 939)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Elastic Registration of Medical Images With GANs (No: 889)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Medical: Classification`
- End-to-End Speech-Driven Facial Animation with Temporal GANs (No: 931)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Evolving Mario Levels in the Latent Space of a Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network (No: 882)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Exploiting Images for Video Recognition with Hierarchical Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 899)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `IJCAI2018`
- Exploring the Potential of Generative Adversarial Networks for Synthesizing Radiological Images of the Spine to be Used in In Silico Trials. (No: 1121)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/5` `Medical: Synthersize`
- Exploring the Potential of Generative Adversarial Networks for Synthesizing Radiological Images of the Spine to be Used inIn Silico Trials. (No: 967)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/5` `Medical: Synthersize` `Medical`
- FairGAN: Fairness-aware Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 956)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `FairGAN`
- Fairness GAN (No: 936)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Fast-converging Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Synthesis (No: 887)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Featurized Bidirectional GAN: Adversarial Defense via Adversarially Learned Semantic Inference (No: 921)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- GAN Q-learning (No: 901)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- GANE: A Generative Adversarial Network Embedding (No: 913)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `GANE`
- GANomaly: Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection via Adversarial Training (No: 1294)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Medical: Detection` `New, Anomaly`
- Generalized Cross Entropy Loss for Training Deep Neural Networks with Noisy Labels (No: 920)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Generating Continuous Representations of Medical Texts (No: 904)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Medical: Representation`
- Generative Adversarial Examples (No: 922)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Generative Adversarial Forests for Better Conditioned Adversarial Learning (No: 903)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Generative Adversarial Image Synthesis with Decision Tree Latent Controller (No: 964)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `CVPR 2018`
- Generative Creativity: Adversarial Learning for Bionic Design (No: 918)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Generative Model: Membership Attack,Generalization and Diversity (No: 935)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Generative networks as inverse problems with Scattering transforms (No: 908)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Generic Deriving of Generic Traversals (No: 909)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- High Quality Bidirectional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 965)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- High-resolution medical image synthesis using progressively grown generative adversarial networks (No: 893)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Medical: Synthersize` `Super Resolution`
- Human Action Generation with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 961)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Image-derived generative modeling of pseudo-macromolecular structures - towards the statistical assessment of Electron CryoTomography template matching (No: 900)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Improving GAN Training via Binarized Representation Entropy (BRE) Regularization (No: 896)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Improving Image Captioning with Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 910)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `AAAI2019`
- Improving resolution of MR images with an adversarial network in corporating images with different contrast (No: 975)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2018/5` `Medical: Enhancement` `Medical`
- Learning and Inference Movement with Deep Generative Model (No: 911)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Learning Data Augmentation for Brain Tumor Segmentation with Coarse-to-Fine Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 957)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Medical: Segmentation` `Augmentation`
- Learning Temporal Strategic Relationships using Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (No: 902)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Learning to Repair Software Vulnerabilities with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 915)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Less is More: Unified Model for Unsupervised Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation (No: 959)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- MC-GAN: Multi-conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Image Synthesis (No: 884)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `MC-GAN`
- MC-GAN: Multi-conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Image Synthesis (No: 1292)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `New, BMVC2018` `MC-GAN`
- Measuring human sensitivity to perturbations within the manifold of natural images (No: 942)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Bio`
- MEGAN: Mixture of Experts of Generative Adversarial Networks for Multimodal Image Generation (No: 891)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `IJCAI2018` `MEGAN`
- MolGAN: An implicit generative model for small molecular graphs (No: 953)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `MolGAN`
- Multi-turn Dialogue Response Generation in an Adversarial Learning Framework (No: 1297)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `New, Learning`
- Neural Generative Models for Global Optimization with Gradients (No: 926)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Neural Networks for Efficient Bayesian Decoding of Natural Images from Retinal Neurons (No: 945)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Bio`
- NiftyNet: a deep-learning platform for medical imaging (No: 981)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/5` `Medical: Reconstruction` `Medical` `NiftyNet`
- Occluded object reconstruction for first responders with augmented reality glasses using conditional generative adversarial networks (No: 880)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- On the Equivalence of Generative and Discriminative Formulations of the Sequential Dependence Model (No: 878)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Optimized generation of high-resolution phantom images using cGAN: Application to quantification of Ki67 breast cancer images (No: 982)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] [Web] - `2018/5` `Medical: Segmentation` `PloS one`
- Perceptually Optimized Generative Adversarial Network for Single Image Dehazing (No: 883)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Primal-Dual Wasserstein GAN (No: 933)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- PSGAN: A Generative Adversarial Network for Remote Sensing Image Pan-Sharpening (No: 894)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `PSGAN`
- Rapid seismic domain transfer: Seismic velocity inversion and modeling using deep generative neural networks (No: 929)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `submitted to EAGE 2018`
- Reconstruction of Simulation-Based Physical Field by Reconstruction Neural Network Method (No: 1289)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `New`
- ReGAN: RE[LAX|BAR|INFORCE] based Sequence Generation using GANs (No: 892)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `ReGAN`
- Replicating Active Appearance Model by Generator Network (No: 928)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Rethinking Diversified and Discriminative Proposal Generation for Visual Grounding (No: 895)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Accepted in IJCAI 2018`
- Retinal Vessel Segmentation Based on Conditional Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 897)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Robust Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 927)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- scVAE: Variational auto-encoders for single-cell gene expression data (No: 944)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Bio` `scVAE`
- SegAN: Adversarial Network with Multi-scale L1Loss for Medical Image Segmentation (No: 974)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2018/5` `Medical: Segmentation` `Medical` `SegAN`
- Self-Attention Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 924)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2018/5`
- Semantic Road Layout Understanding by Generative Adversarial Inpainting (No: 1008)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Semi-Supervised Learning with GANs: Revisiting Manifold Regularization (No: 930)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Workshop track - ICLR 2018`
- Sequential Attacks on Agents for Long-Term Adversarial Goals (No: 1299)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `New`
- Siamese networks for generating adversarial examples (No: 885)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Sparsely Grouped Multi-task Generative Adversarial Networks for Facial Attribute Manipulation (No: 916)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Stingray Detection of Aerial Images Using Augmented Training Images Generated by A Conditional Generative Model (No: 898)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Structure-sensitive Multi-scale Deep Neural Network for Low-Dose CT Denoising (No: 1290)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Medical: LD-CT` `New`
- Synergistic Reconstruction and Synthesis via Generative Adversarial Networks for Accelerated Multi-Contrast MRI (No: 963)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Medical: Reconstruction` `Medical`
- Text to Image Synthesis Using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 881)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Transferring GANs: generating images from limited data (No: 886)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `ECCV2018`
- Unpaired Multi-Domain Image Generation via Regularized Conditional GANs (No: 890)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `IJCAI2018`
- Unsupervisedly Training GANs for Segmenting Digital Pathology with Automatically Generated Annotations (No: 938)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Medical: Segmentation` `ISBI2019`
- Versatile Auxiliary Classifier + Generative Adversarial Network (VAC+GAN); Training Conditional Generators (No: 879)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Versatile Auxiliary Regressor with Generative Adversarial network (VAR+GAN) (No: 960)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- Webpage Saliency Prediction with Two-stage Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 954)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5`
- 3D cGAN based cross-modality MR image synthesis for brain tumor segmentation (No: 1194)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/4` `ISBI 2018` `3D cGAN`
- A Hybrid Model for Identity Obfuscation by Face Replacement (No: 831)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `ECCV2018`
- A Multi-Discriminator CycleGAN for Unsupervised Non-Parallel Speech Domain Adaptation (No: 804)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Interspeech 2018`
- Adversarial Complementary Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Localization (No: 842)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Adversarial Example Generation with Syntactically Controlled ParaphraseNetworks (No: 838)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Adversarial Image Registration with Application for MR and TRUS Image Fusion (No: 868)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Synthersize`
- Adversarial Spatio-Temporal Learning for Video Deblurring (No: 1275)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `New, TIP`
- Adversarial Training of Variational Auto-encoders for High Fidelity Image Generation (No: 864)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Adversarial Training Versus Weight Decay (No: 1277)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `New, Training`
- Adversarial training with cycle consistency for unsupervised super-resolution in endomicroscopy (No: 1192)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Enhancement` `Super Resolution`
- AF-DCGAN: Amplitude Feature Deep Convolutional GAN for Fingerprint Construction in Indoor Localization System (No: 835)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `AF-DCGAN`
- AmbientGAN : Generative models from lossy measurements (No: 1130)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `ICLR 2018` `AmbientGAN`
- Automated Segmentation of Epithelial Tissue Using Cycle-Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 876)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Bio`
- Automatic lesion detection and segmentation of 18F-FET PET in gliomas: A full 3D U-Net convolutional neural network study (No: 988)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Segmentation` `Medical`
- Beyond Narrative Description: Generating Poetry from Images by Multi-Adversarial Training (No: 1283)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `New, Training`
- Blood Vessel Geometry Synthesis using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 828)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Synthersize`
- Brain MRI super-resolution using 3D generative adversarial networks (No: 1193)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Enhancement` `Super Resolution, MRI, 3D`
- Causal Generative Domain Adaptation Networks (No: 825)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Coloring with Words: Guiding Image Colorization Through Text-based Palette Generation (No: 1279)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `New, ECCV2018`
- Completely Unsupervised Phoneme Recognition byAdversariallyLearning Mapping Relationships from Audio Embeddings (No: 802)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks with Binary Neurons for Polyphonic Music Generation (No: 861)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Correlated discrete data generation using adversarial training (No: 809)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Augmentation`
- CoT: Cooperative Training for Generative Modeling (No: 823)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `CoT`
- CRAFT: Complementary Recommendations Using Adversarial Feature Transformer (No: 1287)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `New` `CRAFT`
- CRAFT: Complementary Recommendations Using AdversarialFeature Transformer (No: 867)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `CRAFT`
- Deep Generative Networks For Sequence Prediction (No: 841)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Deep learning achieves super-resolution in fluorescence microscopy (No: 875)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Bio`
- Deep Semantic Hashing with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 853)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Defo-Net: Learning Body Deformation using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 837)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Deformable medical image registration using generative adversarial networks (No: 1063)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Synthersize` `ISBI2018`
- DeSIGN: Design Inspiration from Generative Networks (No: 808)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `DeSIGN`
- DGPose: Disentangled Semi-supervised Deep Generative Models for Human Body Analysis (No: 840)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- DOOM Level Generation using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 860)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- DTR-GAN: Dilated Temporal RelationalAdversarialNetworkfor Video Summarization (No: 870)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `DTR-GAN`
- Efficient inverse graphics in biological face processing (No: 871)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Bio`
- Estimation of Tissue Oxygen Saturation from RGB Images based on Pixel-level Image Translation (No: 843)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Event Extraction with Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (No: 848)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Facial Aging and Rejuvenation by Conditional Multi-AdversarialAutoencoder with Ordinal Regression (No: 816)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Feedback GAN (FBGAN) for DNA: a Novel Feedback-Loop Architecture for Optimizing Protein Functions (No: 811)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `FBGAN`
- Functional Generative Design: An Evolutionary Approach to 3D-Printing (No: 844)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `3DP`
- GAN-based synthetic brain MR image generation (No: 1059)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Synthersize` `MR, Brain, ISBI2018`
- GANITE: Estimation of Individualized Treatment Effects using Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 1133)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `ICLR 2018` `GANITE`
- Generating Diverse and Accurate Visual Captions by Comparative Adversarial Learning (No: 806)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Generatinga Fusion Image: One's Identity and Another's Shape (No: 846)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Generative Adversarial Learning for Spectrum Sensing (No: 805)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Generative Adversarial Network based Autoencoder: Application to fault detection problem for closed loop dynamical systems (No: 834)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Generative adversarial network-based approach to signal reconstruction from magnitude spectrograms (No: 814)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): What it can generate and What it cannot? (No: 800)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Generative Adversarial Networks Conditioned on Brain Activity Reconstruct Seen Images (No: 873)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Reconstruction` `Bio`
- Generative Adversarial Networks for Extreme Learned Image Compression (No: 817)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Generative Adversarial Networks to Segment Skin Lesions (No: 1058)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Segmentation` `ISBI2018`
- Generative Adversarial Networks to Synthetically Augment Data for Deep Learning based Image Segmentation (No: 1199)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] - `2018/4` `Medical: Synthersize` `Augmentation`
- Generative Adversarial Training for MRA Image Synthesis Using Multi-Contrast MRI (No: 827)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Synthersize`
- Generative Model for Heterogeneous Inference (No: 862)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Generative models for local network community detection (No: 830)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Generative Models of Visually Grounded Imagination (No: 1131)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `ICLR 2018`
- Generative Spatiotemporal Modeling Of Neutrophil Behavior (No: 1062)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Modeling` `ISBI2018`
- Graphical Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 820)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `GraphicalGAN`
- Group Anomaly Detection using Deep Generative Models (No: 833)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- High-quality face image generated with conditional boundary equilibrium generative adversarial networks (No: 991)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Synthersize` `Medical`
- Histopathology Stain-Color Normalization Using Generative Neural Networks (No: 1061)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Normalization` `MIDL2018`
- Human Motion Modeling using DVGANs (No: 866)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `DVGANs`
- I-vector Transformation Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Short Utterance Speaker Verification (No: 801)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- IterGANs: Iterative GANs to Learn and Control 3D Object Transformation (No: 836)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `3D`
- Language Modeling with Generative AdversarialNetworks (No: 815)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Latent Constraints: Learning to Generate Conditionally from Unconditional Generative Models (No: 1132)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `ICLR 2018`
- Learning Beyond Human Expertise with Generative Models for Dental Restorations (No: 799)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Learning Disentangled Representations of Texts with Application to Biomedical Abstracts (No: 1282)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Representation` `New, EMNLP2018`
- Learning Myelin Content in Multiple Sclerosis from Multimodal MRI through Adversarial Training (No: 851)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Synthersize` `MICCAI2018`
- Low Resource Black-Box End-to-End Attack Against State of the Art API Call Based Malware Classifiers (No: 1284)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `New, Attack, ACSAC2018`
- Low-Dose CT Image Denoising Using a Generative Adversarial Network With Wasserstein Distance and Perceptual Loss (No: 1065)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2018/4` `Medical: Denoising` `LD-CT`
- Mask-aware Photorealistic Face Attribute Manipulation (No: 858)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- MaskGAN: Textual Generative Adversarial Networks from Filling-in-the-Blank (No: 1129)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `ICLR 2018` `MaskGAN`
- MelanoGANs: High Resolution Skin Lesion Synthesis with GANs (No: 826)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Synthersize` `MelanoGANs`
- MGGAN: Solving Mode Collapse using Manifold Guided Training (No: 829)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `MGGAN`
- Modular Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 819)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `ECCV2018` `ModularGAN`
- No Metrics Are Perfect: Adversarial Reward Learning for Visual Storytelling (No: 1285)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `New, Learning`
- Open Set Domain Adaptation by Backpropagation (No: 1286)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `New, Training`
- Opportunities and obstacles for deep learning in biology and medicine (No: 990)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Survey` `Medical`
- Path Planning in Support of Smart Mobility Applications using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 855)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Pedestrian-Synthesis-GAN: Generating Pedestrian Data in Real Scene and Beyond (No: 813)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Synthesis` `Pedestrian-Synthesis-GAN`
- PM-GANs: Discriminative Representation Learning for Action Recognition Using Partial-modalities (No: 839)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `ECCV2018` `PM-GANs`
- Quantum generative adversarial networks (No: 856)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Ranking CGANs: Subjective Control over Semantic Image Attributes (No: 1278)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `New`
- Ranking Generative Adversarial Networks: Subjective Control over Semantic Image Attributes (No: 824)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Semi-supervised Adversarial Learning to Generate Photorealistic Face Images of New Identities from 3D Morphable Model (No: 821)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `3D`
- Semi-supervised learning with generative adversarial networks for chest X-ray classification with ability of data domain adaptation (No: 1056)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Classification` `ISBI2018, Augmentation`
- ShapeShifter: Robust Physical Adversarial Attack on Faster R-CNN Object Detector (No: 1280)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `New, Attack`
- Siamese Generative Adversarial Privatizer for Biometric Data (No: 857)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Representation` `Bio` `SGAP`
- Simulation-based Adversarial Test Generation for Autonomous Vehicles with Machine Learning Components (No: 1281)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `New, IV2018`
- Sliced-Wasserstein Autoencoder: An Embarrassingly Simple Generative Model (No: 812)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Spatial Image Steganography Based on Generative Adversarial Network (No: 850)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Speech waveform synthesis from MFCC sequences with generative adversarial networks (No: 807)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Stain normalization of histopathology images using generative adversarial networks (No: 1565)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Normalization` `New, ISBI2018`
- StainGAN: Stain Style Transfer for Digital Histological Images (No: 1060)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Classification` `MICCAI 2018`
- STAN: Spatio-Temporal Adversarial Networksfor Abnormal Event Detection (No: 854)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `STAN`
- Structural inference embedded adversarial networks for scene parsing (No: 985)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Reconstruction` `Medical`
- SyncGAN: Synchronize the Latent Space of Cross-modal Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 803)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `SyncGAN`
- Synthesizing Images of Humans in Unseen Poses (No: 847)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Synthesizing Programs for Images using ReinforcedAdversarialLearning (No: 810)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Talking Face Generation by Conditional Recurrent Adversarial Network (No: 832)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Teaching data science fundamentals through realistic synthetic clinical cardiovascular data (No: 874)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Clinical` `Bio`
- To Create What You Tell: Generating Videos from Captions (No: 852)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Towards Deeper Generative Architectures for GANs using Dense connections (No: 869)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Understanding Humans in Crowded Scenes: Deep Nested Adversarial Learning and A New Benchmark for Multi-Human Parsing (No: 1276)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `New`
- Understanding Humans in Crowded Scenes: Deep NestedAdversarialLearning and A New Benchmark for Multi-Human Parsing (No: 818)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Unsupervised and semi-supervised learning with Categorical Generative Adversarial Networks assisted by Wasserstein distance for dermoscopy image Classification (No: 822)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Classification`
- Unsupervised Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation of ConvNets for Biomedical Image Segmentations with Adversarial Loss (No: 1560)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Segmentation` `New`
- Unsupervised Natural Language Generation with Denoising Autoencoders (No: 849)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation with Weight Sharing (No: 859)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Unsupervised Representation Adversarial Learning Network: from Reconstruction to Generation (No: 845)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4`
- Visual Data Synthesis via GAN for Zero-Shot Video Classification (No: 863)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `IJCAI 2018`
- Wasserstein Auto-Encoders (No: 1134)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `ICLR 2018`
- Weakly supervised learning of single-cell feature embeddings (No: 872)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Bio`
- 3D Consistent Biventricular Myocardial Segmentation Using Deep Learning for Mesh Generation (No: 793)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `Medical: Segmentation` `3D`
- A Deep Predictive Coding Network for Learning Latent Representations (No: 796)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `Bio`
- A Dual Approach to Scalable Verification of Deep Networks (No: 1267)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `New`
- Adaptive Affinity Fields for Semantic Segmentation (No: 1273)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `New, ECCV2018`
- Adversarial Data Programming: Using GANs to Relax the Bottleneck of Curated Labeled Data (No: 764)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Adversarial Generalized Method of Moments (No: 769)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- An Improved Evaluation Framework for Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 772)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- An Introduction to Image Synthesis with Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 762)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Attention-GAN for Object Transfiguration in Wild Images (No: 768)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `Attention-GAN`
- BAGAN: Data Augmentation with Balancing GAN (No: 787)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `Augmentation` `BAGAN`
- Branched Generative Adversarial Networks for Multi-Scale Image Manifold Learning (No: 777)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Can AI reproduce observed chemical diversity? (No: 798)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `Bio`
- Can we steal your vocal identity from the Internet?: Initial investigation of cloning Obama's voice using GAN, WaveNet and low-quality found data (No: 749)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Chest x-ray generation and data augmentation for cardiovascular abnormality classification (No: 1001)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `Medical: Classification` `Chest X-Ray, SPIE MI2018, Augmentation`
- Comparing Generative Adversarial Network Techniques for Image Creation and Modification (No: 782)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Correcting differences in multi-site neuroimaging data using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 784)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Correction by Projection: Denoising Images with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 763)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Cross-modality image synthesis from unpaired data using CycleGAN: Effects of gradient consistency loss and training data size (No: 948)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `Medical: Detection` `Medical`
- Cross-View Image Synthesis using Conditional GANs (No: 739)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Data Augmentation in Deep Learning using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1198)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] - `2018/3` `Master thesis, Augmentation`
- Deep Genomic Signature for early metastasis prediction in prostate cancer (No: 795)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `Bio`
- DeepGauge: Multi-Granularity Testing Criteria for Deep Learning Systems (No: 1270)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `New, Attack`
- Digital Signal Modulation Classification With Data Augmentation Using Generative Adversarial Nets in Cognitive Radio Networks (No: 1066)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/3` `Augmentation`
- Dihedral angle prediction using generative adversarial networks (No: 792)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Dist-GAN: An Improved GAN using Distance Constraints (No: 1272)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `New, Training, ECCV2018` `Dist-GAN`
- DYAN: A Dynamical Atoms-Based Network for Video Prediction (No: 1269)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `New` `DYAN`
- Efficient and Accurate MRI Super-Resolution using a Generative Adversarial Network and 3D Multi-Level Densely Connected Network (No: 746)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `Medical: Enhancement` `3D, MICCAI2018`
- ELEGANT: Exchanging Latent Encodings with GAN for Transferring Multiple Face Attributes (No: 790)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2018/3` `ECCV2018` `ELEGANT`
- Enforcing constraints for interpolation and extrapolation in Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 776)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Evolutionary Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 751)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Fictitious GAN: Training GANs with Historical Models (No: 779)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `Training`
- Fr?chet ChemblNet Distance: A metric for generative models for molecules (No: 786)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- GAN-based Synthetic Medical Image Augmentation for increased CNN Performance in Liver Lesion Classification (No: 747)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `Medical: Synthersize` `Augmentation`
- GAN-based Synthetic Medical Image Augmentation for increased CNN Performance in Liver Lesion Classification (No: 951)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `Medical: Classification` `Augmentation`
- Generalized Scene Reconstruction (No: 778)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Generating Differentially Private Datasets Using GANs (No: 741)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Generative Adversarial Autoencoder Networks (No: 780)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Generative Adversarial Talking Head: Bringing Portraits to Life with a Weakly Supervised Neural Network (No: 774)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Generative Modeling using the Sliced Wasserstein Distance (No: 794)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Generative Multi-Agent Behavioral Cloning (No: 773)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Graphite: Iterative Generative Modeling of Graphs (No: 789)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Image Colorization with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 765)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- IMG2DSM: Height Simulation From Single Imagery Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Net (No: 1067)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/3` `IMG2DSM`
- Improved Part Segmentation Performance by Optimising Realism of Synthetic Images using Cycle Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 767)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Improving DNN Robustness to Adversarial Attacks using Jacobian Regularization (No: 1271)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `New, Attack`
- Improving GANs Using Optimal Transport (No: 766)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Improving the Improved Training of Wasserstein GANs: A Consistency Term and Its Dual Effect (No: 744)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Investigating Generative Adversarial Networks based Speech Dereverberation for Robust Speech Recognition (No: 788)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Learning Generative Models of Tissue Organization with Supervised GANs (No: 1529)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/3` `Medical: Generating` `New, pubMed`
- Learning Implicit Brain MRI Manifolds with Deep Learning (No: 1120)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/3` `Medical: Synthersize` `SPIE MI2018`
- Learning the Base Distribution in Implicit Generative Models (No: 761)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- MAGAN: Aligning Biological Manifolds (No: 752)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `ICML2018` `MAGAN`
- Maintaining Natural Image Statistics with the Contextual Loss (No: 1265)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `New, Training`
- Medical Image Synthesis with Deep Convolutional Adversarial Networks (No: 1157)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/3` `Medical: Synthersize`
- Memorization Precedes Generation: Learning Unsupervised GANs with Memory Networks (No: 745)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- MRI2MRI: A deep convolutional network that accurately transforms between brain MRI contrasts (No: 797)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `Medical: Translation` `Bio, MRI` `MRI2MRI`
- MTGAN: Speaker Verification through Multitasking Triplet Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 781)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `MTGAN`
- NetGAN: Generating Graphs via Random Walks (No: 750)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `ICML2018` `NetGAN`
- On Generation of Adversarial Examples using Convex Programming (No: 760)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- One-Class Adversarial Nets for Fraud Detection (No: 743)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Patch-Based Image Inpainting with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 770)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- PSFGAN: A generative adversarial network system for separating quasar point sources and host galaxy light (No: 993)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/3` `PSFGAN`
- Quantitatively Evaluating GANs With Divergences Proposed for Training (No: 748)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Real-time Deep Pose Estimation with Geodesic Loss for Image-to-Template Rigid Registration (No: 1266)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `New`
- Regularizing Deep Hashing Networks Using GAN Generated Fake Images (No: 785)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `Attack`
- Segmentation of Oil Spills on Side-Looking Airborne Radar Imagery with Autoencoders (No: 989)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `Medical: Segmentation` `Medical`
- Social GAN: Socially Acceptable Trajectories with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 791)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `CVPR 2018` `Social GAN`
- Some Theoretical Properties of GANs (No: 775)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Speech-Driven Facial Reenactment Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 771)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Splenomegaly segmentation using global convolutional kernels and conditional generative adversarial networks (No: 998)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/3` `Medical: Segmentation` `SPIE MI`
- ST-GAN: Spatial Transformer Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Compositing (No: 742)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `CVPR 2018` `ST-GAN`
- SUNLayer: Stable denoising with generative networks (No: 783)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Synthesizing realistic neural population activity patterns using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 753)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- Task Specific Visual Saliency Prediction with Memory Augmented Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 740)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- The History Began from AlexNet: A Comprehensive Survey on Deep Learning Approaches (No: 1264)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `New`
- Towards Open-Set Identity Preserving Face Synthesis (No: 1274)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `New, CVPR2018`
- Varying k-Lipschitz Constraint for Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 759)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3`
- VGAN-Based Image Representation Learning for Privacy-Preserving Facial Expression Recognition (No: 1268)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `New`
- 3D-Scene-GAN: Three-dimensional Scene Reconstruction with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 631)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/2` `ICLR2018` `3D-Scene-GAN`
- A conditional adversarial network for semantic segmentation of brain tumor (No: 997)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/2` `Medical: Segmentation` `Medical`
- A Study into the similarity in generator and discriminator in GAN architecture (No: 698)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- A Variational Inequality Perspective on Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 754)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- AmbientGAN: Generative models from lossy measurements (No: 617)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/2` `ICLR2018, Top100` `AmbientGAN`
- Are Generative Classifiers More Robust to Adversarial Attacks? (No: 701)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2` `ICML2018`
- ASP:A Fast Adversarial Attack Example Generation Framework based on Adversarial Saliency Prediction (No: 708)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Attention-Aware Generative Adversarial Networks (ATA-GANs) (No: 735)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2` `ATA-GANs`
- Automated dataset generation for image recognition using the example of taxonomy (No: 607)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Autoregressive Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 638)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/2` `ICLR2018`
- Auxiliary Loss Multimodal GRU Model in Audio-Visual Speech Recognition (No: 1071)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Bitewing Radiography Semantic Segmentation Base on Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 719)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Brain Tumor Segmentation Using an Adversarial Network (No: 1188)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/2` `Medical: Segmentation`
- CapsuleGAN: Generative Adversarial Capsule Network (No: 705)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2` `CapsuleGAN`
- CC-GAN A Robust Transfer-Learning Framework for HEp-2 Specimen Image Segmentation (No: 1559)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/2` `Medical: Segmentation` `New`
- CC-GAN: A Robust Transfer-Learning Framework for HEp-2 Specimen Image Segmentation (No: 995)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/2` `Medical: Segmentation` `Medical` `CC-GAN`
- Conditioning of three-dimensional generative adversarial networks for pore and reservoir-scale models (No: 710)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Cross-Modality Synthesis from CT to PET using FCN and GAN Networks for Improved Automated Lesion Detection (No: 696)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2` `Medical: Detection` `CT`
- DA-GAN: Instance-level Image Translation by Deep Attention Generative Adversarial Networks (with Supplementary Materials) (No: 702)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2` `CVPR 2018, Augmentation` `DA-GAN`
- DeepRoad: GAN-based Metamorphic Autonomous Driving System Testing (No: 720)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Dense 3D Object Reconstruction from a Single Depth View (No: 1260)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2018/2` `New, 3DP, TPAMI2018`
- Differentially Private Generative Adversarial Network (No: 700)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Discrete Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks (DWGAN) (No: 618)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/2` `ICLR2018` `DWGAN`
- Distributional Adversarial Networks (No: 628)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/2` `ICLR2018, Synthesize`
- DNA-GAN: Learning Disentangled Representations from Multi-Attribute Images (No: 637)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] [Web] - `2018/2` `ICLR2018` `DNA-GAN`
- DP-GAN: Diversity-Promoting Generative Adversarial Network for Generating Informative and Diversified Text (No: 613)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2` `DP-GAN`
- DP-GAN: Diversity-Promoting Generative Adversarial Network for Generating Informative and Diversified Text (No: 1261)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2` `New, EMNLP2018` `DP-GAN`
- eCommerceGAN: A Generative Adversarial Network for e-commerce (No: 635)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/2` `ICLR2018` `eCommerceGAN`
- Efficient GAN-Based Anomaly Detection (No: 632)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/2` `ICLR2018`
- Efficient GAN-Based Anomaly Detection (No: 704)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Enhancing Image Quality via Style Transfer for Single Image Super-Resolution (No: 1002)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/2` `Medical: Enhancement` `Medical`
- Enhancing Image Quality via Style Transfer for Single Image Super-Resolution (No: 1068)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Face Aging with Contextual Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 616)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Face Synthesis with Landmark Points from Generative Adversarial Networks and Inverse Latent Space Mapping (No: 724)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- FaceGANs: Stable Generative Adversarial Networks with High-Quality Images (No: 622)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/2` `ICLR2018`
- Feature-Based Metrics for Exploring the Latent Space of Generative Models (No: 629)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/2` `ICLR2018`
- First Order Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 714)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2` `ICML2018`
- From Eyes to Face Synthesis: a New Approach for Human-Centered Smart Surveillance (No: 1070)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/2`
- GAN Quality Index (GQI) By GAN-induced Classifier (No: 625)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/2` `ICLR2018` `GQI`
- GANs for Simulation, Representation and Inference (No: 737)
- [Search] [Scholar][Web] - `2018/2`
- Generating and refining particle detector simulations using the Wasserstein distance in adversarial networks (No: 716)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Generating Realistic Geology Conditioned on Physical Measurements with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 717)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Generating Triples with Adversarial Networks for Scene Graph Construction (No: 718)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Generative Adversarial Network-Based Virtual Try-On with Clothing Region (No: 623)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/2` `ICLR2018`
- Generative Adversarial Networks and Probabilistic Graph Models for Hyperspectral Image Classification (No: 603)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Generative adversarial networks as a tool to recover structural information from cryo-electron microscopy data (No: 758)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Generative adversarial networks uncover epidermal regulators and predict single cell perturbations (No: 591)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2` `BioarXiv`
- Generative Adversarial Networks using Adaptive Convolution (No: 606)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Geometry Score: A Method For Comparing Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 610)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2` `ICML2018`
- Geometry-Contrastive Generative Adversarial Network for Facial Expression Synthesis (No: 608)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Hockey-Stick GAN (No: 624)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/2` `ICLR2018` `Hocky-Stick-GAN`
- Image Synthesis in Multi-Contrast MRI with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 722)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2` `Medical: Synthersize` `MRI`
- Improved Boundary Equilibrium Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1069)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Improving Variational Autoencoder with Deep Feature Consistent and Generative Adversarial Training (No: 626)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/2` `ICLR2018`
- Incremental Classifier Learning with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 615)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Interaction Matters: A Note on Non-asymptotic Local Convergence of Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 706)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Introducing Adversarial Dropout in Generative Multi-Adversarial Networks (No: 636)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/2` `ICLR2018`
- Inverting The Generator Of A Generative Adversarial Network (II) (No: 709)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Is Generator Conditioning Causally Related to GAN Performance? (No: 736)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2` `ICML2018`
- Iterative GANs for Rotating Visual Objects (No: 633)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/2` `ICLR2018`
- Joint Demosaicing and Denoising with Perceptual Optimization on a Generative Adversarial Network (No: 713)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- L2-Nonexpansive Neural Networks (No: 1263)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2` `New, Attack`
- Learning Representations and Generative Models for 3D Point Clouds (No: 634)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/2` `ICLR2018`
- Load Balanced GANs for Multi-view Face Image Synthesis (No: 697)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- NAM - Unsupervised Cross-Domain Image Mapping without Cycles or GANs (No: 630)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/2` `ICLR2018`
- No Modes left behind: Capturing the data distribution effectively using GANs (No: 723)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Novelty Detection with GAN (No: 730)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Online Detection of Action Start in Untrimmed, Streaming Videos (No: 1262)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2` `New`
- Parametric Adversarial Divergences are Good Task Losses for Generative Modeling (No: 639)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/2` `ICLR2018`
- PBGAN: Partial Binarization of Deconvolution Based Generators (No: 734)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Photographic Text-to-Image Synthesis with a Hierarchically-nested Adversarial Network (No: 733)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- PixelDefend: Leveraging Generative Models to Understand and Defend against Adversarial Examples (No: 689)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/2` `ICLR2018, Top100` `PixelDefend`
- Pros and Cons of GAN Evaluation Measures (No: 715)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- RadialGAN: Leveraging multiple datasets to improve target-specific predictive models using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 703)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2` `ICML2018` `RadialGAN`
- Robust GANs against Dishonest Adversaries (No: 755)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Satellite Image Forgery Detection and Localization Using GAN and One-Class Classifier
(No: 712) - [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- SCH-GAN: Semi-supervised Cross-modal Hashing by Generative Adversarial Network (No: 604)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2` `SCH-GAN`
- Selecting the Best in GANs Family: a Post Selection Inference Framework (No: 620)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/2` `ICLR2018`
- Selecting the Best in GANs Family: a Post Selection Inference Framework (No: 711)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Selective Sampling and Mixture Models in Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 721)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Semi-Supervised Learning With GANs: Revisiting Manifold Regularization (No: 619)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/2` `ICLR2018`
- Semisupervised and weakly supervised road detection based on generative adversarial networks (No: 994)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/2` `Medical: Detection` `Medical`
- Sharpness-Aware Low-Dose CT Denoising Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Network (No: 970)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2018/2` `Medical: Synthersize` `Medical`
- Single-View Food Portion Estimation: Learning Image-to-Energy Mappings Using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 731)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Solving Approximate Wasserstein GANs to Stationarity (No: 757)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Solving Linear Inverse Problems Using GAN Priors: An Algorithm with Provable Guarantees (No: 756)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Spatially Transformed Adversarial Examples (No: 688)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/2` `ICLR2018, Top100`
- Spectral Image Visualization Using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 605)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Spectral Normalization for Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 707)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Stochastic Deconvolutional Neural Network Ensemble Training on Generative Pseudo-Adversarial Networks (No: 611)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Synthesizing Audio with GANs (No: 627)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/2` `ICLR2018`
- Synthesizing Audio with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 609)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Task-Aware Compressed Sensing with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 614)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Tempered Adversarial Networks (No: 621)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/2` `ICLR2018, ICML2018`
- Training Generative Adversarial Networks via Primal-Dual Subgradient Methods: A Lagrangian Perspective on GAN (No: 612)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- Translating and Segmenting Multimodal Medical Volumes with Cycle- and Shape-Consistency Generative Adversarial Network (No: 732)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2` `Medical: Segmentation` `MRI, CVPR 2018`
- Voice Impersonation using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 699)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2`
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018` `3C-GAN`
- A Classification-Based Perspective on GAN Distributions (No: 644)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- A Deep Generative Adversarial Architecture for Network-Wide Spatial-Temporal Traffic State Estimation (No: 729)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- A Self-Training Method for Semi-Supervised GANs (No: 654)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018, Training`
- Accelerating Science with Generative Adversarial Networks: An Application to 3D Particle Showers in Multilayer Calorimeters (No: 971)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/1` `Medical: Reconstruction` `Medical`
- Activation Maximization Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 670)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- Adversarial Generative Nets: Neural Network Attacks on State-of-the-Art Face Recognition (No: 576)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Adversarial Learning for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation (No: 657)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- Anomaly Detection with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 646)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- Attacking Speaker Recognition With Deep Generative Models (No: 571)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Automatic Goal Generation for Reinforcement Learning Agents (No: 687)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- Black-box Generation of Adversarial Text Sequences to Evade Deep Learning Classifiers (No: 728)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Boundary Seeking GANs (No: 665)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- CausalGAN: Learning Causal Implicit Generative Models with Adversarial Training (No: 672)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018, Top100` `CausalGAN`
- cGANs with Projection Discriminator (No: 680)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018` `cGANs`
- Comparative Study on Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 563)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Composite Functional Gradient Learning of Generative Adversarial Models (No: 562)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Coulomb GANs: Provably Optimal Nash Equilibria via Potential Fields (No: 669)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018` `CoulombGAN`
- Crossing Generative Adversarial Networks for Cross-View Person Re-identification (No: 574)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Deep Generative Models for Molecular Science (No: 973)
- [Search] [Scholar][Web] - `2018/1`
- Deep Lipschitz networks and Dudley GANs (No: 641)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- Deep Structured Energy-Based Image Inpainting (No: 1258)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1` `New, ICPR2018`
- Defense-GAN: Protecting Classifiers Against Adversarial Attacks Using Generative Models (No: 676)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018` `Defense-GAN`
- Deformable GANs for Pose-based Human Image Generation (No: 577)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Demystifying MMD GANs (No: 583)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1` `MMD-GANs`
- Demystifying MMD GANs (No: 679)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018` `MMD GANs`
- Design Exploration of Hybrid CMOS-OxRAM Deep Generative Architectures (No: 573)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Differentially Private Releasing via Deep Generative Model (No: 575)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- DiscrimNet: Semi-Supervised Action Recognition from Videos using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 554)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- DiscrimNet: Semi-Supervised Action Recognition from Videos using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 561)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Do GANs learn the distribution? Some Theory and Empirics (No: 673)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- eCommerceGAN : A Generative Adversarial Network for E-commerce (No: 567)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1` `eCommerceGAN`
- Emerging From Water: Underwater Image Color Correction Based on Weakly Supervised Color Transfer (No: 1074)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Enhancing Underwater Imagery using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 564)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1` `UGAN`
- Face Synthesis from Visual Attributes via Sketch using Conditional VAEs and GANs (No: 584)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Fast Cosmic Web Simulations with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 601)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Flexible Prior Distributions for Deep Generative Models (No: 652)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- Fluorescence Microscopy Image Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Network With Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 555)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Generalizable Data-free Objective for Crafting Universal Adversarial Perturbations (No: 1259)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2018/1` `New`
- Generating Adversarial Examples with Adversarial Networks (No: 570)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Generating Adversarial Examples with Adversarial Networks (No: 650)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- Generating Differentially Private Datasets Using GANs (No: 660)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- Generating Instance Segmentation Annotation by Geometry-guided GAN (No: 727)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Generating Natural Adversarial Examples (No: 667)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- Generative Adversarial Networks Based Heterogeneous Data Integration and Its Application for Intelligent Power Distribution and Utilization (No: 966)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `Applied Science`
- Generative Adversarial Networks using Adaptive Convolution (No: 655)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- Generative Adversarial Networks: An Overview (No: 999)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/1` `Medical: Survey` `Medical`
- Generative Image Inpainting with Contextual Attention (No: 1189)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] [Web] - `2018/1` `CVPR 2018`
- Generative Models for Stochastic Processes Using Convolutional Neural Networks (No: 565)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Generative Sensing: Transforming Unreliable Sensor Data for Reliable Recognition (No: 569)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Global and Local Consistent Age Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 602)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Gradient Layer: Enhancing the Convergence of Adversarial Training for Generative Models (No: 572)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Grounded Language Understanding for Manipulation Instructions Using GAN-Based Classification (No: 578)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- High Resolution Face Completion with Multiple Controllable Attributes via Fully End-to-End Progressive Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 553)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- High Resolution Face Completion with Multiple Controllable Attributes via Fully End-to-End Progressive Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 559)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- High-throughput, high-resolution Generated Adversarial Network Microscopy (No: 560)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Improve Training Stability of Semi-supervised Generative Adversarial Networks with Collaborative Training (No: 642)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018, Training`
- Improved Training of Generative Adversarial Networks Using Representative Features (No: 600)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1` `ICML2018`
- Improving Discriminator-Generator Balance in Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 658)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- Improving GAN Training via Binarized Representation Entropy (BRE) Regularization (No: 640)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018, Training`
- Improving GANs Using Optimal Transport (No: 683)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- Improving the Improved Training of Wasserstein GANs (No: 668)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [github] [Web] - :octocat: `2018/1` `ICLR2018` `Stars: 1111`
- Instance Map based Image Synthesis with a Denoising Generative Adversarial Network (No: 566)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Interactive Generative Adversarial Networks for Facial Expression Generation in Dyadic Interactions (No: 726)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Language/Dialect Recognition Based on Unsupervised Deep Learning (No: 1072)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Learning to Encode Text as Human-Readable Summaries using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 649)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- Link Prediction through Deep Learning (No: 598)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1` `BioarXiv`
- MaskGAN: Better Text Generation via Filling in the _______ (No: 682)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018, Top100` `MaskGAN`
- Memorization Precedes Generation: Learning Unsupervised GANs with Memory Networks (No: 678)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- MGAN: Training Generative Adversarial Nets with Multiple Generators (No: 681)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018` `MGAN`
- Model-Free Renewable Scenario Generation Using Generative AdversarialNetworks (No: 1073)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Modeling urbanization patterns with generative adversarial networks (No: 568)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- MRI Cross-Modality NeuroImage-to-NeuroImage Translation (No: 1257)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1` `Medical: Translation` `New`
- MRI Image-to-Image Translation for Cross-Modality Image Registration and Segmentation (No: 946)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1` `Medical: Segmentation` `Medical`
- Non-Adversarial Unsupervised Word Translation (No: 1256)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1` `New, EMNLP2018`
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- Novelty Detection with GAN (No: 647)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- On Convergence and Stability of GANs (No: 643)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- On the convergence properties of GAN training (No: 580)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- On the difference between building and extracting patterns: a causal analysis of deep generative models. (No: 653)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- On the limitations of first order approximation in GAN dynamics (No: 663)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- On Unifying Deep Generative Models (No: 666)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- Predicting Rapid Fire Growth (Flashover) Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 725)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Progressive Growing of GANs for Improved Quality, Stability, and Variation (No: 685)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- Quantitatively Evaluating GANs With Divergences Proposed for Training (No: 675)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- Sampling Neuron Morphologies (No: 599)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1` `BioarXiv`
- Semantic-aware Grad-GAN for Virtual-to-Real Urban Scene Adaption (No: 582)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Semantically Decomposing the Latent Spaces of Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 674)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- Semi-supervised FusedGAN for Conditional Image Generation (No: 558)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Semi-supervised Regression with Generative Adversarial Networks for End to End Learning in Autonomous Driving (No: 659)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- Spectral Normalization for Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 686)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018, Top100`
- Stabilizing Adversarial Nets with Prediction Methods (No: 684)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- Stabilizing GAN Training with Multiple Random Projections (No: 648)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018, Training`
- Stable Distribution Alignment Using the Dual of the Adversarial Distance (No: 661)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- Staff line Removal using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 557)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Synthesizing realistic neural population activity patterns using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 664)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- Synthetic Data Augmentation using GAN for Improved Liver Lesion Classification (No: 581)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1` `Augmentation`
- tempoGAN: A Temporally Coherent, Volumetric GAN for Super-resolution Fluid Flow (No: 586)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1` `tempoGAN`
- Towards a Testable Notion of Generalization for Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 651)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- Towards Effective GANs for Data Distributions with Diverse Modes (No: 662)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- Unsupervised Cipher Cracking Using Discrete GANs (No: 579)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Unsupervised Cipher Cracking Using Discrete GANs (No: 585)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- Unsupervised Cipher Cracking Using Discrete GANs (No: 677)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/1` `ICLR2018`
- Variational Autoencoder: An Unsupervised Model for Modeling and Decoding fMRI Activity in Visual Cortex (No: 597)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1` `Medical: Synthesize` `BioarXiv`
- Word Level Font-to-Font Image Translation using Convolutional Recurrent Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 556)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1`
- 3D Medical Image Synthesis using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 488)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] - `2017/` `Medical: Synthersize` `Medical`
- Adversarial Examples Generation and Defense Based on Generative Adversarial Network (No: 551)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/` `Adversarial Examples (Defense vs Attack)`
- cleverhans: A library for benchmarking vulnerability to adversarial examples (No: 78)
- [Search] [Scholar][github] - :octocat: `2017/` `CleverHANS` `Stars: 1509`
- Compositional Pattern Producing GAN (No: 738)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] - `2017/`
- Deep Future Gaze Gaze Anticipation on Egocentric Videos Using Adversarial Networks (No: 691)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] - `2017/`
- Deep Photo Style Transfer (No: 547)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2017/` `Domain-transfer`
- Disentangled Representation Learning GAN for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition (No: 120)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] - `2017/` `Citation: 31`
- EnhanceGAN (No: 440)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/` `Super-Resolution` `EnhanceGAN`
- Fully Convolutional Refined Auto-Encoding Generative Adversarial Networks for 3D Multi Object Scenes (No: 545)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [github] [Web] - `2017/` `3D Object generation`
- GAN Playground (No: 453)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/` `Stars: 235`
- Generating Large Images from Latent Vectors (No: 548)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [github] - `2017/` `High-resolution image generation (large-scale image)`
- Generative adversarial networks (GAN) applied to sequential data via recurrent neural networks (RNN) (No: 175)
- [Search] [Scholar][github] - :octocat: `2017/` `SequenceGAN` `Stars: 264`
- Generative Adversarial Structured Networks (No: 183)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] - `2017/` `Theory & Machine Learning` `GASN` `Citation: 1`
- Hallucinating Very Low-Resolution Unaligned and Noisy Face Images by Transformative Discriminative Autoencoders (No: 690)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/`
- How to train Gans (No: 445)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/` `GAN Theory` `Stars: 2961`
- HyperGAN (No: 213)
- [Search] [Scholar][github] - :octocat: `2017/` `HyperGAN` `Stars: 688`
- Learning a Probabilistic Latent Space of Object Shapes via 3D Generative-Adversarial Modeling (No: 544)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [github] [Web] - `2017/` `3D Object generation`
- MARTA GANs Unsupervised Representation Learning for Remote Sensing Image Classification (No: 692)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2017/` `MARTA-GANs`
- MR-to-CT Synthesis using Cycle-Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 588)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] - `2017/` `Medical: Synthesize` `Medical`
- Parametric 3D Exploration with Stacked Adversarial Networks (No: 543)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [github] - `2017/` `3D Object generation` `Pix2vox`
- ST-GAN: Unsupervised Facial Image Semantic Transformation Using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 442)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/` `Image translation` `ST-GAN`
- Structured Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 369)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] - `2017/` `Theory & Machine Learning, NIP 2017` `StructuredGAN`
- Towards Virtual H&E Staining of Hyperspectral Lung Histology Images Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks[ICCV2017 workshop] (No: 396)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] - `2017/` `Medical: Synthersize`
- A survey of image synthesis and editing with generative adversarial networks (No: 1000)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2017/12` `Medical: Synthersize` `Medical`
- A+D Net: Training a Shadow Detector with Adversarial Shadow Attenuation (No: 1252)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `New`
- Adversarial Examples: Attacks and Defenses for Deep Learning (No: 1254)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2017/12` `New, ECCV2018`
- Adversarial Stain Transfer for Histopathology Image Analysis (No: 694)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2017/12`
- Adversarial Synthesis Learning Enables Segmentation Without Target Modality Ground Truth (No: 504)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `Medical: Segmentation`
- Approximation and Convergence Properties of Generative Adversarial Learning (No: 1096)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `NIPS 2017` `Citation: 22`
- Building a 3D Integrated Cell (No: 596)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `BioarXiv`
- Composition-Aided Face Photo-Sketch Synthesis (No: 1249)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `New`
- Composition-aided Sketch-realistic Portrait Generation (No: 81)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `CA-GAN`
- Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Emoji Synthesis with Word Embedding Manipulation (No: 512)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12`
- Coverless Information Hiding Based on Generative adversarial networks (No: 508)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12`
- CycleGAN Face-off (No: 1253)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2017/12` `New`
- CytoGAN: Generative Modeling of Cell Images (No: 589)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `BioarXiv` `CytoGAN`
- DAGAN: Deep De-Aliasing Generative Adversarial Networks for Fast Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction (No: 1076)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [github] [Web] - `2017/12` `Medical: Reconstruction` `MRI` `DAGAN`
- DANCin SEQ2SEQ: Fooling Text Classifiers with Adversarial Text Example Generation (No: 511)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12`
- Dual-Agent GANs for Photorealistic and Identity Preserving Profile Face Synthesis (No: 1101)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `NIPS 2017`
- Dynamics Transfer GAN: Generating Video by Transferring Arbitrary Temporal Dynamics from a Source Video to a Single Target Image (No: 127)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `Dynamics Transfer GAN`
- Dynamics Transfer GAN: Generating Video by Transferring Arbitrary Temporal Dynamics from a Source Video to a Single Target Image (No: 463)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12`
- Energy-relaxed Wasserstein GANs (EnergyWGAN): Towards More Stable and High Resolution Image Generation (No: 130)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `EnergyWGAN`
- Eye In-Painting with Exemplar Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 136)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [TensorFlow] [Web] - `2017/12` `CVPR 2018` `ExGAN`
- f-GANs in an Information Geometric Nutshell (No: 1102)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `NIPS 2017`
- Face Translation between Images and Videos using Identity-aware CycleGAN (No: 140)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `IdCycleGAN`
- Feature Generating Networks for Zero-Shot Learning (No: 141)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `f-CLSWGAN`
- GAGAN: Geometry-Aware Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 151)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `CVPR 2018` `GAGAN`
- GANGs: Generative Adversarial Network Games (No: 153)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `GANG`
- GANosaic: Mosaic Creation with Generative Texture Manifolds (No: 154)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `GANosaic`
- Generalization of Deep Neural Networks for Chest Pathology Classification in X-Rays Using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 159)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `Medical: Classification`
- Generalizing GANs: A Turing Perspective (No: 1100)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `NIPS 2017`
- Generation of structural MR images from amyloid PET: Application to MR-less quantification. (No: 977)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2017/12` `Medical: Synthersize` `Medical`
- Generative Adversarial Nets for Multiple Text Corpora (No: 506)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12`
- Generative Adversarial Networks for Electronic Health Records: A Framework for Exploring and Evaluating Methods for Predicting Drug-Induced Laboratory Test Trajectories (No: 520)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12`
- Generative Adversarial Networks for Improving Face Classification (No: 1197)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `Master thesis`
- Generative adversarial networks for reconstructing natural images from brain activity (No: 590)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `BioarXiv`
- Geometry Guided Adversarial Facial Expression Synthesis (No: 197)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `G2-GAN`
- How Well Can Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) Learn Densities: A Nonparametric View (No: 461)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12`
- Imagine it for me: Generative Adversarial Approach for Zero-Shot Learning from Noisy Texts (No: 517)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12`
- Language and Noise Transfer in Speech Enhancement Generative Adversarial Network (No: 503)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `LNT-SEGAN`
- Layer-wise Learning of Stochastic Neural Networks with Information Bottleneck (No: 1251)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `New`
- Learning Disentangling and Fusing Networks for Face Completion Under Structured Occlusions (No: 248)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `DF-GAN`
- Learning to Compose Domain-Specific Transformations for Data Augmentation (No: 986)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2017/12` `Medical: Augmentation` `Augmentation`
- Learning to Fuse Music Genres with Generative Adversarial Dual Learning (No: 257)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `FusionGAN`
- Logo Synthesis and Manipulation with Clustered Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 513)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `CVPR 2018`
- Manifold-valued Image Generation with Wasserstein Adversarial Networks (No: 272)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `manifold-WGAN`
- Median Filtered Image Restoration and Anti-Forensics Using AdversarialNetworks (No: 1077)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2017/12`
- Multi-Content GAN for Few-Shot Font Style Transfer (No: 287)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] [Web] - `2017/12` `MC-GAN` `Stars: 5`
- Multi-Content GAN for Few-Shot Font Style Transfer (No: 467)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12`
- Multi-Modal Imitation Learning from Unstructured Demonstrations using Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 1098)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `NIPS 2017`
- Multimodal Storytelling via Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (No: 289)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `IJCAI2017` `MIL-GAN`
- NAG: Network for Adversary Generation (No: 514)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12`
- On reproduction of On the regularization of Wasserstein GANs (No: 462)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12`
- On the Effectiveness of Least Squares Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 509)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12`
- PacGAN: The power of two samples in generative adversarial networks (No: 305)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `PacGAN`
- PixelSNAIL: An Improved Autoregressive Generative Model (No: 460)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `PixelSNAIL`
- Pose-Normalized Image Generation for Person Re-identification (No: 316)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `PN-GAN`
- Semi-Supervised Learning for Optical Flow with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1097)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `NIPS 2017`
- Semi-supervised Learning with GANs: Manifold Invariance with Improved Inference (No: 1103)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `NIPS 2017`
- Semi-Supervised Learning with IPM-based GANs: an Empirical Study (No: 465)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12`
- Semisupervised Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on GenerativeAdversarial Networks (No: 1075)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2017/12`
- SGAN: An Alternative Training of Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 349)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `CVPR 2018` `SGAN`
- Splenomegaly Segmentation using Global Convolutional Kernels and Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 519)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `Medical: Segmentation` `PubMed`
- SRPGAN: Perceptual Generative Adversarial Network for Single Image Super Resolution (No: 510)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `SRPGAN`
- Stacked Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Jointly Learning Shadow Detection and Shadow Removal (No: 361)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `CVPR 2018` `ST-CGAN`
- Stochastic reconstruction of an oolitic limestone by generative adversarial networks (No: 515)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12`
- Super-FAN: Integrated facial landmark localization and super-resolution of real-world low resolution faces in arbitrary poses with GANs (No: 464)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `Super-FAN`
- Temporal Coherency based Criteria for Predicting Video Frames using Deep Multi-stage Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1099)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `NIPS 2017`
- Text Generation Based on Generative Adversarial Nets with Latent Variable (No: 382)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `VGAN`
- TFGAN: A Lightweight Library for Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 502)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2017/12` `TFGAN`
- The Effectiveness of Data Augmentation in Image Classification using Deep Learning (No: 1196)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `Augmentation`
- The Robust Manifold Defense: Adversarial Training using Generative Models (No: 505)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12`
- Towards Qualitative Advancement of Underwater Machine Vision with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 394)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `GAN-RS`
- Towards Quality Advancement of Underwater Machine Vision with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 518)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12`
- Towards Recovery of Conditional Vectors from Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 516)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12`
- TV-GAN: Generative Adversarial Network Based Thermal to Visible Face Recognition (No: 402)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `TV-GAN`
- Unsupervised Generative Adversarial Cross-modal Hashing (No: 413)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `UGACH`
- Unsupervised Histopathology Image Synthesis (No: 552)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `Medical: Synthersize` `Image Synthersize`
- Use of Generative Adversarial Network for Cross-Domain Change Detection (No: 507)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12`
- Using LIP to Gloss Over Faces in Single-Stage Face Detection Networks (No: 1255)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `New, ECCV2018`
- Wasserstein Divergence for GANs (No: 1250)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `New, ECCV2018`
- 3D Reconstruction of Incomplete Archaeological Objects Using a Generative Adversary Network (No: 2)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `ORGAN`
- A Classification-Based Perspective on GAN Distributions (No: 4)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Citation: 1`
- A generative adversarial framework for positive-unlabeled classification (No: 7)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `GPU`
- ACtuAL: Actor-Critic Under Adversarial Learning (No: 14)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `ACtuAL`
- Adversarial Attacks Beyond the Image Space (No: 1243)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `New`
- Arbitrary Facial Attribute Editing: Only Change What You Want (No: 51)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [TensorFlow] - `2017/11` `AttGAN`
- Are GANs Created Equal? A Large-Scale Study (No: 451)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11`
- Are You Talking to Me? Reasoned Visual Dialog Generation through Adversarial Learning (No: 52)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `CoAtt-GAN`
- Artificial Generation of Big Data for Improving Image Classification: A Generative Adversarial Network Approach on SAR Data (No: 55)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `Applied Vision`
- Attentive Generative Adversarial Network for Raindrop Removal from a Single Image (No: 524)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `CVPR 2018`
- AttGAN: Facial Attribute Editing by Only Changing What You Want (No: 1246)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2017/11` `New` `AttGAN`
- AttnGAN: Fine-Grained Text to Image Generation with Attentional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 58)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [TensorFlow] - `2017/11` `CVPR 2018` `AttnGAN`
- Automatic Generation of News Comments Based on Gated Attention Neural Networks (No: 1078)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2017/11`
- Bidirectional Conditional Generative Adversarial networks (No: 67)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `BCGAN`
- Can surgical simulation be used to train detection and classification of neural networks? (No: 1084)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2017/11`
- CatGAN: Coupled Adversarial Transfer for Domain Generation (No: 73)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `CatGAN`
- Chinese Typeface Transformation with Hierarchical Adversarial Network (No: 76)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `HAN`
- Conditional Autoencoders with Adversarial Information Factorization (No: 84)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `IFcVAEGAN`
- Data Augmentation Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 104)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `Augmentation` `DAGAN`
- Data Augmentation in Classification using GAN (No: 105)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `Applied Vision, Augmentation`
- Data Augmentation in Emotion Classification Using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 455)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `Augmentation`
- DeblurGAN: Blind Motion Deblurring Using Conditional Adversarial Networks (No: 106)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/11` `DeblurGAN` `Stars: 613`
- Deep reinforcement learning for automated radiation adaptation in lung cancer (No: 979)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2017/11` `Medical: Detection` `Medical`
- Deformable Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network in Microwave Based Hand Gesture Recognition System (No: 532)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11`
- Demystifying AlphaGo Zero as AlphaGo GAN (No: 468)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `AlphagoGAN`
- Differential Generative Adversarial Networks: Synthesizing Non-linear Facial Variations with Limited Number of Training Data (No: 521)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11`
- Discriminative Region Proposal Adversarial Networks for High-Quality Image-to-Image Translation (No: 119)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `ECCV2018` `DRPAN`
- Disease Prediction from Electronic Health Records Using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 531)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `Medical: EHRR`
- DNA-GAN: Learning Disentangled Representations from Multi-Attribute Images (No: 122)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `DNA-GAN`
- Easy High-Dimensional Likelihood-Free Inference (No: 1248)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `New`
- End-to-end Adversarial Learning for Generative Conversational Agents (No: 523)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11`
- Exploring Speech Enhancement with Generative Adversarial Networks for Robust Speech Recognition (No: 134)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `FSEGAN`
- Frame Interpolation with Multi-Scale Deep Loss Functions and Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 147)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `FIGAN`
- GANs for LIFE: Generative Adversarial Networks for Likelihood Free Inference (No: 156)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `ABC-GAN`
- GazeGAN - Unpaired Adversarial Image Generation for Gaze Estimation (No: 525)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `GazeGAN`
- Generating Pokemon with a Generative Adversarial Network (No: 541)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/11` `PokeGAN` `Stars: 121`
- Generative Adversarial Network for Abstractive Text Summarization (No: 527)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11`
- Generative Adversarial Networks for Change Detection in Multispectral Imagery (No: 1085)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2017/11`
- Generative Steganography with Kerckhoffs' Principle based on Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 193)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `Cover-GAN`
- Global versus Localized Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 198)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `CVPR 2018` `LGAN`
- GraphGAN: Graph Representation Learning with Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 528)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `GraphGAN`
- Guiding the search in continuous state-action spaces by learning an action sampling distribution from off-target samples (No: 204)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `GANDI`
- Hierarchical Video Generation from Orthogonal Information: Optical Flow and Texture (No: 206)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `FTGAN`
- High-Resolution Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 209)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `HR-DCGAN`
- High-Resolution Image Synthesis and Semantic Manipulation with Conditional GANs (No: 443)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/11` `Image translation` `pix2pixHD` `Stars: 1953`
- How Generative Adversarial Networks and its variants Work: An Overview of GAN (No: 470)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `Overview`
- How Generative Adversarial Networks and Their Variants Work: An Overview of GAN (No: 1242)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `New`
- HP-GAN: Probabilistic 3D human motion prediction via GAN (No: 212)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `HP-GAN`
- Image Generation from Sketch Constraint Using Contextual GAN (No: 1244)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `New`
- Improving Consistency and Correctness of Sequence Inpainting using Semantically Guided Generative Adversarial Network (No: 530)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11`
- In2I : Unsupervised Multi-Image-to-Image Translation Using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 230)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `In2I`
- IVE-GAN: Invariant Encoding Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 238)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `IVE-GAN`
- KBGAN: Adversarial Learning for Knowledge Graph Embeddings (No: 239)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `KBGAN`
- KGAN: How to Break The Minimax Game in GAN (No: 240)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `Theory & Machine Learning` `KGAN`
- Learning Compositional Visual Concepts with Mutual Consistency (No: 246)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `ConceptGAN`
- Metric Learning-based Generative Adversarial Network (No: 279)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `MLGAN`
- Object Discovery By Generative Adversarial & Ranking Networks (No: 529)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11`
- On the Discrimination-Generalization Tradeoff in GANs (No: 471)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11`
- On the Robustness of Semantic Segmentation Models to Adversarial Attacks (No: 1245)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `New, CVPR2018`
- Personalized and Occupational-aware Age Progression by Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 526)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11`
- Pipeline Generative Adversarial Networks for Facial Images Generation with Multiple Attributes (No: 311)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `Pip-GAN`
- Privacy-preserving generative deep neural networks support clinical data sharing (No: 594)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `BioarXiv`
- Recurrent Generative Adversarial Networks for Proximal Learning and Automated Compressive Image Recovery (No: 324)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11`
- Restricting Greed in Training of Generative Adversarial Network (No: 522)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11`
- Road Detection From Remote Sensing Images by Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1079)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2017/11`
- Robust Speech Recognition Using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 533)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11`
- Shape Inpainting using 3D Generative Adversarial Network and Recurrent Convolutional Networks (No: 350)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `3D-ED-GAN`
- Sobolev GAN (No: 354)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `Sobolev GAN`
- StarGAN: Unified Generative Adversarial Networks for Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation (No: 365)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/11` `Face Generative and Editing, CVPR 2018` `StarGAN` `Stars: 1934`
- Tensor-Generative Adversarial Network with Two-dimensional Sparse Coding: Application to Real-time Indoor Localization (No: 380)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `TGAN`
- Theoretical limitations of Encoder-Decoder GAN architectures (No: 472)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11`
- Toward Multimodal Image-to-Image Translation (No: 388)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/11` `BicycleGAN` `Stars: 290`
- Towards an Understanding of Our World by GANing Videos in the Wild (No: 390)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/11` `iVGAN` `Stars: 267`
- Training GANs with Optimism (No: 473)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `ICLR 2018`
- TripletGAN: Training Generative Model with Triplet Loss (No: 401)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `tripletGAN`
- Two Birds with One Stone: Iteratively Learn Facial Attributes with GANs (No: 403)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2017/11` `Iterative-GAN` `Stars: 6`
- Unpaired Photo-to-Caricature Translation on Faces in the Wild (No: 1247)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `New`
- Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation with GANs (No: 469)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11`
- Unsupervised Learning for Cell-level Visual Representation in Histopathology Images with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 415)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `Medical: Classification`
- Unsupervised Reverse Domain Adaptation for Synthetic Medical Images via Adversarial Training (No: 418)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `Medical: Synthersize`
- Visual Feature Attribution using Wasserstein GANs (No: 425)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `Medical: Detection`
- XGAN: Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation for many-to-many Mappings (No: 430)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `XGAN`
- ZipNet-GAN: Inferring Fine-grained Mobile Traffic Patterns via a Generative Adversarial Neural Network (No: 431)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `ZipNet-GAN`
- A Bayesian Data Augmentation Approach for Learning Deep Models (No: 1163)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `Augmentation`
- A Generative Model for Volume Rendering (No: 485)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `Medical: Volume Rendering` `Applied Other`
- A Novel Approach to Artistic Textual Visualization via GAN (No: 8)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `Applied Vision` `GAN-ATV`
- Adversarial Deep Structured Nets for Mass Segmentation from Mammograms (No: 19)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/10` `Medical: Segmentation` `Stars: 13`
- Be Your Own Prada: Fashion Synthesis with Structural Coherence (No: 542)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/10` `FashionGAN` `Stars: 95`
- Biomedical Data Augmentation Using Generative Adversarial Neural Networks (No: 69)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `Medical: Synthersize` `Augmentation` `BDA-GANN`
- CM-GANs: Cross-modal Generative Adversarial Networks for Common Representation Learning (No: 79)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `Theory & Machine Learning` `CM-GAN`
- Context-Aware Generative Adversarial Privacy (No: 92)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `GAP`
- Deep Illumination: Approximating Dynamic Global Illumination with Generative Adversarial Network (No: 536)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10`
- End-to-end Adversarial Retinal Image Synthesis (No: 128)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `Medical: Synthersize`
- End-to-End Adversarial Retinal Image Synthesis (No: 1081)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2017/10`
- Face Transfer with Generative Adversarial Network (No: 139)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `Applied Vision`
- Filmy Cloud Removal on Satellite Imagery with Multispectral Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 144)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `Applied Vision`
- Generative Adversarial Networks-Based Semi-Supervised Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification (No: 1003)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `Medical: Classification` `Medical`
- Generative Adversarial Networks: An Overview (No: 479)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `Overview`
- Generative Adversarial Source Separation (No: 534)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10`
- GP-GAN: Gender Preserving GAN for Synthesizing Faces from Landmarks (No: 200)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `Applied Vision` `GP-GAN`
- High-Quality Facial Photo-Sketch Synthesis Using Multi-Adversarial Networks (No: 208)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `Applied Vision` `PS��-GAN` `Citation: 1`
- How to Fool Radiologists with Generative Adversarial Networks? A Visual Turing Test for Lung Cancer Diagnosis (No: 210)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `Medical: Synthersize` `Applied Vision, Augmentation`
- Many Paths to Equilibrium: GANs Do Not Need to Decrease a Divergence At Every Step (No: 454)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10`
- Neural Stain-Style Transfer Learning using GAN for Histopathological Images (No: 295)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `Applied Vision`
- Parametrizing filters of a CNN with a GAN (No: 306)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `Theory & Machine Learning`
- PixelDefend: Leveraging Generative Models to Understand and Defend against Adversarial Examples (No: 535)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10`
- Polyphonic Music Generation with Sequence Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1241)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `New`
- Progressive Growing of GANs for Improved Quality, Stability, and Variation (No: 437)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] https://github.com/zhangqianhui/PGGAN-tensorflow">[TensorFlow] - :octocat: `2017/10` `Generation High-Quality Images` `PGoGAN` `Stars: 2683`
- Retinal Vasculature Segmentation Using Local Saliency Maps and Generative Adversarial Networks For Image Super Resolution (No: 329)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `Applied Vision`
- Socially-compliant Navigation through Raw Depth Inputs with Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (No: 355)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `Applied Vision`
- StackGAN++: Realistic Image Synthesis with Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 364)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/10` `Applied Vision` `StackGAN-v2` `Citation: 2` `Stars: 270`
- Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis Incorporating Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1080)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2017/10`
- SVSGAN: Singing Voice Separation via Generative Adversarial Network (No: 373)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `SVSGAN`
- Synthetic Iris Presentation Attack using iDCGAN (No: 480)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `Applied Vision`
- Tensorizing Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 381)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `Theory & Machine Learning` `TGAN`
- Text2Action: Generative Adversarial Synthesis from Language to Action (No: 537)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10`
- Understanding GANs: the LQG Setting (No: 474)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10`
- A Study of Cross-domain Generative Models applied to Cartoon Series (No: 500)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9`
- Accelerated Magnetic Resonance Imaging by Adversarial Neural Network (No: 12)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] - `2017/9` `Medical: Reconstruction`
- Addressing Challenging Place Recognition Tasks using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 501)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9`
- Adversarial Image Synthesis for Unpaired Multi-Modal Cardiac Data (No: 27)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] - `2017/9` `Medical: Synthersize`
- Adversarial Networks for Spatial Context-Aware Spectral Image Reconstruction from RGB (No: 29)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `Applied Vision`
- ALICE: Towards Understanding Adversarial Learning for Joint Distribution Matching (No: 44)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `ALICE` `Citation: 23`
- Anti-Makeup: Learning A Bi-Level Adversarial Network for Makeup-Invariant Face Verification (No: 49)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `Applied Vision` `Anti-Makeup`
- ARIGAN: Synthetic Arabidopsis Plants using Generative Adversarial Network (No: 53)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `Applied Vision` `ARIGAN`
- ARIGAN: Synthetic Arabidopsis Plants using Generative Adversarial Network (No: 592)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `BioarXiv` `ARIGAN`
- Can surgical simulation be used to train detection and classification of neural networks? (No: 984)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2017/9` `Medical: Detection` `Medical`
- CausalGAN: Learning Causal Implicit Generative Models with Adversarial Training (No: 74)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/9` `Theory & Machine Learning` `CausalGAN` `Citation: 1` `Stars: 43`
- Class-Splitting Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 77)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Splitting GAN` `Citation: 1`
- Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction using a Generative Adversarial Network with a Cyclic Loss (No: 949)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2017/9` `Medical: Reconstruction` `Medical`
- Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction with Cyclic Loss in Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 82)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `Medical: Reconstruction` `Applied Vision` `RefineGAN` `Citation: 1`
- Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Speech Enhancement and Noise-Robust Speaker Verification (No: 496)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9`
- Deep Adversarial Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation Utilizing Unannotated Images (No: 107)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] - `2017/9` `Medical: Segmentation`
- Deep Generative Filter for Motion Deblurring (No: 498)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `DGF-MD`
- Depth prediction from a single image with conditional adversarial networks (No: 996)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2017/9` `Medical: Prediction` `Medical`
- druGAN: An Advanced Generative Adversarial Autoencoder Model for de Novo Generation of New Molecules with Desired Molecular Properties in Silico (No: 972)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2017/9` `druGAN`
- Dual Discriminator Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 123)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `NIPS 2017` `D2GAN`
- Exposure A White-Box Photo Post-Processing Framework (No: 499)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9`
- ExprGAN: Facial Expression Editing with Controllable Expression Intensity (No: 135)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `Applied Vision` `ExprGAN` `Citation: 2`
- Face, hairstyle and clothing colour de-identification in video sequences (No: 1083)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2017/9`
- GANs comparison without cherry-picking (No: 452)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/9` `Stars: 362`
- Generative Adversarial Mapping Networks (No: 168)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `GAMN`
- Generative Adversarial Networks with Inverse Transformation Unit (No: 180)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `Theory & Machine Learning`
- Hierarchical Detail Enhancing Mesh-Based Shape Generation with 3D Generative Adversarial Network (No: 205)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `Applied Vision`
- Improving Heterogeneous Face Recognition with Conditional Adversarial Networks (No: 226)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 1`
- Improving image generative models with human interactions (No: 227)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `Applied Vision`
- Intraoperative Organ Motion Models with an Ensemble of Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 233)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 1`
- Joint Craniomaxillofacial Bone Segmentation and Landmark Digitization by Context-Guided Fully Convolutional Networks (No: 987)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `Medical`
- Joint Optic Disc and Cup Segmentation using Fully Convolutional and Adversarial Networks (No: 1566)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2017/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, OMIA2017`
- Label Denoising Adversarial Network (LDAN) for Inverse Lighting of Face Images (No: 241)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `Applied Vision` `LDAN` `Citation: 1`
- Learning Graph Topological Features via GAN (No: 476)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9`
- Learning Loss for Knowledge Distillation with Conditional Adversarial Networks (No: 252)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `Theory & Machine Learning`
- Learning to Generate Time-Lapse Videos Using Multi-Stage Dynamic Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 260)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `Applied Vision, CVPR 2018` `MD-GAN`
- Learning with Opponent-Learning Awareness (No: 1239)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `New`
- Linking Generative Adversarial Learning and Binary Classification (No: 266)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `Theory & Machine Learning`
- Long Text Generation via Adversarial Training with Leaked Information (No: 267)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/9` `Applied Other` `LeakGAN` `Stars: 105`
- Microscopy Cell Segmentation via Adversarial Neural Networks (No: 280)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `Applied Vision`
- Microscopy Cell Segmentation via Adversarial Neural Networks (No: 1240)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `New, ISBI2018`
- MuseGAN: Multi-track Sequential Generative Adversarial Networks for Symbolic Music Generation and Accompaniment (No: 292)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `Applied Other` `MuseGAN`
- On the regularization of Wasserstein GANs (No: 475)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9`
- OptionGAN: Learning Joint Reward-Policy Options using Generative Adversarial Inverse Reinforcement Learning (No: 303)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `OptionGAN`
- PassGAN: A Deep Learning Approach for Password Guessing (No: 307)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/9` `PassGAN` `Stars: 281`
- Semi-supervised Assessment of Incomplete LV Coverage in Cardiac MRI Using Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 344)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] - `2017/9` `Medical: Classification`
- Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis Incorporating Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 538)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9`
- Synthetic Medical Images from Dual Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 377)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `Medical: Synthersize` `Applied Vision, Augmentation`
- The Conditional Analogy GAN: Swapping Fashion Articles on People Images (No: 481)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `Applied Vision`
- Towards Understanding Adversarial Learning for Joint Distribution Matching (No: 497)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9`
- Triangle Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 399)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `Image translation, NIPS 2017` `��-GAN`
- 3D Object Reconstruction from a Single Depth View with Adversarial Learning (No: 1)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2017/8` `Applied Vision, 3D` `3D-RecGAN`
- ABC-GAN: Adaptive Blur and Control for improved training stability of Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 10)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [github] - `2017/8` `ABC-GAN` `Stars: 2`
- Abnormal Event Detection in Videos using Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 11)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `Applied Vision`
- Adversarial nets with perceptual losses for text-to-image synthesis (No: 28)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `Applied Vision`
- Adversarial Variational Bayes: Unifying Variational Autoencoders and Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1135)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2017/8` `ICML2017`
- Automatic Steganographic Distortion Learning Using a Generative AdversarialNetwork (No: 1086)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2017/8`
- Binary Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Retrieval (No: 68)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2017/8` `Theory & Machine Learning` `BGAN` `Stars: 8`
- ChemGAN challenge for drug discovery: can AI reproduce natural chemical diversity? (No: 486)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `Applied Other` `ChemGAN`
- Conditional Adversarial Network for Semantic Segmentation of Brain Tumor (No: 83)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `Medical: Segmentation` `Applied Vision`
- Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Commonsense Machine Comprehension (No: 1235)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `IJCAI2017`
- Controllable Generative Adversarial Network (No: 95)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `Applied Vision` `CGAN`
- Coulomb GANs: Provably Optimal Nash Equilibria via Potential Fields (No: 97)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `Coulomb GAN`
- Deep Generative Adversarial Neural Networks for Realistic Prostate Lesion MRI Synthesis (No: 112)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `Medical: Synthesize` `Applied Vision`
- Deep MR to CT Synthesis using Unpaired Data (No: 114)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `Medical: Synthersize`
- druGAN: An Advanced Generative Adversarial Autoencoder Model for de Novo Generation of New Molecules with Desired Molecular Properties in Silico. (No: 968)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2017/8` `Medical: Synthersize` `Medical` `druGAN`
- Dual Motion GAN for Future-Flow Embedded Video Prediction (No: 124)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `Applied Vision` `DM-GAN` `Citation: 5`
- End-to-End Differentiable Adversarial Imitation Learning (No: 1138)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2017/8` `ICML2017`
- GANs for Biological Image Synthesis (No: 155)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/8` `Applied Vision` `GAN-sep` `Citation: 3` `Stars: 70`
- Generative Adversarial Network-based Synthesis of Visible Faces from Polarimetric Thermal Faces (No: 173)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `Applied Vision` `GAN-VFS` `Citation: 1`
- Generative Semantic Manipulation with Contrasting GAN (No: 192)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `Theory & Machine Learning` `constrast-GAN`
- GSOS: Gauss-Seidel Operator Splitting Algorithm for Multi-Term Nonsmooth Convex Composite Optimization (No: 1136)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2017/8` `ICML2017` `GSOS`
- Image Quality Assessment Techniques Show Improved Training and Evaluation of Autoencoder Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 216)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `Theory & Machine Learning`
- Improved ArtGAN for Conditional Synthesis of Natural Image and Artwork (No: 1238)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `New, T-IP` `ImprovedArtGAN`
- Learning a Generative Adversarial Network for High Resolution Artwork Synthesis (No: 244)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `Applied Vision`
- Low Dose CT Image Denoising Using a Generative Adversarial Network with Wasserstein Distance and Perceptual Loss (No: 269)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `Medical: LD-CT` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 1`
- Multi-Generator Gernerative Adversarial Nets (No: 288)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `Theory & Machine Learning` `MGGAN` `Citation: 4`
- On the Expressive Power of Deep Neural Networks (No: 1139)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2017/8` `ICML2017`
- Probabilistic Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 320)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `PGAN`
- Semi-supervised Conditional GANs (No: 345)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `SS-GAN`
- Sharpness-aware Low dose CT denoising using conditional generative adversarial network (No: 351)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2017/8` `Medical: LD-CT` `Applied Vision` `SAGAN` `Stars: 3`
- Simultaneously Color-Depth Super-Resolution with Conditional Generative Adversarial Network (No: 353)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `Applied Vision` `CDcGAN`
- Spectral Normalization for Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 357)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] [TensorFlow] - :octocat: `2017/8` `Normalization, ICLR 2018` `SN-GAN` `Stars: 197`
- Statistics of Deep Generated Images (No: 366)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `Theory & Machine Learning`
- Tag Disentangled Generative Adversarial Network for Object Image Re-rendering (No: 1233)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `IJCAI2017`
- Towards the Automatic Anime Characters Creation with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 482)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/8` `Anime character generation` `AnimeGAN` `Stars: 258`
- TUCH: Turning Cross-view Hashing into Single-view Hashing via Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 1234)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `IJCAI2017`
- VIGAN: Missing View Imputation with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 422)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2017/8` `Applied Vision` `VIGAN`
- Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1137)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2017/8` `ICML2017`
- A step towards procedural terrain generation with GANs (No: 9)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Applied Vision`
- Adversarial Examples for Semantic Segmentation and Object Detection (No: 21)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Citation: 17`
- Adversarial Generation of Training Examples for Vehicle License Plate Recognition (No: 24)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Object Detection` `Citation: 1`
- Adversarial neural networks for basal membrane segmentation of microinvasive cervix carcinoma in histopathology images (No: 947)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2017/7` `Medical: Segmentation` `ICMLC`
- Adversarial Representation Learning for Domain Adaptation (No: 33)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `ARDA`
- Adversarial training and dilated convolutions for brain MRI segmentation (No: 34)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Medical: Segmentation`
- AE-GAN: adversarial eliminating with GAN (No: 40)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Theory & Machine Learning` `AE-GAN`
- Aesthetic-Driven Image Enhancement by Adversarial Learning (No: 41)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 1`
- AlignGAN: Learning to Align Cross-Domain Images with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 45)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Applied Vision` `AlignGAN` `Citation: 2`
- APE-GAN: Adversarial Perturbation Elimination with GAN (No: 50)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Theory & Machine Learning` `APE-GAN`
- Automatic Liver Segmentation Using an Adversarial Image-to-Image Network (No: 61)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Medical: Segmentation` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 1`
- Capturing the diversity of biological tuning curves using generative adversarial networks (No: 593)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `BioarXiv`
- Creatism: A deep-learning photographer capable of creating professional work (No: 100)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 1`
- Freehand Ultrasound Image Simulation with Spatially-Conditioned Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 148)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Medical: Synthersize` `Applied Vision`
- Generative adversarial learning for reducing manual annotation in semantic segmentation on large scale miscroscopy images: Automated vessel segmentation in retinal fundus image as test case (No: 1563)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, CVPRW2017`
- Generative Adversarial Models for People Attribute Recognition in Surveillance (No: 169)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 1`
- Generative Adversarial Network based on Resnet for Conditional Image Restoration (No: 172)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Applied Vision` `ResGAN`
- Generative Attribute Controller With Conditional Filtered Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1105)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `CVPR 2017`
- Generative OpenMax for Multi-Class Open Set Classification (No: 449)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Improving Classification And Recong`
- Globally and Locally Consistent Image Completion (No: 439)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] [Web] - `2017/7` `Image Inpainting, SIGGRAPH 2017`
- Guiding InfoGAN with Semi-Supervision (No: 203)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Applied Vision` `ss-InfoGAN` `Citation: 1`
- High-Quality Face Image Super-Resolution Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 207)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Super-Resolution`
- Improved Adversarial Systems for 3D Object Generation and Reconstruction (No: 220)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/7` `Applied Vision` `3D-IWGAN` `Stars: 14`
- Learning Deep Energy Models: Contrastive Divergence vs. Amortized MLE (No: 247)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `SteinGAN`
- Learning to Avoid Errors in GANs by Manipulating Input Spaces (No: 457)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7`
- Likelihood Estimation for Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 264)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `LeGAN`
- Linear Discriminant Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 265)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `LD-GAN`
- MMGAN: Manifold Matching Generative Adversarial Network for Generating Images (No: 283)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `MMGAN`
- MoCoGAN: Decomposing Motion and Content for Video Generation (No: 284)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/7` `Video Prediction and Generation` `MoCoGAN` `Citation: 11` `Stars: 103`
- Optimizing the Latent Space of Generative Networks (No: 302)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Theory & Machine Learning, ICML2018` `Citation: 4`
- Representation Learning and Adversarial Generation of 3D Point Clouds (No: 327)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Applied Vision` `l-GAN` `Citation: 1`
- Self Adversarial Training for Human Pose Estimation (No: 495)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7`
- Semantic Image Synthesis via Adversarial Learning (No: 340)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 2`
- SSGAN: Secure Steganography Based on Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 358)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Applied Other` `SSGAN`
- Synthesis of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Images via Multi-channel Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) (No: 374)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Medical: Synthersize` `Applied Vision`
- Unsupervised Pixel-Level Domain Adaptation With Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1104)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2017/7` `CVPR 2017`
- Unsupervised Visual Attribute Transfer with Reconfigurable Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 484)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Applied Vision`
- Variance Regularizing Adversarial Learning (No: 419)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `VRAL`
- Virtual PET Images from CT Data Using Deep Convolutional Networks: Initial Results (No: 424)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Medical: Synthersize`
- WaterGAN: Unsupervised Generative Network to Enable Real-Time Color Correction of Monocular Underwater Images (No: 1082)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2017/7` `WaterGAN`
- Adversarial Image Alignment and Interpolation (No: 494)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6`
- Adversarially Regularized Autoencoders for Generating Discrete Structures (No: 39)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/6` `ICML2018` `ARAE` `Stars: 131`
- An Online Learning Approach to Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 48)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `Chekhov GAN`
- Auto-Encoder Guided GAN for Chinese Calligraphy Synthesis (No: 59)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 3`
- Bayesian Conditional Generative Adverserial Networks (No: 63)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `Theory & Machine Learning` `BCGAN`
- CAN: Creative Adversarial Networks Generating ��Art�� by Learning About Styles and Deviating from Style Norms (No: 72)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `Face Aging` `CAN` `Citation: 1`
- Channel-Recurrent Variational Autoencoders (No: 75)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `crVAE-GAN`
- Deep Generative Adversarial Networks for Compressed Sensing (GANCS) Automates MRI (No: 111)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `Medical: Reconstruction` `Applied Vision` `GANCS` `Citation: 9`
- DeLiGAN : Generative Adversarial Networks for Diverse and Limited Data (No: 117)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/6` `Applied Vision, CVPR 2017` `DeliGAN` `Citation: 7` `Stars: 53`
- Depth Structure Preserving Scene Image Generation (No: 118)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `Applied Vision` `DSP-GAN`
- Distributional Adversarial Networks (No: 121)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `DAN`
- Do GANs actually learn the distribution? An empirical study (No: 456)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6`
- Dualing GANs (No: 126)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `Theory & Machine Learning, NIPS 2017` `Dualing GAN`
- GANs Trained by a Two Time-Scale Update Rule Converge to a Local Nash Equilibrium (No: 477)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `NIPS 2017`
- Generate Identity-Preserving Faces by Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 160)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 2`
- Gradient descent GAN optimization is locally stable (No: 202)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Citation: 1`
- Interactive 3D Modeling with a Generative Adversarial Network (No: 232)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 6`
- Language Generation with Recurrent Generative Adversarial Networks without Pre-training (No: 242)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/6` `Applied Other` `RNN-WGAN` `Citation: 4` `Stars: 153`
- Megapixel Size Image Creation using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 277)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 3`
- On Unifying Deep Generative Models (No: 300)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `IWGAN`
- One-Sided Unsupervised Domain Mapping (No: 301)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `DistanceGAN`
- Perceptual Adversarial Networks for Image-to-Image Transformation (No: 308)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `Applied Vision` `PAN` `Citation: 4`
- Perceptual Generative Adversarial Networks for Small Object Detection (No: 309)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `Object Detection, CVPR 2017` `Perceptual GAN` `Citation: 10`
- PixelGAN Autoencoders (No: 312)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `Theory & Machine Learning` `PixelGAN` `Citation: 3`
- Real-valued (Medical) Time Series Generation with Recurrent Conditional GANs (No: 321)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `Medical: ICU prediction` `RCGAN`
- Retinal Vessel Segmentation in Fundoscopic Images with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 330)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `Medical: Segmentation` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 2`
- SegAN: Adversarial Network with Multi-scale L1 Loss for Medical Image Segmentation (No: 335)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2017/6` `Medical: Segmentation` `Theory & Machine Learning` `SegAN` `Citation: 4`
- Style Transfer for Sketches with Enhanced Residual U-net and Auxiliary Classifier GAN (No: 370)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 3`
- Synthesizing Filamentary Structured Images with GANs (No: 375)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2017/6` `Medical: Synthersize` `Applied Vision` `Fila-GAN`
- TextureGAN: Controlling Deep Image Synthesis with Texture Patches (No: 384)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `Domain-transfer` `TextureGAN` `Citation: 1`
- Towards Grounding Conceptual Spaces in Neural Representations (No: 487)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `Applied Other`
- Towards Understanding the Dynamics of Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 395)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `GMM-GAN`
- Variational Approaches for Auto-Encoding Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 420)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/6` `��-GAN` `Stars: 41`
- Video Imagination from a Single Image with Transformation Generation (No: 493)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6`
- Adversarial Generation of Natural Language (No: 23)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Applied Other` `Citation: 4`
- Adversarial PoseNet: A Structure-aware Convolutional Network for Human Pose Estimation (No: 31)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 7`
- Adversarial Ranking for Language Generation (No: 32)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Applied Other` `RankGAN`
- Auto-painter: Cartoon Image Generation from Sketch by Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 62)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 2`
- Bayesian GAN (No: 64)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/5` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Bayesian GAN` `Citation: 3` `Stars: 804`
- CaloGAN: Simulating 3D High Energy Particle Showers in Multi-Layer Electromagnetic Calorimeters with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 71)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/5` `CaloGAN` `Citation: 11` `Stars: 51`
- Comparison of Maximum Likelihood and GAN-based training of Real NVPs (No: 80)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Citation: 7`
- Conditional CycleGAN for Attribute Guided Face Image Generation (No: 85)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Conditional cycleGAN` `Citation: 6`
- Continual Learning in Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 94)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Citation: 1`
- Controllable Invariance through Adversarial Feature Learning (No: 450)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2017/5` `Improving Classification And Recong` `Stars: 4`
- Deep De-Aliasing for Fast Compressive Sensing MRI (No: 109)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Medical: Reconstruction`
- Enhanced Experience Replay Generation for Efficient Reinforcement Learning (No: 131)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `EGAN`
- Face Super-Resolution Through Wasserstein GANs (No: 138)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Citation: 1`
- Fisher GAN (No: 145)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Fisher GAN`
- Flow-GAN: Bridging implicit and prescribed learning in generative models (No: 146)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Flow-GAN` `Citation: 3`
- From source to target and back: symmetric bi-directional adaptive GAN (No: 149)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Applied Vision` `SBADA-GAN` `Citation: 5`
- GeneGAN: Learning Object Transfiguration and Attribute Subspace from Unpaired Data (No: 157)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/5` `Face Generative and Editing` `GeneGAN` `Citation: 4` `Stars: 67`
- Generative Adversarial Networks for Multimodal Representation Learning in Video Hyperlinking (No: 178)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 1`
- Generative Adversarial Networks for Noise Reduction in Low-Dose CT (No: 179)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2017/5` `Medical: LD-CT`
- Generative Adversarial Neural Networks for Pigmented and Non-Pigmented Skin Lesions Detection in Clinical Images (No: 1057)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Medical: Detection` `CSCS2017`
- Generative Adversarial Trainer: Defense to Adversarial Perturbations with GAN (No: 185)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5`
- Generative Cooperative Net for Image Generation and Data Augmentation (No: 186)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Augmentation`
- Geometric GAN (No: 196)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Geometric GAN` `Citation: 1`
- Good Semi-supervised Learning that Requires a Bad GAN (No: 199)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Semi-supervised learning` `Citation: 7`
- How to Train Your DRAGAN (No: 211)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/5` `Theory & Machine Learning` `DRAGAN` `Citation: 9` `Stars: 101`
- Improved Semi-supervised Learning with GANs using Manifold Invariances (No: 223)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Citation: 11`
- IRGAN: A Minimax Game for Unifying Generative and Discriminative Information Retrieval models (No: 236)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `IRGAN`
- Learning Representations of Emotional Speech with Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 254)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Citation: 6`
- Learning Texture Manifolds with the Periodic Spatial GAN (No: 255)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2017/5` `Theory & Machine Learning, ICML2017` `PSGAN` `Citation: 2`
- Learning to Generate Chairs with Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 258)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Applied Vision`
- MMD GAN: Towards Deeper Understanding of Moment Matching Network (No: 282)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/5` `Theory & Machine Learning` `MMD-GAN` `Citation: 19` `Stars: 72`
- Neural Face Editing with Intrinsic Image Disentangling (No: 293)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Face Generative and Editing` `Citation: 11`
- Objective-Reinforced Generative Adversarial Networks (ORGAN) for Sequence Generation Models (No: 296)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Theory & Machine Learning` `ORGAN` `Citation: 3`
- On Convergence and Stability of GANs (No: 297)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Citation: 9`
- Pose Guided Person Image Generation (No: 315)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Human Pose Estimation` `Citation: 7`
- Real-Time Adaptive Image Compression (No: 492)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5`
- Relaxed Wasserstein with Applications to GANs (No: 325)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `RWGAN` `Citation: 4`
- Representation Learning by Rotating Your Faces (No: 328)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `DR-GAN`
- Semantically Decomposing the Latent Spaces of Generative Adversarial Networks (SD-GAN) (No: 342)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Applied Vision` `SD-GAN` `Citation: 5`
- Stabilizing GAN Training with Multiple Random Projections (No: 359)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2017/5` `RPGAN`
- Stabilizing Training of Generative Adversarial Networks through Regularization (No: 360)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Theory & Machine Learning` `ED//GAN` `Citation: 6`
- Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Synthesis by Using Generative AdversarialNets (No: 1087)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2017/5`
- The Cramer Distance as a Solution to Biased Wasserstein Gradients (No: 385)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Cram?r GAN` `Citation: 13`
- The Numerics of GANs (No: 478)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `NIPS 2017`
- The Pose Knows: Video Forecasting by Generating Pose Futures (No: 386)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Pose-GAN`
- Unsupervised domain adaptation in brain lesion segmentation with adversarial networks (No: 952)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2017/5` `Medical: Segmentation` `IPMI2017`
- VEEGAN: Reducing Mode Collapse in GANs using Implicit Variational Learning () (No: 421)
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- Weakly Supervised Generative Adversarial Networks for 3D Reconstruction (No: 429)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Applied Vision` `WS-GAN` `Citation: 3`
- A-Fast-RCNN: Hard Positive Generation via Adversary for Object Detection (No: 42)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/4` `Object Detection` `Citation: 12`
- Adversarial Generator-Encoder Networks (No: 25)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/4` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Citation: 9`
- b-GAN: Unified Framework of Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1127)
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- Beyond Face Rotation: Global and Local Perception GAN for Photorealistic and Identity Preserving Frontal View Synthesis (No: 66)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/4` `Face Generative and Editing` `TP-GAN` `Citation: 26`
- Calibrating Energy-based Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1123)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/4` `ICLR 2017`
- Deep Generative Adversarial Compression Artifact Removal (No: 110)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/4` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 1`
- DualGAN: Unsupervised Dual Learning for Image-to-Image Translation (No: 125)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/4` `Applied Vision` `DualGAN` `Citation: 32` `Stars: 102`
- Energy-based Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1124)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/4` `ICLR 2017`
- Feature Squeezing: Detecting Adversarial Examples in Deep Neural Networks (No: 142)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/4` `Citation: 22`
- Gang of GANs: Generative Adversarial Networks with Maximum Margin Ranking (No: 152)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/4` `Theory & Machine Learning` `GoGAN` `Citation: 5`
- Generate To Adapt: Aligning Domains using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 161)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/4` `Applied Vision, CVPR 2018` `Citation: 7`
- Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Steganography (No: 1128)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/4` `ICLR 2017`
- Generative face completion (No: 187)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/4` `Image Inpainting` `Citation: 15` `Stars: 111`
- Improved Training of Wasserstein GANs (No: 225)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] [PyTorch] - :dart: :octocat: `2017/4` `Generation High-Quality Images, NIPS 2017` `WGAN-GP` `Citation: 331` `Stars: 856`
- It Takes (Only) Two: Adversarial Generator-Encoder Networks (No: 237)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/4` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Citation: 9`
- Learning Residual Images for Face Attribute Manipulation (No: 447)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/4` `Face Generative and Editing` `Stars: 26`
- Learning to Draw Samples: With Application to Amortized MLE for Generative Adversarial Learning (No: 1125)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/4` `ICLR 2017`
- MAGAN: Margin Adaptation for Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 271)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/4` `Theory & Machine Learning` `MAGAN` `Citation: 8`
- Multi-Agent Diverse Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 286)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/4` `Theory & Machine Learning, CVPR 2018` `MAD-GAN` `Citation: 6`
- Multi-View Image Generation from a Single-View (No: 291)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/4` `VariGAN` `Citation: 11`
- On the effect of Batch Normalization and Weight Normalization in Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 298)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/4` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Stars: 156`
- Outline Colorization through Tandem Adversarial Networks (No: 304)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/4` `Applied Vision` `TAN` `Citation: 2`
- Reconstruction of three-dimensional porous media using generative adversarial neural networks (No: 322)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] [Web] - :octocat: `2017/4` `Medical: Reconstruction` `3D` `Citation: 6` `Stars: 19`
- SafetyNet: Detecting and Rejecting Adversarial Examples Robustly (No: 549)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/4` `Adversarial Examples (Defense vs Attack)`
- Semi-Latent GAN: Learning to generate and modify facial images from attributes (No: 343)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/4` `Applied Vision` `SL-GAN` `Citation: 5`
- Semi-Supervised QA with Generative Domain-Adaptive Nets (No: 438)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/4` `Semi-supervised learning`
- Softmax GAN (No: 356)
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- Supervised Adversarial Networks for Image Saliency Detection (No: 372)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/4` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 1`
- The Space of Transferable Adversarial Examples (No: 387)
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- Towards Large-Pose Face Frontalization in the Wild (No: 392)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/4` `FF-GAN` `Citation: 8`
- Towards Principled Methods for Training Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1122)
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- Training Triplet Networks with GAN (No: 398)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/4` `Citation: 1`
- Universal Adversarial Perturbations Against Semantic Image Segmentation (No: 404)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/4` `Citation: 7`
- Unsupervised Creation of Parameterized Avatars (No: 546)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/4` `Domain-transfer`
- Unsupervised Learning Using Generative Adversarial Training And Clustering (No: 1126)
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- Voice Conversion from Unaligned Corpora using Variational Autoencoding Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 426)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/4` `VAW-GAN` `Citation: 8`
- zi2zi: Master Chinese Calligraphy with Conditional Adversarial Networks (No: 539)
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- Activation Maximization Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 13)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/3` `Theory & Machine Learning` `AM-GAN`
- Adversarial Image Perturbation for Privacy Protection--A Game Theory Perspective (No: 26)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/3` `Citation: 6`
- Adversarial Transformation Networks: Learning to Generate Adversarial Examples (No: 37)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/3` `Citation: 11`
- AM-GAN: Improved Usage of Class-Labels in Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 1237)
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- BEGAN: Boundary Equilibrium Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 65)
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- CVAE-GAN: Fine-Grained Image Generation through Asymmetric Training (No: 103)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/3` `Applied Vision` `CVAE-GAN` `Citation: 3`
- Generalization and Equilibrium in Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 158)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2017/3` `GAN Theory, ICML2017` `MIX+GAN` `Citation: 35`
- Generating Multi-label Discrete Electronic Health Records using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 165)
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- Generative Adversarial Nets with Labeled Data by Activation Maximization (No: 171)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/3` `AMGAN` `Citation: 2`
- Generative Adversarial Residual Pairwise Networks for One Shot Learning (No: 182)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/3` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Citation: 6`
- GP-GAN: Towards Realistic High-Resolution Image Blending (No: 201)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/3` `Image blending` `GP-GAN` `Citation: 3` `Stars: 80`
- Improving Generative Adversarial Networks with Denoising Feature Matching (No: 222)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/3` `GAN Theory, ICLR 2017` `Stars: 12`
- Improving Neural Machine Translation with Conditional Sequence Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 228)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/3` `CS-GAN`
- Learning Inverse Mapping by Autoencoder based Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 251)
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- Learning to Discover Cross-Domain Relations with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 256)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] [PyTorch] [Web] - :dart: :octocat: `2017/3` `Image translation, ICML2017` `DiscoGAN` `Citation: 54` `Stars: 601`
- LR-GAN: Layered Recursive Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Generation (No: 270)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/3` `Theory & Machine Learning, ICLR 2017` `LR-GAN` `Citation: 13`
- MidiNet: A Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network for Symbolic-domain Music Generation using 1D and 2D Conditions (No: 281)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/3` `MUSIC` `Citation: 2`
- Mode Regularized Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 434)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/3` `GAN Theory, ICLR 2017`
- Recurrent Topic-Transition GAN for Visual Paragraph Generation (No: 323)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/3` `Applied Vision` `RTT-GAN` `Citation: 14`
- SCAN: Structure Correcting Adversarial Network for Organ Segmentation in Chest X-rays (No: 334)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/3` `Medical: Segmentation` `Citation: 6`
- SeGAN: Segmenting and Generating the Invisible (No: 336)
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- SEGAN: Speech Enhancement Generative Adversarial Network (No: 337)
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- Steganographic Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 367)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/3` `Applied Other` `SGAN` `Citation: 4`
- Stopping GAN Violence: Generative Unadversarial Networks (No: 368)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/3`
- TAC-GAN - Text Conditioned Auxiliary Classifier Generative Adversarial Network (No: 378)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/3` `Text2Image` `TAC-GAN` `Citation: 1` `Stars: 20`
- Towards Diverse and Natural Image Descriptions via a Conditional GAN (No: 391)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/3` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 9`
- Transformation-Grounded Image Generation Network for Novel 3D View Synthesis (No: 446)
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- Triple Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 400)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/3` `Theory & Machine Learning, NIPS 2017` `Triple-GAN` `Citation: 19` `Stars: 89`
- Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks (No: 406)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] [TensorFlow] [PyTorch] - :dart: :octocat: `2017/3` `Image translation` `CycleGAN` `Citation: 438` `Stars: 5438`
- Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Generative Adversarial Networks to Guide Marker Discovery (No: 410)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/3` `Medical: Detection` `Applied Vision` `AnoGAN` `Citation: 6`
- Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation Networks (No: 540)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/3` `CoupledGAN` `Stars: 713`
- Adversarial Attacks on Neural Network Policies (No: 16)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/2` `Citation: 21`
- Adversarial Discriminative Domain Adaptation (No: 20)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - :dart: `2017/2` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Citation: 52`
- Adversarial examples for generative models (No: 550)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/2` `Adversarial Examples (Defense vs Attack)`
- Adversarial Networks for the Detection of Aggressive Prostate Cancer (No: 30)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/2` `Medical: Detection` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 3`
- Age Progression / Regression by Conditional Adversarial Autoencoder (No: 43)
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- An Adversarial Regularisation for Semi-Supervised Training of Structured Output Neural Networks (No: 47)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/2` `Theory & Machine Learning`
- ArtGAN: Artwork Synthesis with Conditional Categorial GANs (No: 54)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/2` `Applied Vision` `ArtGAN` `Citation: 1`
- Boundary-Seeking Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 70)
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- Crossing Nets: Combining GANs and VAEs with a Shared Latent Space for Hand Pose Estimation (No: 102)
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- Deep and Hierarchical Implicit Models (No: 108)
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- Deep Models Under the GAN: Information Leakage from Collaborative Deep Learning (No: 459)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/2` `Citation: 9`
- Face Aging With Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 137)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/2` `Face Aging` `acGAN` `Citation: 16`
- Generating Adversarial Malware Examples for Black-Box Attacks Based on GAN (No: 162)
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- Generative adversarial networks for brain lesion detection (No: 177)
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- Generative Mixture of Networks (No: 189)
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- Generative Temporal Models with Memory (No: 194)
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- Maximum-Likelihood Augmented Discrete Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 274)
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- McGan: Mean and Covariance Feature Matching GAN (No: 275)
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- Precise Recovery of Latent Vectors from Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 318)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/2` `Citation: 9`
- Style Transfer Generative Adversarial Networks: Learning to Play Chess Differently (No: 371)
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- The cornucopia of meaningful leads: Applying deep adversarial autoencoders for new molecule development in oncology (No: 976)
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- Unsupervised Diverse Colorization via Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 412)
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- WaterGAN: Unsupervised Generative Network to Enable Real-time Color Correction of Monocular Underwater Images (No: 428)
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- AdaGAN: Boosting Generative Models (No: 15)
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- Adversarial Variational Bayes Unifying Variational Autoencoders and Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 693)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/1`
- Image De-raining Using a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network (No: 214)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/1` `Image Editing` `ID-CGAN` `Citation: 11` `Stars: 77`
- Image Generation and Editing with Variational Info Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 215)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/1` `Applied Vision` `ViGAN` `Citation: 1`
- Imitating Driver Behavior with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 219)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/1` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 11`
- Learning Particle Physics by Example: Location-Aware Generative Adversarial Networks for Physics Synthesis (No: 253)
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- Loss-Sensitive Generative Adversarial Networks on Lipschitz Densities (No: 268)
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- SalGAN: Visual Saliency Prediction with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 333)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] [Web] - :octocat: `2017/1` `Visual Saliency Prediction (attention prediction)` `SalGAN` `Citation: 11` `Stars: 131`
- SalGAN: Visual Saliency Prediction with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1236)
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- Towards Adversarial Retinal Image Synthesis (No: 389)
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- Towards Principled Methods for Training Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 393)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - :dart: `2017/1` `GAN Theory` `Citation: 121`
- Unlabeled Samples Generated by GAN Improve the Person Re-identification Baseline in vitro (No: 405)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/1` `Augmentation, Classification` `Person-reID_GAN` `Citation: 35` `Stars: 89`
- Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 414)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/1` `Image translation` `Citation: 10`
- Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 441)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/1` `Image translation`
- Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) (No: 427)
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- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] - `2016/`
- 3D Shape Induction from 2D Views of Multiple Objects (No: 3)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/12` `3D Object generation` `PrGAN` `Citation: 9`
- Adversarial Deep Structural Networks for Mammographic Mass Segmentation (No: 18)
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- Adversarial Deep Structural Networks for Mammographic Mass Segmentation (No: 595)
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- EnhanceNet Single Image Super-Resolution through Automated Texture Synthesis (No: 490)
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- Ensembles of Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 132)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/12` `Citation: 4`
- Generative Adversarial Parallelization (No: 181)
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- Improved generator objectives for GANs (No: 221)
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- Learning from Simulated and Unsupervised Images through Adversarial Training (No: 249)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] [TensorFlow] - :dart: :octocat: `2016/12` `Augmentation, CVPR 2017, Best` `SimGAN` `Citation: 80` `Stars: 264`
- Learning to Generate Images of Outdoor Scenes from Attributes and Semantic Layouts (No: 259)
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- MARTA GANs: Unsupervised Representation Learning for Remote Sensing Image Classification (No: 116)
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- MARTA GANs: Unsupervised Representation Learning for Remote Sensing Image Classification (No: 273)
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- Medical Image Synthesis with Context-Aware Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 276)
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- Message Passing Multi-Agent GANs (No: 278)
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- Mode Regularized Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 285)
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- Plug & Play Generative Networks: Conditional Iterative Generation of Images in Latent Space (No: 314)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :dart: :octocat: `2016/12` `PPGN` `Citation: 58` `Stars: 423`
- Robust LSTM-Autoencoders for Face De-Occlusion in the Wild (No: 331)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/12` `Disocclusion` `Citation: 4`
- Simple Black-Box Adversarial Perturbations for Deep Networks (No: 352)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/12` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Citation: 10`
- Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 362)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2016/12` `Theory & Machine Learning, CVPR 2017` `SGAN` `Citation: 33` `Stars: 171`
- StackGAN: Text to Photo-realistic Image Synthesis with Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 363)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :dart: :octocat: `2016/12` `Generation High-Quality Images` `StackGAN` `Citation: 99` `Stars: 956`
- Unsupervised Pixel?Level Domain Adaptation with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 483)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2016/12` `Robotics`
- A Connection between Generative Adversarial Networks, Inverse Reinforcement Learning, and Energy-Based Models (No: 5)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/11` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Citation: 16`
- Associative Adversarial Networks (No: 56)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/11` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Citation: 1`
- C-RNN-GAN: Continuous recurrent neural networks with adversarial training (No: 101)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2016/11` `RNN` `C-RNN-GAN` `Citation: 12` `Stars: 108`
- GANS for Sequences of Discrete Elements with the Gumbel-softmax Distribution (No: 448)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/11` `For discrete distributions`
- Generative Adversarial Nets from a Density Ratio Estimation Perspective (No: 170)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/11` `b-GAN`
- Generative Adversarial Networks as Variational Training of Energy Based Models (No: 176)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2016/11` `Theory & Machine Learning, ICLR 2017, Training` `VGAN` `Citation: 3` `Stars: 14`
- Generative Multi-Adversarial Networks (No: 191)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/11` `GMAN` `Citation: 19`
- High-Resolution Image Inpainting using Multi-Scale Neural Patch Synthesis (No: 1191)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2016/11` `CVPR 2017`
- Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks (No: 218)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :dart: :octocat: `2016/11` `Image translation` `pix2pix` `Citation: 706` `Stars: 4233`
- Invertible Conditional GANs for image editing (No: 234)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2016/11` `Image Editing` `IcGAN` `Citation: 25` `Stars: 160`
- Inverting The Generator Of A Generative Adversarial Network (No: 235)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/11` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Citation: 10`
- Least Squares Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 263)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] [Web] - :dart: `2016/11` `GAN Theory` `LSGAN` `Citation: 58` `Stars: 8`
- Multi-view Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 290)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/11` `Applied Vision, ICLR 2017` `MV-BiGAN` `Citation: 2`
- On the Quantitative Analysis of Decoder-Based Generative Models (No: 299)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/11` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Citation: 36`
- One-to-Many Network for Visually Pleasing Compression Artifacts Reduction (No: 491)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/11`
- RenderGAN: Generating Realistic Labeled Data (No: 326)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/11` `Applied Vision` `RenderGAN` `Citation: 7`
- SAD-GAN: Synthetic Autonomous Driving using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 332)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/11` `Applied Vision` `SAD-GAN` `Citation: 1`
- Semantic Segmentation using Adversarial Networks (No: 341)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/11` `Semantic Segmentation` `Citation: 40`
- Semi-Supervised Learning with Context-Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 346)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/11` `Image Inpainting, ICLR 2017` `SSL-GAN` `Citation: 8`
- Temporal Generative Adversarial Nets with Singular Value Clipping (No: 379)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/11` `TGAN` `Citation: 12`
- Texture Synthesis with Spatial Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 383)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/11` `Applied Vision` `SGAN` `Citation: 5`
- Unrolled Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 407)
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- Unsupervised Cross-Domain Image Generation (No: 411)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :dart: :octocat: `2016/11` `Image translation` `DTN` `Citation: 62` `Stars: 605`
- Amortised MAP Inference for Image Super-resolution (No: 46)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - :dart: `2016/10` `Applied Vision` `AffGAN` `Citation: 52`
- Conditional Image Synthesis with Auxiliary Classifier GANs (No: 89)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] [Web] - :dart: :octocat: `2016/10` `Conditional adversarial, ICML2017` `AC-GAN` `Citation: 86` `Stars: 287`
- Connecting Generative Adversarial Networks and Actor-Critic Methods (No: 90)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/10` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Citation: 18`
- Learning a Probabilistic Latent Space of Object Shapes via 3D Generative-Adversarial Modeling (No: 245)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :dart: :octocat: `2016/10` `3D` `3D-GAN` `Citation: 99` `Stars: 281`
- Learning in Implicit Generative Models (No: 250)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/10` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Citation: 43`
- Learning to Protect Communications with Adversarial Neural Cryptography (No: 261)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/10` `Applied Other` `Citation: 21`
- Learning What and Where to Draw (No: 262)
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- Contextual RNN-GANs for Abstract Reasoning Diagram Generation (No: 93)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/9` `Applied Vision` `Context-RNN-GAN` `Citation: 6`
- Cooperative Training of Descriptor and Generator Networks (No: 96)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/9` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Citation: 10`
- Energy-based Generative Adversarial Network (No: 129)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :dart: :octocat: `2016/9` `GAN Theory` `EBGAN` `Citation: 158` `Stars: 195`
- Generating Videos with Scene Dynamics (No: 166)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] [Web] - :dart: :octocat: `2016/9` `Video Prediction and Generation` `VGAN` `Citation: 114` `Stars: 504`
- Generative Visual Manipulation on the Natural Image Manifold (No: 195)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :dart: :octocat: `2016/9` `Interactive Image generation` `iGAN` `Citation: 102` `Stars: 2364`
- Learning Temporal Transformations from Time-lapse Videos (No: 489)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2016/9`
- Neural Photo Editing with Introspective Adversarial Networks (No: 294)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2016/9` `Face Generative and Editing` `IAN` `Citation: 37` `Stars: 1608`
- Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network (No: 310)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] [TensorFlow] - :dart: :octocat: `2016/9` `Super-resolution, CVPR 2017` `SRGAN` `Citation: 549` `Stars: 486`
- Sampling Generative Networks (No: 444)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2016/9` `GAN Theory` `Citation: 10` `Stars: 176`
- SeqGAN: Sequence Generative Adversarial Nets with Policy Gradient (No: 348)
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- Full Resolution Image Compression with Recurrent Neural Networks (No: 150)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/8` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 29`
- Image super-resolution through deep learning (No: 217)
- [Search] [Scholar][github] - :dart: `2016/8` `Super-Resolution` `Citation: 553`
- Learning a Driving Simulator (No: 243)
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- Adversarial Training For Sketch Retrieval (No: 35)
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- Semantic Image Inpainting with Deep Generative Models (No: 338)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/7` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 11`
- Semantic Image Inpainting with Perceptual and Contextual Losses (No: 339)
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- Adversarially Learned Inference (No: 38)
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- Conditional Image Generation with PixelCNN Decoders (No: 88)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - :dart: `2016/6` `Citation: 140`
- Coupled Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 98)
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- f-GAN: Training Generative Neural Samplers using Variational Divergence Minimization (No: 143)
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- Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (No: 167)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - :dart: `2016/6` `Citation: 61`
- Improved Techniques for Training GANs (No: 224)
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- Improved Techniques for Training GANs (No: 436)
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- Improving Variational Inference with Inverse Autoregressive Flow (No: 229)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - :dart: `2016/6` `Citation: 82`
- InfoGAN: Interpretable Representation Learning by Information Maximizing Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 231)
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- Adversarial Feature Learning (No: 22)
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- Adversarial Training Methods for Semi-Supervised Text Classification (No: 36)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/5` `Semi-supervised learning, Training` `Citation: 9`
- Generative Adversarial Text to Image Synthesis (No: 184)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :dart: :octocat: `2016/5` `Generation High-Quality Images` `GAN-CLS` `Citation: 368` `Stars: 579`
- Synthesizing the preferred inputs for neurons in neural networks via deep generator networks (No: 376)
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- Unsupervised Learning for Physical Interaction through Video Prediction (No: 416)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - :dart: `2016/5` `Citation: 99`
- VIME: Variational Information Maximizing Exploration (No: 423)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/5` `Citation: 37`
- A General Retraining Framework for Scalable Adversarial Classification (No: 6)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/4` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Citation: 6`
- Context Encoders: Feature Learning by Inpainting (No: 91)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :dart: `2016/4` `Image Inpainting` `Citation: 390`
- Precomputed Real-Time Texture Synthesis with Markovian Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 319)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :dart: `2016/4` `Texture Synthesis & style transfer` `MGAN` `Citation: 74`
- Attend, infer, repeat: Fast scene understanding with generative models (No: 57)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/3` `Citation: 42`
- Generative Image Modeling using Style and Structure Adversarial Networks (No: 188)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :dart: :octocat: `2016/3` `Unclassified` `S^2GAN` `Citation: 133` `Stars: 95`
- Pixel-Level Domain Transfer (No: 313)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :dart: :octocat: `2016/3` `Conditional adversarial` `PixelDTGAN` `Citation: 57` `Stars: 162`
- Generating Images with Perceptual Similarity Metrics based on Deep Networks (No: 163)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - :dart: `2016/2` `Unclassified` `Citation: 168`
- Generating images with recurrent adversarial networks (No: 164)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :dart: :octocat: `2016/2` `Theory & Machine Learning` `GRAN` `Citation: 85` `Stars: 99`
- Practical Black-Box Attacks against Deep Learning Systems using Adversarial Examples (No: 317)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - :dart: `2016/2` `Citation: 170`
- Autoencoding beyond pixels using a learned similarity metric (No: 60)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] [TensorFlow] - :dart: :octocat: `2015/12` `Face Generative and Editing` `VAE-GAN` `Citation: 259` `Stars: 281`
- Adversarial Autoencoders (No: 17)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :dart: :octocat: `2015/11` `Theory & Machine Learning` `AAE` `Citation: 317` `Stars: 130`
- Deep multi-scale video prediction beyond mean square error (No: 115)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :dart: :octocat: `2015/11` `Video Prediction and Generation` `Citation: 330` `Stars: 382`
- Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Learning with Categorical Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 409)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - :dart: `2015/11` `Semi-supervised learning, Augmentation` `CatGAN` `Citation: 154`
- Unsupervised Representation Learning with Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 417)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] [TensorFlow] [PyTorch] [KERAS] - :dart: :octocat: `2015/11` `Generation High-Quality Images` `DCGAN` `Citation: 1713` `Stars: 3400`
- Deep Generative Image Models using a Laplacian Pyramid of Adversarial Networks (No: 113)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :dart: :octocat: `2015/6` `Applied Vision` `LAPGAN` `Citation: 600` `Stars: 547`
- Training generative neural networks via Maximum Mean Discrepancy optimization (No: 397)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - :dart: `2015/5` `Theory & Machine Learning, Training` `Citation: 87`
- Generative Moment Matching Networks (No: 190)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - :dart: `2015/2` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Citation: 177`
- Conditional generative adversarial nets for convolutional face generation (No: 87)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] - :dart: `2014/` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 639`
- Explaining and Harnessing Adversarial Examples (No: 133)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - :dart: `2014/12` `Theory & Machine Learning` `Citation: 987`
- Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 86)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :dart: :octocat: `2014/11` `Conditional adversarial` `CGAN` `Citation: 566` `Stars: 70`
- Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 174)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :dart: :octocat: `2014/6` `The First paper` `GAN` `Citation: 3675` `Stars: 1230`
- Semi-Supervised Learning with Deep Generative Models (No: 347)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - :dart: `2014/6` `Citation: 530`
- Fine-Tuning Neural Patient Question Retrieval Model with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 969)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2018/` `Medical: Enhancement` `Medical`
- 3D Fetal Skull Reconstruction from 2DUS via Deep Conditional Generative Networks (No: 1603)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Reconstruction` `New, MICCAI2018`
- A Cascaded Refinement GAN for Phase Contrast Microscopy Image Super Resolution (No: 1579)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Enhancement` `New, MICCAI2018`
- A Generative-Discriminative Basis Learning Framework to Predict Clinical Severity from Resting State Functional MRI Data (No: 1616)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Diagnosis` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Adversarial and Perceptual Refinement for Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction (No: 1556)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Reconstruction` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Adversarial Deformation Regularization for Training Image Registration Neural Networks (No: 1602)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Deformation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Adversarial Domain Adaptation for?Classification of Prostate Histopathology Whole-Slide Images (No: 1592)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Adaptation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Adversarial Domain Adaptation for?Classification of Prostate Histopathology Whole-Slide Images (No: 1601)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Adaptation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Adversarial Similarity Network for Evaluating Image Alignment in Deep Learning Based Registration (No: 1593)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Registration` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Adversarial Sparse-View CBCT Artifact Reduction (No: 1591)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Reduction` `New, MICCAI2018`
- ASDNet: Attention Based Semi-supervised Deep Networks for Medical Image Segmentation (No: 1596)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Breast Mass Segmentation and Shape Classification in Mammograms Using Deep Neural Networks (No: 1466)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New`
- Btrfly Net: Vertebrae Labelling with Energy-Based Adversarial Learning of Local Spine Prior (No: 1595)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Learning` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Can machine learning assess trunk alignment directly from raw video? (No: 1522)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Survey` `New`
- Cardiac MR Motion Artefact Correction from K-space Using Deep Learning-Based Reconstruction (No: 1557)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Reconstruction` `New, MLMIR 2018`
- Chest X-ray Inpainting with Deep Generative Models (No: 1464)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Inpainting` `New, X-Ray`
- Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Metal Artifact Reduction in CT Images of the Ear (No: 1598)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Synthersize` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Craniomaxillofacial Bony Structures Segmentation from MRI with Deep-Supervision Adversarial Learning (No: 1580)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Deep Adversarial Context-Aware Landmark Detection for Ultrasound Imaging (No: 1597)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Detection` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Deep Generative Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis (No: 1581)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Diagnosis` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Distribution Matching Losses Can Hallucinate Features in Medical Image Translation (No: 1587)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Translation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Dose evaluation of fast synthetic-CT generation using a generative adversarial network for general pelvis MR-only radiotherapy (No: 1540)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2018/9` `Medical: Synthersize` `New, pubMed`
- Entangled Conditional Adversarial Autoencoder for de Novo Drug Discovery (No: 1528)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/9` `Medical: Drug Discovery` `New, pubMed`
- Factorised Spatial Representation Learning: Application in Semi-supervised Myocardial Segmentation (No: 1588)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- GANs for Medical Image Analysis (No: 1504)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Survey` `New`
- Generalizing Deep Models for Ultrasound Image Segmentation (No: 1590)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Generating Highly Realistic Images of Skin Lesions with GANs (No: 1463)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Generating` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Generative Adversarial Network in Medical Imaging: A Review (No: 1513)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Survey` `New, Review`
- Generative Discriminative Models for Multivariate Inference and Statistical Mapping in Medical Imaging (No: 1618)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Synthersize` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Generative Modeling and Inverse Imaging of Cardiac Transmembrane Potential (No: 1614)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Synthersize` `New, MICCAI2018`
- High-Dimensional Bayesian Optimization of Personalized Cardiac Model Parameters via an Embedded Generative Model (No: 1613)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Modeling` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Image Reconstruction by Splitting Deep Learning Regularization from Iterative Inversion (No: 1586)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Reconstruction` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Keep and Learn: Continual Learning by Constraining the Latent Space for Knowledge Preservation in Neural Networks (No: 1609)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Learning` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Learning Interpretable Anatomical Features Through Deep Generative Models: Application to Cardiac Remodeling (No: 1612)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Learning` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Locality Adaptive Multi-modality GANs for High-Quality PET Image Synthesis (No: 1608)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Synthesize` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Multi-channel Generative Adversarial Network for Parallel Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction in K-space (No: 1583)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Reconstruction` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Multi-task SonoEyeNet: Detection of Fetal Standardized Planes Assisted by Generated Sonographer Attention Maps (No: 1585)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Detection` `New, MICCAI2018`
- MuTGAN: Simultaneous Segmentation and Quantification of Myocardial Infarction Without Contrast Agents via Joint Adversarial Learning (No: 1600)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, MICCAI2018` `MuTGAN`
- Representation Learning by Rotating Your Faces (No: 1527)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/9` `Medical: Representation` `New, pubMed`
- Respiratory Motion Modelling Using cGANs (No: 1607)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Modeling` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Retinal Vessel Segmentation under Extreme Low Annotation: A Generative Adversarial Network Approach (No: 1460)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New`
- Retrospective correction of Rigid and Non-Rigid MR motion artifacts using GANs (No: 1505)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Correction` `New, MR`
- Robust Iris Segmentation Based on Fully Convolutional Networks and Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1456)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, SIBGRAPI2018`
- Sparse-View CT Reconstruction Using Wasserstein GANs (No: 1555)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Reconstruction` `New, MLMIR 2018`
- Stochastic Deep Compressive Sensing for the Reconstruction of Diffusion Tensor Cardiac MRI (No: 1611)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Reconstruction` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Structured Deep Generative Model of fMRI Signals for Mental Disorder Diagnosis (No: 1617)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Inference` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Subject2Vec: Generative-Discriminative Approach from a Set of Image Patches to a Vector (No: 1615)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Prediction` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Synthesizing Missing PET from MRI with Cycle-consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for Alzheimer��s Disease Diagnosis (No: 1599)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Synthersize` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Temporal Correlation Structure Learning for MCI Conversion Prediction (No: 1605)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Prediction` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Towards Automatic Report Generation in Spine Radiology Using Weakly Supervised Framework (No: 1604)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Generation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Towards Generating Personalized Volumetric Phantom from Patient��s Surface Geometry (No: 1589)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Generation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Tumor-Aware, Adversarial Domain Adaptation from CT to MRI for Lung Cancer Segmentation (No: 1582)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Uncertainty in Multitask Learning: Joint Representations for Probabilistic MR-only Radiotherapy Planning (No: 1610)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Representation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Unpaired Brain MR-to-CT Synthesis using a Structure-Constrained CycleGAN (No: 1558)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: LD-CT` `New`
- Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Automatic Estimation of Cardiothoracic Ratio (No: 1594)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Adaptation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- VoxelAtlasGAN: 3D Left Ventricle Segmentation on Echocardiography with Atlas Guided Generation and Voxel-to-Voxel Discrimination (No: 1606)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, MICCAI2018` `VoxelAtlasGAN`
- Which Way Round? A Study on the Performance of Stain-Translation for Segmenting Arbitrarily Dyed Histological Images (No: 1584)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- AnatomyNet: Deep 3D Squeeze-and-excitation U-Nets for fast and fully automated whole-volume anatomical segmentation (No: 1524)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `Medical: Segmentation` `New` `AnatomyNet`
- CT Super-resolution GAN Constrained by the Identical, Residual, and Cycle Learning Ensemble(GAN-CIRCLE) (No: 1553)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `Medical: Detection` `New`
- Deep learning: Using machine learning to study biological vision (No: 1521)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `Medical: Synthersize` `New`
- Denoising Adversarial Autoencoders (No: 1535)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/8` `Medical: Synthersize` `New, pubMed`
- Denoising of 3-D Magnetic Resonance Images Using a Residual Encoder-Decoder Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network (No: 1554)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `Medical: Detection` `New, 3D`
- DOPING: Generative Data Augmentation for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with GAN (No: 1433)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `Medical: Detection` `New, Anomaly` `DOPING`
- GAN Lab: Understanding Complex Deep Generative Models using Interactive Visual Experimentation (No: 1536)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/8` `Medical: Survey` `New, pubMed`
- Generative Invertible Networks (GIN): Pathophysiology-Interpretable Feature Mapping and Virtual Patient Generation (No: 1413)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `Medical: Generation` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Realistic in silico generation and augmentation of single cell RNA-seq data using Generative Adversarial Neural Networks (No: 1516)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/8` `Medical: Augmentation` `New`
- Semi-Supervised Generative Adversarial Nets with Multiple Generators for SAR Image Recognition (No: 1537)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/8` `Medical: Recognition` `New, pubMed`
- Spine-GAN: Semantic segmentation of multiple spinal structures (No: 1531)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/8` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, pubMed`
- 3D conditional generative adversarial networks for high-quality PET image estimation at low dose (No: 950)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2018/7` `Medical: Reconstruction` `3D, CT`
- Batch Effect Removal via Batch-Free Encoding (No: 1518)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Synthesize` `New`
- Conditional Infilling GANs for Data Augmentation in Mammogram Classification (No: 1351)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Classification` `New, MICCAI2018`
- Content-Aware Image Restoration: Pushing the Limits of Fluorescence Microscopy (No: 1525)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Restoration\` `New`
- CT Image Enhancement Using Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks and Transfer Learning for Lesion Segmentation Improvement (No: 1341)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Enhancement` `New, MLMI2018`
- Deep Generative Adversarial Neural Networks for Compressive Sensing (GANCS) MRI (No: 1544)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/7` `Medical: MRI` `New, pubMed` `GANCS`
- Fooling the classifier: Ligand antagonism and adversarial examples (No: 1517)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Classification` `New`
- GEESE: Metabolically driven latent space learning for gene expression data (No: 1523)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Gene` `New` `GEESE`
- Generating Realistic Morphologies of Neurons in Rodent Hippocampus with DCGAN (No: 1213)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Synthersize` `bioarXiv` `RH-DCGAN`
- Generating Realistic Morphologies of Neurons in Rodent Hippocampus with DCGAN (No: 1519)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Synthesize` `New`
- Generating Synthetic but Plausible Healthcare Record Datasets (No: 1173)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: EHRR` `MLMH 2018`
- Generative Adversarial Networks for MR-CT Deformable Image Registration (No: 1343)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Synthersize` `New, CT, MR`
- Generative adversarial networks simulate gene expression and predict perturbations in single cells (No: 1515)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Representation` `New`
- High-Resolution Mammogram Synthesis using Progressive Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1164)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Synthersize` `Mammogram`
- Human Sensitivity to Perturbations Constrained by a Model of the Natural Image Manifold (No: 1214)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Synthersize` `bioarXiv`
- Human Sensitivity to Perturbations Constrained by a Model of the Natural Image Manifold (No: 1520)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Synthesize` `New`
- Improving Automatic Skin Lesion Segmentation using Adversarial Learning based Data Augmentation (No: 1357)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Segmentation` `New`
- Improving resolution of MR images with an adversarial network incorporating images with different contrast (No: 1551)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/7` `Medical: Enhancement` `New, pubMed`
- Medical Image Synthesis for Data Augmentation and Anonymization using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1371)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Synthesize` `New, SASHIMI2018`
- Remote sensing image scene classification based on generative adversarial networks (No: 992)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Classification` `Medical`
- Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection Using GANs for Visual Inspection in Noisy Training Data (No: 1177)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Detection` `Anomaly Detection`
- Synthesizing retinal and neuronal images with generative adversarial nets (No: 1547)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/7` `Medical: Cell` `New, pubMed`
- Synthesizing retinal and neuronal images with?generative?adversarial?nets (No: 1216)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Synthersize` `pubMed`
- Unsupervised Learning For Cell-level Visual Representation with Generative AdversarialNetworks (No: 1548)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/7` `Medical: Representation` `New, pubMed`
- Unsupervised Learning For Cell-level Visual Representation with?Generative?AdversarialNetworks (No: 1217)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/7` `Medical: Representation` `pubMed`
- Video Captioning by Adversarial LSTM (No: 1546)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/7` `Medical: Synthersize` `New, pubMed`
- An Effective Image Denoising Method for UAV Images via Improved Generative AdversarialNetworks (No: 1117)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Denoising`
- An Effective Image Denoising Method for UAV Images via Improved Generative AdversarialNetworks (No: 1549)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/6` `Medical: Denoising` `New, pubMed`
- CT-Realistic Lung Nodule Simulation from 3D Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Robust Lung Segmentation (No: 1037)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Segmentation` `3D, MICCAI2018`
- Cycle Consistent Adversarial Denoising Network for Multiphase Coronary CT Angiography (No: 1567)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Reconstruction` `New`
- Digital radiography image denoising using a generative adversarial network (No: 1119)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Denoising`
- EEG-GAN: Generative adversarial networks for electroencephalograhic (EEG) brain signals (No: 1054)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: EEG` `EEG-GAN`
- Efficient Active Learning for Image Classification and Segmentation using a Sample Selection and Conditional Generative Adversarial Network (No: 1030)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Segmentation` `MICCAI2018`
- Exploiting the potential of unlabeled endoscopic video data with self-supervised learning (No: 978)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/6` `Medical: Synthersize` `IJCARS`
- Fully Convolutional Networks and Generative Adversarial Networks Applied to Sclera Segmentation (No: 1307)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, BTAS2018`
- GANViz: A Visual Analytics Approach to Understand the Adversarial Game (No: 1552)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/6` `Medical: Analyze` `New, pubMed` `GANViz`
- GANViz: A Visual Analytics Approach to Understand the?Adversarial?Game. (No: 1219)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Synthersize` `pubMed` `GANViz`
- Generating Synthetic CTs from Magnetic Resonance Images using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1118)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Synthersize`
- Generative adversarial network based telecom fraud detection at the receiving bank (No: 980)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2018/6` `Medical: Classification`
- Generative Adversarial Networks for Image-to-Image Translation on Multi-Contrast MR Images - A Comparison of CycleGAN and UNIT (No: 1016)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Translation`
- Generative Adversarial Networks for Image-to-Image Translation on Multi-Contrast MR Images-A Comparison of CycleGAN and UNIT (No: 1562)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2018/6` `Medical: Translation` `New, MR`
- Generative adversarial networks for reconstructing natural images from brain activity (No: 1212)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Reconstruction` `bioarXiv`
- Image Translation by Domain-Adversarial Training (No: 1543)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/6` `Medical: Translation` `New, pubMed`
- Improving Surgical Training Phantoms by Hyperrealism: Deep Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation from Real Surgeries (No: 1044)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Translation` `Surgical Phantom, MICCAI2018`
- Luigi: Large-scale histopathological image retrieval system using deep texture representations (No: 1055)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Representation` `Luigi`
- MedGAN: Medical Image Translation using GANs (No: 1027)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Translation` `MedGAN`
- Reinforced?Adversarial?Neural Computer for de Novo Molecular Design. (No: 1218)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Synthersize` `pubMed`
- Retinal Image Synthesis for CAD Development (No: 1568)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Synthersize` `New`
- Semantic-Aware Generative Adversarial Nets for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Chest X-ray Segmentation (No: 1561)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, Chest X-ray`
- Task Driven Generative Modeling for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation: Application to X-ray Image Segmentation (No: 1020)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Segmentation` `MICCAI2018`
- Unsupervised Detection of Lesions in Brain MRI using constrained adversarial auto-encoders (No: 1564)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/6` `Medical: Detection` `New`
- 3-D Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network for Low-Dose CT via Transfer Learning From a 2-D Trained Network (No: 1064)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2018/5` `Medical: Synthersize` `New, 3D, LD-CT`
- Adaptive template generation for amyloid PET using a deep learning approach (No: 983)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/5` `Medical: Synthersize` `Medical`
- Capturing Variabilities from Computed Tomography Images with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 955)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Medical: Detection` `ESANN`
- Conditional Generative Adversarial and Convolutional Networks for X-ray Breast Mass Segmentation and Shape Classification (No: 941)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Medical: Segmentation` `MICCAI2018`
- Deep CT to MR Synthesis using Paired and Unpaired Data (No: 962)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Medical: Synthersize` `Medical`
- Deep learning approach to Fourier ptychographic microscopy (No: 1288)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Medical: Improve` `New, Bio`
- Elastic Registration of Medical Images With GANs (No: 889)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Medical: Classification`
- Exploring the Potential of Generative Adversarial Networks for Synthesizing Radiological Images of the Spine to be Used in In Silico Trials. (No: 1121)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/5` `Medical: Synthersize`
- Exploring the Potential of Generative Adversarial Networks for Synthesizing Radiological Images of the Spine to be Used inIn Silico Trials. (No: 967)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/5` `Medical: Synthersize` `Medical`
- GANomaly: Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection via Adversarial Training (No: 1294)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Medical: Detection` `New, Anomaly`
- Generating Continuous Representations of Medical Texts (No: 904)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Medical: Representation`
- High-resolution medical image synthesis using progressively grown generative adversarial networks (No: 893)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Medical: Synthersize` `Super Resolution`
- Improving resolution of MR images with an adversarial network in corporating images with different contrast (No: 975)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2018/5` `Medical: Enhancement` `Medical`
- Learning Data Augmentation for Brain Tumor Segmentation with Coarse-to-Fine Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 957)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Medical: Segmentation` `Augmentation`
- NiftyNet: a deep-learning platform for medical imaging (No: 981)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/5` `Medical: Reconstruction` `Medical` `NiftyNet`
- Optimized generation of high-resolution phantom images using cGAN: Application to quantification of Ki67 breast cancer images (No: 982)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] [Web] - `2018/5` `Medical: Segmentation` `PloS one`
- SegAN: Adversarial Network with Multi-scale L1Loss for Medical Image Segmentation (No: 974)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2018/5` `Medical: Segmentation` `Medical` `SegAN`
- Structure-sensitive Multi-scale Deep Neural Network for Low-Dose CT Denoising (No: 1290)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Medical: LD-CT` `New`
- Synergistic Reconstruction and Synthesis via Generative Adversarial Networks for Accelerated Multi-Contrast MRI (No: 963)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Medical: Reconstruction` `Medical`
- Unsupervisedly Training GANs for Segmenting Digital Pathology with Automatically Generated Annotations (No: 938)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/5` `Medical: Segmentation` `ISBI2019`
- Adversarial Image Registration with Application for MR and TRUS Image Fusion (No: 868)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Synthersize`
- Adversarial training with cycle consistency for unsupervised super-resolution in endomicroscopy (No: 1192)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Enhancement` `Super Resolution`
- Automatic lesion detection and segmentation of 18F-FET PET in gliomas: A full 3D U-Net convolutional neural network study (No: 988)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Segmentation` `Medical`
- Blood Vessel Geometry Synthesis using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 828)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Synthersize`
- Brain MRI super-resolution using 3D generative adversarial networks (No: 1193)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Enhancement` `Super Resolution, MRI, 3D`
- Deformable medical image registration using generative adversarial networks (No: 1063)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Synthersize` `ISBI2018`
- GAN-based synthetic brain MR image generation (No: 1059)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Synthersize` `MR, Brain, ISBI2018`
- Generative Adversarial Networks Conditioned on Brain Activity Reconstruct Seen Images (No: 873)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Reconstruction` `Bio`
- Generative Adversarial Networks to Segment Skin Lesions (No: 1058)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Segmentation` `ISBI2018`
- Generative Adversarial Networks to Synthetically Augment Data for Deep Learning based Image Segmentation (No: 1199)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] - `2018/4` `Medical: Synthersize` `Augmentation`
- Generative Adversarial Training for MRA Image Synthesis Using Multi-Contrast MRI (No: 827)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Synthersize`
- Generative Spatiotemporal Modeling Of Neutrophil Behavior (No: 1062)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Modeling` `ISBI2018`
- High-quality face image generated with conditional boundary equilibrium generative adversarial networks (No: 991)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Synthersize` `Medical`
- Histopathology Stain-Color Normalization Using Generative Neural Networks (No: 1061)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Normalization` `MIDL2018`
- Learning Disentangled Representations of Texts with Application to Biomedical Abstracts (No: 1282)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Representation` `New, EMNLP2018`
- Learning Myelin Content in Multiple Sclerosis from Multimodal MRI through Adversarial Training (No: 851)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Synthersize` `MICCAI2018`
- Low-Dose CT Image Denoising Using a Generative Adversarial Network With Wasserstein Distance and Perceptual Loss (No: 1065)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2018/4` `Medical: Denoising` `LD-CT`
- MelanoGANs: High Resolution Skin Lesion Synthesis with GANs (No: 826)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Synthersize` `MelanoGANs`
- Opportunities and obstacles for deep learning in biology and medicine (No: 990)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Survey` `Medical`
- Semi-supervised learning with generative adversarial networks for chest X-ray classification with ability of data domain adaptation (No: 1056)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Classification` `ISBI2018, Augmentation`
- Siamese Generative Adversarial Privatizer for Biometric Data (No: 857)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Representation` `Bio` `SGAP`
- Stain normalization of histopathology images using generative adversarial networks (No: 1565)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Normalization` `New, ISBI2018`
- StainGAN: Stain Style Transfer for Digital Histological Images (No: 1060)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Classification` `MICCAI 2018`
- Structural inference embedded adversarial networks for scene parsing (No: 985)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Reconstruction` `Medical`
- Teaching data science fundamentals through realistic synthetic clinical cardiovascular data (No: 874)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Clinical` `Bio`
- Unsupervised and semi-supervised learning with Categorical Generative Adversarial Networks assisted by Wasserstein distance for dermoscopy image Classification (No: 822)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Classification`
- Unsupervised Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation of ConvNets for Biomedical Image Segmentations with Adversarial Loss (No: 1560)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/4` `Medical: Segmentation` `New`
- 3D Consistent Biventricular Myocardial Segmentation Using Deep Learning for Mesh Generation (No: 793)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `Medical: Segmentation` `3D`
- Chest x-ray generation and data augmentation for cardiovascular abnormality classification (No: 1001)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `Medical: Classification` `Chest X-Ray, SPIE MI2018, Augmentation`
- Cross-modality image synthesis from unpaired data using CycleGAN: Effects of gradient consistency loss and training data size (No: 948)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `Medical: Detection` `Medical`
- Efficient and Accurate MRI Super-Resolution using a Generative Adversarial Network and 3D Multi-Level Densely Connected Network (No: 746)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `Medical: Enhancement` `3D, MICCAI2018`
- GAN-based Synthetic Medical Image Augmentation for increased CNN Performance in Liver Lesion Classification (No: 747)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `Medical: Synthersize` `Augmentation`
- GAN-based Synthetic Medical Image Augmentation for increased CNN Performance in Liver Lesion Classification (No: 951)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `Medical: Classification` `Augmentation`
- Learning Generative Models of Tissue Organization with Supervised GANs (No: 1529)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/3` `Medical: Generating` `New, pubMed`
- Learning Implicit Brain MRI Manifolds with Deep Learning (No: 1120)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/3` `Medical: Synthersize` `SPIE MI2018`
- Medical Image Synthesis with Deep Convolutional Adversarial Networks (No: 1157)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/3` `Medical: Synthersize`
- MRI2MRI: A deep convolutional network that accurately transforms between brain MRI contrasts (No: 797)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `Medical: Translation` `Bio, MRI` `MRI2MRI`
- Segmentation of Oil Spills on Side-Looking Airborne Radar Imagery with Autoencoders (No: 989)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/3` `Medical: Segmentation` `Medical`
- Splenomegaly segmentation using global convolutional kernels and conditional generative adversarial networks (No: 998)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/3` `Medical: Segmentation` `SPIE MI`
- A conditional adversarial network for semantic segmentation of brain tumor (No: 997)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/2` `Medical: Segmentation` `Medical`
- Brain Tumor Segmentation Using an Adversarial Network (No: 1188)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/2` `Medical: Segmentation`
- CC-GAN A Robust Transfer-Learning Framework for HEp-2 Specimen Image Segmentation (No: 1559)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/2` `Medical: Segmentation` `New`
- CC-GAN: A Robust Transfer-Learning Framework for HEp-2 Specimen Image Segmentation (No: 995)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/2` `Medical: Segmentation` `Medical` `CC-GAN`
- Cross-Modality Synthesis from CT to PET using FCN and GAN Networks for Improved Automated Lesion Detection (No: 696)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2` `Medical: Detection` `CT`
- Enhancing Image Quality via Style Transfer for Single Image Super-Resolution (No: 1002)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/2` `Medical: Enhancement` `Medical`
- Image Synthesis in Multi-Contrast MRI with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 722)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2` `Medical: Synthersize` `MRI`
- Semisupervised and weakly supervised road detection based on generative adversarial networks (No: 994)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/2` `Medical: Detection` `Medical`
- Sharpness-Aware Low-Dose CT Denoising Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Network (No: 970)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2018/2` `Medical: Synthersize` `Medical`
- Translating and Segmenting Multimodal Medical Volumes with Cycle- and Shape-Consistency Generative Adversarial Network (No: 732)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/2` `Medical: Segmentation` `MRI, CVPR 2018`
- Accelerating Science with Generative Adversarial Networks: An Application to 3D Particle Showers in Multilayer Calorimeters (No: 971)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2018/1` `Medical: Reconstruction` `Medical`
- Generative Adversarial Networks: An Overview (No: 999)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2018/1` `Medical: Survey` `Medical`
- MRI Cross-Modality NeuroImage-to-NeuroImage Translation (No: 1257)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1` `Medical: Translation` `New`
- MRI Image-to-Image Translation for Cross-Modality Image Registration and Segmentation (No: 946)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1` `Medical: Segmentation` `Medical`
- Variational Autoencoder: An Unsupervised Model for Modeling and Decoding fMRI Activity in Visual Cortex (No: 597)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/1` `Medical: Synthesize` `BioarXiv`
- 3D Medical Image Synthesis using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 488)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] - `2017/` `Medical: Synthersize` `Medical`
- MR-to-CT Synthesis using Cycle-Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 588)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] - `2017/` `Medical: Synthesize` `Medical`
- Towards Virtual H&E Staining of Hyperspectral Lung Histology Images Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks[ICCV2017 workshop] (No: 396)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] - `2017/` `Medical: Synthersize`
- A survey of image synthesis and editing with generative adversarial networks (No: 1000)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2017/12` `Medical: Synthersize` `Medical`
- Adversarial Synthesis Learning Enables Segmentation Without Target Modality Ground Truth (No: 504)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `Medical: Segmentation`
- DAGAN: Deep De-Aliasing Generative Adversarial Networks for Fast Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction (No: 1076)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [github] [Web] - `2017/12` `Medical: Reconstruction` `MRI` `DAGAN`
- Generalization of Deep Neural Networks for Chest Pathology Classification in X-Rays Using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 159)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `Medical: Classification`
- Generation of structural MR images from amyloid PET: Application to MR-less quantification. (No: 977)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2017/12` `Medical: Synthersize` `Medical`
- Learning to Compose Domain-Specific Transformations for Data Augmentation (No: 986)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2017/12` `Medical: Augmentation` `Augmentation`
- Splenomegaly Segmentation using Global Convolutional Kernels and Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 519)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `Medical: Segmentation` `PubMed`
- Unsupervised Histopathology Image Synthesis (No: 552)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/12` `Medical: Synthersize` `Image Synthersize`
- Deep reinforcement learning for automated radiation adaptation in lung cancer (No: 979)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2017/11` `Medical: Detection` `Medical`
- Disease Prediction from Electronic Health Records Using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 531)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `Medical: EHRR`
- Unsupervised Learning for Cell-level Visual Representation in Histopathology Images with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 415)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `Medical: Classification`
- Unsupervised Reverse Domain Adaptation for Synthetic Medical Images via Adversarial Training (No: 418)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `Medical: Synthersize`
- Visual Feature Attribution using Wasserstein GANs (No: 425)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/11` `Medical: Detection`
- A Generative Model for Volume Rendering (No: 485)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `Medical: Volume Rendering` `Applied Other`
- Adversarial Deep Structured Nets for Mass Segmentation from Mammograms (No: 19)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/10` `Medical: Segmentation` `Stars: 13`
- Biomedical Data Augmentation Using Generative Adversarial Neural Networks (No: 69)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `Medical: Synthersize` `Augmentation` `BDA-GANN`
- End-to-end Adversarial Retinal Image Synthesis (No: 128)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `Medical: Synthersize`
- Generative Adversarial Networks-Based Semi-Supervised Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification (No: 1003)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `Medical: Classification` `Medical`
- How to Fool Radiologists with Generative Adversarial Networks? A Visual Turing Test for Lung Cancer Diagnosis (No: 210)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `Medical: Synthersize` `Applied Vision, Augmentation`
- Accelerated Magnetic Resonance Imaging by Adversarial Neural Network (No: 12)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] - `2017/9` `Medical: Reconstruction`
- Adversarial Image Synthesis for Unpaired Multi-Modal Cardiac Data (No: 27)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] - `2017/9` `Medical: Synthersize`
- Can surgical simulation be used to train detection and classification of neural networks? (No: 984)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2017/9` `Medical: Detection` `Medical`
- Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction using a Generative Adversarial Network with a Cyclic Loss (No: 949)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2017/9` `Medical: Reconstruction` `Medical`
- Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction with Cyclic Loss in Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 82)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `Medical: Reconstruction` `Applied Vision` `RefineGAN` `Citation: 1`
- Deep Adversarial Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation Utilizing Unannotated Images (No: 107)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] - `2017/9` `Medical: Segmentation`
- Depth prediction from a single image with conditional adversarial networks (No: 996)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2017/9` `Medical: Prediction` `Medical`
- Joint Craniomaxillofacial Bone Segmentation and Landmark Digitization by Context-Guided Fully Convolutional Networks (No: 987)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `Medical`
- Joint Optic Disc and Cup Segmentation using Fully Convolutional and Adversarial Networks (No: 1566)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2017/9` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, OMIA2017`
- Semi-supervised Assessment of Incomplete LV Coverage in Cardiac MRI Using Generative Adversarial Nets (No: 344)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] - `2017/9` `Medical: Classification`
- Synthetic Medical Images from Dual Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 377)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `Medical: Synthersize` `Applied Vision, Augmentation`
- Conditional Adversarial Network for Semantic Segmentation of Brain Tumor (No: 83)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `Medical: Segmentation` `Applied Vision`
- Deep Generative Adversarial Neural Networks for Realistic Prostate Lesion MRI Synthesis (No: 112)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `Medical: Synthesize` `Applied Vision`
- Deep MR to CT Synthesis using Unpaired Data (No: 114)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `Medical: Synthersize`
- druGAN: An Advanced Generative Adversarial Autoencoder Model for de Novo Generation of New Molecules with Desired Molecular Properties in Silico. (No: 968)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] [Web] - `2017/8` `Medical: Synthersize` `Medical` `druGAN`
- Low Dose CT Image Denoising Using a Generative Adversarial Network with Wasserstein Distance and Perceptual Loss (No: 269)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/8` `Medical: LD-CT` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 1`
- Sharpness-aware Low dose CT denoising using conditional generative adversarial network (No: 351)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2017/8` `Medical: LD-CT` `Applied Vision` `SAGAN` `Stars: 3`
- Adversarial neural networks for basal membrane segmentation of microinvasive cervix carcinoma in histopathology images (No: 947)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2017/7` `Medical: Segmentation` `ICMLC`
- Adversarial training and dilated convolutions for brain MRI segmentation (No: 34)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Medical: Segmentation`
- Automatic Liver Segmentation Using an Adversarial Image-to-Image Network (No: 61)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Medical: Segmentation` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 1`
- Freehand Ultrasound Image Simulation with Spatially-Conditioned Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 148)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Medical: Synthersize` `Applied Vision`
- Generative adversarial learning for reducing manual annotation in semantic segmentation on large scale miscroscopy images: Automated vessel segmentation in retinal fundus image as test case (No: 1563)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Medical: Segmentation` `New, CVPRW2017`
- Synthesis of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Images via Multi-channel Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) (No: 374)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Medical: Synthersize` `Applied Vision`
- Virtual PET Images from CT Data Using Deep Convolutional Networks: Initial Results (No: 424)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/7` `Medical: Synthersize`
- Deep Generative Adversarial Networks for Compressed Sensing (GANCS) Automates MRI (No: 111)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `Medical: Reconstruction` `Applied Vision` `GANCS` `Citation: 9`
- Real-valued (Medical) Time Series Generation with Recurrent Conditional GANs (No: 321)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `Medical: ICU prediction` `RCGAN`
- Retinal Vessel Segmentation in Fundoscopic Images with Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 330)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/6` `Medical: Segmentation` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 2`
- SegAN: Adversarial Network with Multi-scale L1 Loss for Medical Image Segmentation (No: 335)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2017/6` `Medical: Segmentation` `Theory & Machine Learning` `SegAN` `Citation: 4`
- Synthesizing Filamentary Structured Images with GANs (No: 375)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - `2017/6` `Medical: Synthersize` `Applied Vision` `Fila-GAN`
- Deep De-Aliasing for Fast Compressive Sensing MRI (No: 109)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Medical: Reconstruction`
- Generative Adversarial Networks for Noise Reduction in Low-Dose CT (No: 179)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [Web] - `2017/5` `Medical: LD-CT`
- Generative Adversarial Neural Networks for Pigmented and Non-Pigmented Skin Lesions Detection in Clinical Images (No: 1057)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Medical: Detection` `CSCS2017`
- Unsupervised domain adaptation in brain lesion segmentation with adversarial networks (No: 952)
- [Search] [Scholar][arXiv] - `2017/5` `Medical: Segmentation` `IPMI2017`
- Reconstruction of three-dimensional porous media using generative adversarial neural networks (No: 322)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] [Web] - :octocat: `2017/4` `Medical: Reconstruction` `3D` `Citation: 6` `Stars: 19`
- Generating Multi-label Discrete Electronic Health Records using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 165)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/3` `Medical: EHRR` `Applied Other` `MedGAN` `Citation: 5`
- SCAN: Structure Correcting Adversarial Network for Organ Segmentation in Chest X-rays (No: 334)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/3` `Medical: Segmentation` `Citation: 6`
- Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Generative Adversarial Networks to Guide Marker Discovery (No: 410)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/3` `Medical: Detection` `Applied Vision` `AnoGAN` `Citation: 6`
- Adversarial Networks for the Detection of Aggressive Prostate Cancer (No: 30)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/2` `Medical: Detection` `Applied Vision` `Citation: 3`
- Generative adversarial networks for brain lesion detection (No: 177)
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- The cornucopia of meaningful leads: Applying deep adversarial autoencoders for new molecule development in oncology (No: 976)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [Web] - `2017/2` `Medical: Reconstruction` `Medical`
- Towards Adversarial Retinal Image Synthesis (No: 389)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/1` `Medical: Synthersize` `Applied Vision`
- Medical Image Synthesis with Context-Aware Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 276)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2016/12` `Medical: Synthersize`
- Augmented Cyclic Adversarial Learning for Domain Adaptation (No: 1185)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2018/7` `Augmentation`
- Improving brain computer interface performance by data augmentation with conditional Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1023)
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- Learning Data Augmentation for Brain Tumor Segmentation with Coarse-to-Fine Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 957)
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- Correlated discrete data generation using adversarial training (No: 809)
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- Semi-supervised learning with generative adversarial networks for chest X-ray classification with ability of data domain adaptation (No: 1056)
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- BAGAN: Data Augmentation with Balancing GAN (No: 787)
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- Chest x-ray generation and data augmentation for cardiovascular abnormality classification (No: 1001)
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- Data Augmentation in Deep Learning using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 1198)
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- Digital Signal Modulation Classification With Data Augmentation Using Generative Adversarial Nets in Cognitive Radio Networks (No: 1066)
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- GAN-based Synthetic Medical Image Augmentation for increased CNN Performance in Liver Lesion Classification (No: 747)
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- GAN-based Synthetic Medical Image Augmentation for increased CNN Performance in Liver Lesion Classification (No: 951)
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- DA-GAN: Instance-level Image Translation by Deep Attention Generative Adversarial Networks (with Supplementary Materials) (No: 702)
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- Synthetic Data Augmentation using GAN for Improved Liver Lesion Classification (No: 581)
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- Learning to Compose Domain-Specific Transformations for Data Augmentation (No: 986)
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- The Effectiveness of Data Augmentation in Image Classification using Deep Learning (No: 1196)
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- Data Augmentation Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 104)
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- Data Augmentation in Classification using GAN (No: 105)
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- Data Augmentation in Emotion Classification Using Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 455)
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- A Bayesian Data Augmentation Approach for Learning Deep Models (No: 1163)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `Augmentation`
- Biomedical Data Augmentation Using Generative Adversarial Neural Networks (No: 69)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `Medical: Synthersize` `Augmentation` `BDA-GANN`
- How to Fool Radiologists with Generative Adversarial Networks? A Visual Turing Test for Lung Cancer Diagnosis (No: 210)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/10` `Medical: Synthersize` `Applied Vision, Augmentation`
- Synthetic Medical Images from Dual Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 377)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/9` `Medical: Synthersize` `Applied Vision, Augmentation`
- Generative Cooperative Net for Image Generation and Data Augmentation (No: 186)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - `2017/5` `Augmentation`
- Unlabeled Samples Generated by GAN Improve the Person Re-identification Baseline in vitro (No: 405)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] - :octocat: `2017/1` `Augmentation, Classification` `Person-reID_GAN` `Citation: 35` `Stars: 89`
- Learning from Simulated and Unsupervised Images through Adversarial Training (No: 249)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] [github] [TensorFlow] - :dart: :octocat: `2016/12` `Augmentation, CVPR 2017, Best` `SimGAN` `Citation: 80` `Stars: 264`
- Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Learning with Categorical Generative Adversarial Networks (No: 409)
- [Search] [Scholar][PDF] [arXiv] - :dart: `2015/11` `Semi-supervised learning, Augmentation` `CatGAN` `Citation: 154`